
 Basic information
Release type: Patch
Release date: 2016-07-08
OS update support: RHEL6 x86-64 Update 8
Technote: None
Documentation: None
Popularity: 11635 viewed    downloaded
Download size: 41.21 MB
Checksum: 1296591028

 Applies to one or more of the following products:
VirtualStore 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64
Cluster Server 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64
Dynamic Multi-Pathing 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64
Storage Foundation 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64
Storage Foundation Cluster File System 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64
Storage Foundation HA 6.0.1 On RHEL6 x86-64

 Obsolete patches, incompatibilities, superseded patches, or other requirements:

 Fixes the following incidents:
2705336, 2912412, 2927359, 2928921, 2933290, 2933291, 2933292, 2933294, 2933296, 2933300, 2933309, 2933313, 2933330, 2933333, 2933335, 2933571, 2933729, 2933751, 2933754, 2933822, 2933827, 2937367, 2949033, 2972674, 2976664, 2978227, 2978234, 2982161, 2983739, 2984589, 2987373, 2988749, 2999566, 3008450, 3027250, 3040130, 3056103, 3059000, 3100385, 3108176, 3248029, 3248031, 3248042, 3248046, 3248054, 3296988, 3310758, 3317118, 3338024, 3338026, 3338030, 3338063, 3338750, 3338762, 3338776, 3338779, 3338780, 3338781, 3338787, 3338790, 3339230, 3339884, 3339949, 3339963, 3339964, 3340029, 3340031, 3348459, 3349652, 3351939, 3351946, 3351947, 3356841, 3356845, 3356892, 3356895, 3356909, 3357264, 3357278, 3359278, 3364285, 3364289, 3364302, 3364305, 3364307, 3364311, 3364317, 3364333, 3364335, 3364338, 3364349, 3364353, 3364355, 3369037, 3369039, 3370650, 3372896, 3372909, 3380905, 3381928, 3383150, 3383271, 3384781, 3396539, 3399337, 3402484, 3405172, 3409692, 3411725, 3426009, 3429587, 3430687, 3436393, 3468413, 3469683, 3496715, 3498950, 3498954, 3498963, 3498976, 3498978, 3498998, 3499005, 3499008, 3499011, 3499014, 3499030, 3501358, 3502662, 3514824, 3515559, 3515569, 3515588, 3515737, 3515739, 3516604, 3516607, 3517702, 3517707, 3521727, 3526501, 3531332, 3540777, 3552411, 3557193, 3567855, 3579957, 3581566, 3584297, 3588236, 3590573, 3595894, 3597454, 3597560, 3600161, 3603811, 3612059, 3612801, 3621240, 3622069, 3622423, 3632969, 3638039, 3648603, 3651859, 3654163, 3673958, 3678626, 3682640, 3690056, 3690795, 3713320, 3726112, 3737823, 3749188, 3774137, 3780978, 3788751, 3796596, 3796626, 3796630, 3796633, 3796637, 3796644, 3796652, 3796664, 3796666, 3796671, 3796676, 3796684, 3796687, 3796727, 3796731, 3796733, 3796745, 3799809, 3799822, 3799999, 3800394, 3800396, 3800449, 3800452, 3800738, 3800788, 3801225, 3805243, 3805902, 3805938, 3806808, 3807761, 3816233, 3821416, 3825466, 3826918, 3829273, 3832703, 3832705, 3835367, 3835662, 3836923, 3837711, 3837712, 3837713, 3837715, 3841220, 3843470, 3843734, 3845273, 3848508, 3851967, 3852297, 3852512, 3861518, 3862350, 3862425, 3862435, 3864139, 3864751, 3866970, 3868426, 3889559, 3889610, 3890032

 Patch ID:

Readme file
                          * * * READ ME * * *
            * * * Veritas Storage Foundation HA 6.0.5 * * *
                      * * * Patch * * *
                         Patch Date: 2016-07-06

This document provides the following information:


Veritas Storage Foundation HA 6.0.5 Patch

RHEL6 x86-64


   * Symantec VirtualStore 6.0.1
   * Veritas Cluster Server 6.0.1
   * Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing 6.0.1
   * Veritas Storage Foundation 6.0.1
   * Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System HA 6.0.1
   * Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 6.0.1
   * Veritas Storage Foundation HA 6.0.1

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.400
* 2927359 (2927357) Assert hit in internal testing.
