vxvol reclaim

vxvol [-g<DynamicDiskGroupName>] [-b] reclaim<VolumeName|DriveLetter|VmName|DrivePath>

Reclaim storage space from a volume. (Portion of volume must reside on a thin provisioned disk.)

The following attributes apply:


Name of dynamic disk group. (Needed only if you use the internal disk name of the volume.)


Run the command in the background.


The path name of the volume, such as \Device\HarddiskDmVolumes\DG1\Volume1


Drive letter of the volume.


The internal disk name of the volume, which requires the -g option (for example, -gDG1 Volume2).


Drive path that the volume is mounted on. (Must be an empty folder on a local NTFS volume.)


The operation to reclaim storage from thin provisioned disks is not supported for RAID-5 volumes.


The reclaim storage operation is disabled during a shrink volume operation. The reclaim storage operation is enabled when the shrink volume operation has completed.


vxvol -gDG1 reclaim Volume1

This command reclaims space from volume with internal name Volume1.