Creating a data volume container

Create a data volume container from a VxFS mount point or a VxVM volume. The data volume container is a directory on the VxFS file system on the host node. You can export volumes from the data volume container to other containers on the node.

To create a data volume container:

  1. Create a VxFS directory /dockervol on the host node.

    # vxdg init dockerdg hitachi_vsp0_03f1 hitachi_vsp0_03f2

    # vxassist -g dockerdg make dockervol 1G

    # mkfs -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/dockerdg/dockervol

    # mkdir /dockervol

    # mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/dockerdg/dockervol /dockervol

  2. Create a data volume container.

    # docker run -it -v /dockervol:/dockervol --name datavolumecontainer rhel7 /bin/true

  3. Create another data volume container and use the data volumes from the first data volume container.

    # docker run -it --volumes-from datavolumecontainer --name datavolumecontainer1 rhel7 /bin/bash