* 2933300 (2933297) Compression support for the dedup ioctl.
* 2972674 (2244932) Internal assert failure during testing.
* 3040130 (3137886) Thin Provisioning Logging does not work for reclaim
operations triggered via fsadm command.
* 3248031 (2628207) Full fsck operation taking long time.
* 3682640 (3637636) Cluster File System (CFS) node initialization and protocol upgrade may hang
during the rolling upgrade.
* 3690056 (3689354) Users having write permission on file cannot open the file
with O_TRUNC if the file has setuid or setgid bit set.
* 3726112 (3704478) The library routine to get the mount point, fails to return
mount point of root file system.
* 3796626 (3762125) Directory size increases abnormally.
* 3796630 (3736398) NULL pointer dereference panic in lazy unmount.
* 3796633 (3729158) Deadlock occurs due to incorrect locking order between write advise and dalloc flusher thread.
* 3796637 (3574404) Stack overflow during rename operation.
* 3796644 (3269553) VxFS returns inappropriate message for read of hole via 
Oracle Disk Manager (ODM).
* 3796652 (3686438) NMI panic in the vx_fsq_flush function.
* 3796664 (3444154) Reading from a de-duped file-system over NFS can result in data corruption seen 
on the NFS client.
* 3796671 (3596378) The copy of a large number of small files is slower on vxfs
compared to ext4
* 3796676 (3615850) Write system call hangs with invalid buffer length
* 3796684 (3601198) Replication makes the copies of 64-bit external quota files too.
* 3796687 (3604071) High CPU usage consumed by the vxfs thread process.
* 3796727 (3617191) Checkpoint creation takes a lot of time.
* 3796731 (3558087) The ls -l and other commands which uses stat system call may
take long time to complete.
* 3796733 (3695367) Unable to remove volume from multi-volume VxFS using "fsvoladm" command.
* 3796745 (3667824) System panicked while delayed allocation(dalloc) flushing.
* 3799999 (3602322) System panics while flushing the dirty pages of the inode.
* 3821416 (3817734) Direct command to run  fsck with -y|Y option was mentioned in
the message displayed to user when file system mount fails.
* 3843470 (3867131) Kernel panic in internal testing.
* 3843734 (3812914) On RHEL 6.5 and RHEL 6.4 latest kernel patch, umount(8) system call hangs if an
application watches for inode events using inotify(7) APIs.
* 3848508 (3867128) Assert failed in internal native AIO testing.
* 3851967 (3852324) Assert failure during internal stress testing.
* 3852297 (3553328) During internal testing full fsck failed to clean the file
system cleanly.
* 3852512 (3846521) "cp -p" fails if modification time in nano seconds have 10 
* 3861518 (3549057) The "relatime" mount option is shown in /proc/mounts but it is
not supported by VxFS.
* 3862350 (3853338) Files on VxFS are corrupted while running the sequential
asynchronous write workload under high memory pressure.
* 3862425 (3859032) System panics in vx_tflush_map() due to NULL pointer 
* 3862435 (3833816) Read returns stale data on one node of the CFS.
* 3864139 (3869174) Write system call deadlock on rhel5 and sles10.
* 3864751 (3867147) Assert failed in internal dedup testing.
* 3866970 (3866962) Data corruption seen when dalloc writes are going on the file and 
simultaneously fsync started on the same file.
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.200
* 3622423 (3250239) Panic in vx_naio_worker
* 3673958 (3660422) On RHEL 6.6, umount(8) system call hangs if an application is watching for inode
events using inotify(7) APIs.
