

vxfs_ap_enumerate - return information about all allocation policies


For 32-bit applications:

cc -I /opt/VRTS/include -L /opt/VRTS/lib

-l vxfsutil -ldl

For 64-bit applications:

cc -I /opt/VRTS/include -L /opt/VRTS/lib/64

-l vxfsutil -ldld

For both applications:

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <vxfsutil.h>

int vxfs_ap_enumerate(int fd, int *countp, struct fsap_info *infop);




vxfs_ap_enumerate() fills the array of fsap_info structures with information on the allocation policies for the specified file system. The file descriptor fd must be the mount point of the file system. Upon entry, *countp contains the number of structures in the array pointed to by infop. On return, *countp is updated with the number of records that were filled in. If the error E2BIG is returned, *countp will contain the minimum number of records necessary for the call to succeed.

struct fsap_info { char ap_name[FSAP_NAMESZ]; uint32_t ap_flags; uint32_t ap_order; uint32_t ap_ndevs; char ap_devs[FSAP_MAXDEVS][FSDEV_NAMESZ]; };

To use this function, specify -l vxfsutil while linking. Specify the /opt/VRTSfssdk/5.0/lib directory for 32-bit executables, or the /opt/VRTSfssdk/5.0/lib/64 directory for 64-bit executables.

If the LIBVXFSUTIL_DLL_PATH environment variable is defined, it should be set to the name of the vxfsutil.so file, such as ~/mylib/vxfsutil.so. If undefined, this variable is assumed to point to the 32-bit and 64-bit vxfsutil.so files, /opt/VRTSvxfs/lib/vxfsutil.so and /opt/VRTSvxfs/lib/64/vxfsutil.so, respectively.


This API supports file system versions 6.0 and above.


vxfs_ap_enumerate() returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.


E2BIG The amount of data to return is too large to fit in the specified array.
EFAULT One or more of the specified pointer arguments points to an illegal address.


vxfs_ap_assign_ckpt(3), vxfs_ap_assign_file(3), vxfs_ap_assign_fs(3), vxfs_ap_define(3), vxfs_ap_remove(3), vxfs_ap_enforce_file(3), vxfs_ap_enumerate(3), vxfs_ap_query(3), vxfs_ap_query_ckpt(3), vxfs_ap_query_file(3), vxfs_ap_query_fs(3), vxfs_vol_add(3), vxfs_vol_deencapsulate(3), vxfs_vol_encapsulate(3), vxfs_vol_remove(3), vxfs_vol_resize(3), vxfs_vol_stat(3)

VxFS 7.2 vxfs_ap_enumerate(3)