Add host options

Use this wizard panel to specify options to add a managed host to Management Server.

Selecting the agent or agentless configuration option will display different options for adding the managed host.

You can also use this wizard panel to add multiple hosts at once by importing the information from a comma-separated (.csv) file from a specified location. The CSV file must include the ".csv" extension. You can use the manual host specification and the CSV file simultaneously to add hosts.

The following is an example of a CSV file that includes user names and passwords for each host:


The first line in the CSV file must appear as above. You can replace the subsequent lines with your hosts, user names, and passwords.

For agentless configuration, the CSV file cannot contain both UNIX and Windows hosts.


The discovery mode (SSH or WMI) must be consistent with the types of hosts you specify in the CSV file. You must specify SSH for UNIX hosts and WMI for Windows hosts.

Table: Add host wizard panel options for agent configuration



Add entries

Lets you manually specify more than one host to add.

Add VMs

Displays all discovered virtual machines found using VCenter configuration. If agents are present on the virtual machines , you can select and populate the entries.


Enter host name or IP address that you can use to reach the managed host from Management Server.

User name

Enter user name with administrator rights.


Enter password to log on to the managed host.

Table: Add host wizard panel options for agentless configuration



Discovery Mode

Lets you filter the Control Host field by discovery mode.

SSH should be used for adding UNIX host(s) and WMI should be used for adding Windows host(s).

Control Host

Control Host through which the agentless host(s) is being discovered.

Windows agentless hosts can only be discovered by Windows Control Hosts.

Add entries

Lets you manually specify more than one host to add.


Enter host name or IP address that you can use to reach the managed host from Management Server.

User name

Enter user name with administrator rights.


Enter password to log on to the managed host.


Lets you specify type and location of privilege control software to use on the agentless host(s).

More Information

Adding the managed hosts to Management Server using the Web console