* 3678626 (3613048) Support vectored AIO on Linux
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.100
* 3409692 (3402618) The mmap read performance on VxFS is slow
* 3426009 (3412667) The RHEL 6 system panics with Stack Overflow.
* 3469683 (3469681) File system is disabled while free space defragmentation is going on.
* 3498950 (3356947) When there are multi-threaded writes with fsync calls between them, VxFS becomes slow.
* 3498954 (3352883) During the rename operation, lots of nfsd threads hang.
* 3498963 (3396959) RHEL 6.4 system panics with stack overflow errors due to memory pressure.
* 3498976 (3434811) The vxfsconvert(1M) in VxFS 6.1 hangs.
* 3498978 (3424564) fsppadm fails with ENODEV and "file is encrypted or is not a 
database" errors
* 3498998 (3466020) File System is corrupted with error message "vx_direrr: vx_dexh_keycheck_1"
* 3499005 (3469644) System panics in the vx_logbuf_clean() function.
* 3499008 (3484336) The fidtovp() system call can panic in the vx_itryhold_locked () function.
* 3499011 (3486726) VFR logs too much data on the target node.
* 3499014 (3471245) The mongodb fails to insert any record.
* 3499030 (3484353) The file system may hang with a partitioned directory feature enabled.
* 3514824 (3443430) Fsck allocates too much memory.
* 3515559 (3498048) while the system is making backup, the Als AlA command on the same file system may hang.
* 3515569 (3430461) The nested unmounts fail if the parent file system is disabled.
* 3515588 (3294074) System call fsetxattr() is slower on Veritas File System (VxFS) than ext3 file system.
* 3515737 (3511232) Stack overflow causes kernel panic in the vx_write_alloc() function.
* 3515739 (3510796) System panics when VxFS cleans the inode chunks.
* 3517702 (3517699) Return code 240 for command fsfreeze(1M) is not documented in man page for fsfreeze.
* 3517707 (3093821) The system panics due to referring freed super block after the vx_unmount() function errors.
* 3557193 (3473390) Multiple stack overflows with VxFS on RHEL6 lead to panics/system crashes.
* 3567855 (3567854) On VxFS 6.0.5, the vxedquota(1M) and vxrepquota(1M) commands fail in certain scenarios.
* 3579957 (3233315) "fsck" utility dumps core, with full scan.
* 3581566 (3560968) The delicache_enable tunable is not persistent in the Cluster File System (CFS) environment.
* 3584297 (3583930) While external quota file is restored or over-written, old quota records are preserved.
* 3588236 (3604007) Stack overflow on SLES11
* 3590573 (3331010) Command fsck(1M) dumped core with segmentation fault
* 3595894 (3595896) While creating the OracleRAC database, the node panics.
* 3597454 (3602386) vfradmin man page shows the incorrect info about default
behavior of -d option
* 3597560 (3597482) The pwrite(2) function fails with the EOPNOTSUPP error.
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.000
* 2705336 (2059611) The system panics due to a NULL pointer dereference while
flushing bitmaps to the disk.
* 2978234 (2972183) The fsppadm(1M) enforce command takes a long time on the secondary nodes
compared to the primary nodes.
* 2982161 (2982157) During internal testing, the Af:vx_trancommit:4A debug asset was hit when the available transaction space is lesser than required.
* 2999566 (2999560) The 'fsvoladm'(1M) command fails to clear the 'metadataok' flag on a volume.
* 3027250 (3031901) The 'vxtunefs(1M)' command accepts the garbage value for the 'max_buf_dat_size' tunable.
* 3056103 (3197901) prevent duplicate symbol in VxFS libvxfspriv.a and 
* 3059000 (3046983) Invalid CFS node number in ".__fsppadm_fclextract", causes the DST policy 
enforcement failure.
* 3108176 (2667658) The 'fscdsconv endian' conversion operation fails because of a macro overflow.
