Setting up the primary node for deploying Oracle

The following example procedures are for the Linux platform.

To set up the primary node

  1. Create a disk group on the primary node.
    # vxdg init vvrdg sdag sdah sdai sdaj
  2. Create a data volume on the primary node.
    # vxassist -g vvrdg make datavol 4500M sdag
  3. Create an archive log volume on the primary node.
    # vxassist -g vvrdg make archvol 4500M sdah
  4. Create and mount file systems for the data volume and the archive log volume.
    # mkfs -t vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/vvrdg/datavol 
    # mkdir /data 
    # mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/vvrdg/datavol /data
    # mkfs -t vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/vvrdg/archvol 
    # mkdir /arch
    # mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/vvrdg/archvol /arch
  5. Assign the ownership of the data volume and the archive log volume to the Oracle user.
    # chown ora11gr2:dba /data /arch
  6. Create SRLs (Storage Replicator Logs) for the data volume and the archive log volume on disks that do not have other volumes on them.
    # vxassist -g vvrdg make datavol_srl 4500M sdai
    # vxassist -g vvrdg make archvol_srl 4500M sdaj