* 3248029 (2439261) When the vx_fiostats_tunable value is changed from zero to
non-zero, the system panics.
* 3248042 (3072036) Read operations from secondary node in CFS can sometimes fail with the ENXIO 
error code.
* 3248046 (3092114) The information output displayed by the "df -i" command may be inaccurate for 
cluster mounted file systems.
* 3248054 (3153919) The fsadm (1M) command may hang when the structural file set re-organization is 
in progress.
* 3296988 (2977035) A debug assert issue was encountered in vx_dircompact() function while running an internal noise test in the Cluster File System (CFS) environment
* 3310758 (3310755) Internal testing hits a debug assert Avx_rcq_badrecord:9:corruptfsA.
* 3317118 (3317116) Internal command conformance text for mount command on RHEL6 Update4 hit debug assert inside the vx_get_sb_impl()function.
* 3338024 (3297840) A metadata corruption is found during the file removal process.
* 3338026 (3331419) System panic because of kernel stack overflow.
* 3338030 (3335272) The mkfs (make file system) command dumps core when the log 
size provided is not aligned.
* 3338063 (3332902) While shutting down, the system running the fsclustadm(1M)
command panics.
* 3338750 (2414266) The fallocate(2) system call fails on Veritas File System (VxFS) file systems in
the Linux environment.
* 3338762 (3096834) Intermittent vx_disable messages are displayed in the system log.
* 3338776 (3224101) After you enable the optimization for updating the i_size across the cluster
nodes lazily, the system panics.
* 3338779 (3252983) On a high-end system greater than or equal to 48 CPUs, some file system operations may hang.
* 3338780 (3253210) File system hangs when it reaches the space limitation.
* 3338781 (3249958) When the /usr file system is mounted as a separate file 
system, Veritas File system (VxFS) fails to load.
* 3338787 (3261462) File system with size greater than 16TB corrupts with vx_mapbad messages in the system log.
* 3338790 (3233284) FSCK binary hangs while checking Reference Count Table (RCT.
* 3339230 (3308673) A fragmented file system is disabled when delayed allocations
feature is enabled.
* 3339884 (1949445) System is unresponsive when files were created on large directory.
* 3339949 (3271892) Veritas File Replicator (VFR) jobs fail if the same Process
ID (PID) is associated with the multiple jobs working on different target file
* 3339963 (3071622) On SLES10, bcopy(3) with overlapping address does not work.
* 3339964 (3313756) The file replication daemon exits unexpectedly and dumps core
on the target side.
* 3340029 (3298041) With the delayed allocation feature enabled on a locally 
mounted file system, observable performance degradation might be experienced 
when writing to a file and extending the file size.
* 3340031 (3337806) The find(1) command may panic the systems with Linux kernels
with versions greater than 3.0.
* 3348459 (3274048) VxFS hangs when it requests a cluster-wide grant on an inode while holding a lock on the inode.
* 3351939 (3351937) Command vfradmin(1M) may fail while promoting job on locally
mounted VxFS file system due to "relatime" mount option.
* 3351946 (3194635) The internal stress test on a locally mounted file system exited with an error message.
* 3351947 (3164418) Internal stress test on locally mounted VxFS filesytem results in data corruption in no space on device scenario while doing spilt on Zero Fill-On-Demand(ZFOD) extent
* 3359278 (3364290) The kernel may panic in Veritas File System (VxFS) when it is
internally working on reference count queue (RCQ) record.
* 3364285 (3364282) The fsck(1M) command  fails to correct inode list file
* 3364289 (3364287) Debug assert may be hit in the vx_real_unshare() function in the cluster environment.
* 3364302 (3364301) Assert failure because of improper handling of inode lock while truncating a reorg inode.
* 3364305 (3364303) Internal stress test on a locally mounted file system hits a debug assert in VxFS File Device Driver (FDD).
* 3364307 (3364306) Stack overflow seen in extent allocation code path.
* 3364317 (3364312) The fsadm(1M) command is unresponsive while processing the VX_FSADM_REORGLK_MSG message.
* 3364333 (3312897) System can hang when the Cluster File System (CFS) primary node is disabled.
* 3364335 (3331109) The full fsck does not repair the corrupted reference count queue (RCQ) record.
* 3364338 (3331045) Kernel Oops in unlock code of map while referring freed mlink due to a race with iodone routine for delayed writes.
* 3364349 (3359200) Internal test on Veritas File System (VxFS) fsdedup(1M) feature in cluster file system environment results in
a hang.
* 3364353 (3331047) Memory leak occurs in the vx_followlink() function in error condition.
* 3364355 (3263336) Internal noise test on cluster file system hits the "f:vx_cwfrz_wait:2" and "f:vx_osdep_msgprint:panic" debug asserts.
* 3369037 (3349651) VxFS modules fail to load on RHEL6.5
* 3369039 (3350804) System panic on RHEL6 due to kernel stack overflow corruption.
* 3370650 (2735912) The performance of tier relocation using the fsppadm(1M)
enforce command degrades while migrating a large number of files.
* 3372896 (3352059) High memory usage occurs when VxFS uses Veritas File Replicator (VFR) on the target even when no jobs are running.
* 3372909 (3274592) Internal noise test on cluster file system is unresponsive while executing the fsadm(1M) command
* 3380905 (3291635) Internal testing found debug assert Avx_freeze_block_threads_all:7cA on locally mounted file systems while processing preambles for transactions.
* 3381928 (3444771) Internal noise test on cluster file system hits debug assert
while creating a file.
* 3383150 (3383147) The ACA operator precedence error may occur while turning off
delayed allocation.
* 3383271 (3433786) The vxedquota(1M) command fails to set quota limits  for some users.
* 3396539 (3331093) Issue with MountAgent Process for vxfs. While doing repeated
switchover on HP-UX, MountAgent got stuck.
* 3402484 (3394803) A panic is observed in VxFS routine vx_upgrade7() function
while running the vxupgrade command(1M).
* 3405172 (3436699) An assert failure occurs because of a race condition between clone mount thread and directory removal thread while pushing data on clone.
* 3411725 (3415639) The type of the fsdedupadm(1M) command always shows as MANUAL even it is launched by the fsdedupschd daemon.
* 3429587 (3463464) Internal kernel functionality conformance test hits a kernel panic due to null pointer dereference.
* 3430687 (3444775) Internal noise testing on cluster file system results in a kernel panic in function vx_fsadm_query() with an error message.
* 3436393 (3462694) The fsdedupadm(1M) command fails with error code 9 when it
tries to mount checkpoints on a cluster.
* 3468413 (3465035) The VRTSvxfs and VRTSfsadv packages displays  incorrect "Provides" list.
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.300
* 3384781 (3384775) Installing patch on RHEL 6.4  or earlier RHEL 6.* versions fails with ERROR: 
No appropriate modules found.
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.200
* 3349652 (3349651) VxFS modules fail to load on RHEL6.5
* 3356841 (2059611) The system panics due to a NULL pointer dereference while
flushing bitmaps to the disk.
* 3356845 (3331419) System panic because of kernel stack overflow.
* 3356892 (3259634) A Cluster File System (CFS) with blocks larger than 4GB may
become corrupt.
* 3356895 (3253210) File system hangs when it reaches the space limitation.
* 3356909 (3335272) The mkfs (make file system) command dumps core when the log 
size provided is not aligned.
* 3357264 (3350804) System panic on RHEL6 due to kernel stack overflow corruption.
* 3357278 (3340286) After a file system is resized, the tunable setting of
dalloc_enable gets reset to a default value.
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.100
* 3100385 (3369020) The Veritas File System (VxFS) module fails to load in the
RHEL 6 Update 4 environment.
Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.000
* 2912412 (2857629) File system corruption can occur requiring a full fsck(1M) 
after cluster reconfiguration.
* 2928921 (2843635) Internal testing is having some failures.
* 2933290 (2756779) The code is modified to improve the fix for the read and write performance
concerns on Cluster File System (CFS) when it runs applications that rely on
the POSIX file-record using the fcntl lock.
* 2933291 (2806466) A reclaim operation on a file system that is mounted on a
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) may panic the system.
* 2933292 (2895743) Accessing named attributes for some files stored in CFS seems to be slow.
* 2933294 (2750860) Performance of the write operation with small request size
may degrade on a large file system.
* 2933296 (2923105) Removal of the VxFS module from the kernel takes a longer time.
* 2933309 (2858683) Reserve extent attributes changed after vxrestore, for files greater than 
* 2933313 (2841059) full fsck fails to clear the corruption in attribute inode 15
* 2933330 (2773383) The read and write operations on a memory mapped files are
* 2933333 (2893551) The file attribute value is replaced with question mark symbols when the 
Network File System (NFS) connections experience a high load.
* 2933335 (2641438) After a system is restarted, the modifications that are performed on the 
username space-extended attributes are lost.
* 2933571 (2417858) VxFS quotas do not support 64 bit limits.
* 2933729 (2611279) Filesystem with shared extents may panic.
* 2933751 (2916691) Customer experiencing hangs when doing dedups
* 2933822 (2624262) Filestore:Dedup:fsdedup.bin hit oops at vx_bc_do_brelse
* 2937367 (2923867) Internal test hits an assert "f:xted_set_msg_pri1:1".
* 2976664 (2906018) The vx_iread errors are displayed after successful log replay and mount of the 
file system.
* 2978227 (2857751) The internal testing hits the assert "f:vx_cbdnlc_enter:1a".
* 2983739 (2857731) Internal testing hits an assert "f:vx_mapdeinit:1"
* 2984589 (2977697) A core dump is generated while you are removing the clone.
* 2987373 (2881211) File ACLs not preserved in checkpoints properly if file has hardlink.
* 2988749 (2821152) Internal Stress test hit an assert "f:vx_dio_physio:4, 1" on
locally mounter file system.
* 3008450 (3004466) Installation of 5.1SP1RP3 fails on RHEL 6.3
Patch ID: VRTSamf-6.0.500.100
* 3749188 (3749172) Lazy un-mount of VxFS file system causes node panic
Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.400
* 3889559 (3889541) While Performing Root-Disk Encapsulation, After Splitting the mirrored-root 
disk, Grub Entry of Split_Mirror_dg_disk is having incorrect hd number.
Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.300-RHEL6
* 3496715 (3281004) For DMP minimum queue I/O policy with large number of CPUs a couple of issues 
are observed.
* 3501358 (3399323) The reconfiguration of Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) database fails.
* 3502662 (3380481) When you select a removed disk during the "5 Replace a failed or removed disk" operation, the vxdiskadm(1M) command displays an error message.
* 3521727 (3521726) System panicked for double freeing IOHINT.
* 3526501 (3526500) Disk IO failures occur with DMP IO timeout error messages when DMP (Dynamic Multi-pathing) IO statistics demon is not running.
* 3531332 (3077582) A Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) volume may become inaccessible causing the read/write operations to fail.
* 3540777 (3539548) After adding removed MPIO disk back, 'vxdisk list' or 'vxdmpadm listctlr all' 
commands may show duplicate entry for DMP node with error state.
* 3552411 (3482026) The vxattachd(1M) daemon reattaches plexes of manually detached site.
* 3600161 (3599977) During a replica connection, referencing a port that is already deleted in another thread causes a system panic.
* 3603811 (3594158) The spinlock and unspinlock are referenced to different objects when interleaving with a kernel transaction.
* 3612801 (3596330) 'vxsnap refresh' operation fails with `Transaction aborted waiting for IO 
drain` error
* 3621240 (3621232) The vradmin ibc command cannot be started or executed on Veritas Volume Replicators (VVR) secondary node.
* 3622069 (3513392) Reference to replication port that is already deleted caused panic.
* 3638039 (3625890) vxdisk resize operation on CDS disks fails with an error message of "Invalid
attribute specification"
* 3648603 (3564260) VVR commands are unresponsive when replication is paused and resumed in a loop.
* 3654163 (2916877) vxconfigd hangs on a node leaving the cluster.
* 3690795 (2573229) On RHEL6, the server panics when Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) executes 
powerpath controlled device.
* 3713320 (3596282) Snap operations fail with error "Failed to allocate a new map due to no free 
map available in DCO".
* 3737823 (3736502) Memory leakage is found when transaction aborts.
* 3774137 (3565212) IO failure is seen during controller giveback operations 
on Netapp Arrays in ALUA mode.
* 3780978 (3762580) In Linux kernels greater than or equal to RHEL6.6 like RHEL7 and SLES11SP3, the 
vxfen module fails to register the SCSI-3 PR keys to EMC devices when powerpath
exists in coexistence with DMP (Dynamic Multipathing).
* 3788751 (3788644) Reuse raw device number when checking for available raw devices.
* 3799809 (3665644) The system panics due to an invalid page pointer in the Linux bio structure.
* 3799822 (3573262) System panic during space optimized snapshot operations  
on recent UltraSPARC architectures.
* 3800394 (3672759) The vxconfigd(1M) daemon may core dump when DMP database is corrupted.
* 3800396 (3749557) System hangs because of high memory usage by vxvm.
* 3800449 (3726110) On systems with high number of CPU's, Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) devices may perform 
considerably slower than OS device 
* 3800452 (3437852) The system panics when Symantec Replicator Option goes to
* 3800738 (3433503) Due to an incorrect memory access, Vxconfigd(1M) daemon cores 
with a stack trace.
* 3800788 (3648719) The server panics while adding or removing LUNs or HBAs.
* 3801225 (3662392) In the Cluster Volume Manager (CVM) environment, if I/Os are getting executed 
on slave node, corruption can happen when the vxdisk resize(1M) command is 
executing on the master node.
* 3805243 (3523575) VxDMP (Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing) path restoration daemon could disable
paths connected to EMC Clariion array.
* 3805902 (3795622) With Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support enabled, LVM global_filter is 
updated properly in lvm.conf file.
* 3805938 (3790136) File system hang observed due to IO's in Ditry Region Logging (DRL).
* 3806808 (3645370) vxevac command fails to evacuate disks with Dirty Region Log(DRL) plexes.
* 3807761 (3729078) VVR(Veritas Volume Replication) secondary site panic occurs during patch 
installation because of flag overlap issue.
* 3816233 (3686698) vxconfigd was getting hung due to deadlock between two threads
* 3825466 (3825467) SLES11-SP4 build fails.
* 3826918 (3819670) poll() return -1 with errno EINTR should be handled correctly in 
* 3829273 (3823283) While unencapsulating a boot disk in SAN environment(Storage Area Network),
Linux operating system sticks in grub after reboot.
* 3837711 (3488071) The command "vxdmpadm settune dmp_native_support=on" fails to enable Dynamic 
Multipathing (DMP) Native Support
* 3837712 (3776520) Filters are not updated properly in lvm.conf file in VxDMP initrd(initial 
ramdisk) while enabling Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support.
* 3837713 (3137543) Issue with Root disk encapsulation(RDE) due to changes in
Linux trusted boot grub.
* 3837715 (3581646) Logical Volumes fail to migrate back to OS devices Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) when DMP native support is disabled while root("/") is mounted on 
* 3841220 (2711312) New symbolic link is created in root directory when a FC channel is pulled out.
Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.200-RHEL6
* 3648603 (3564260) VVR commands are unresponsive when replication is paused and resumed in a loop.
* 3654163 (2916877) vxconfigd hangs on a node leaving the cluster.
* 3690795 (2573229) On RHEL6, the server panics when Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) executes 
powerpath controlled device.
* 3774137 (3565212) IO failure is seen during controller giveback operations 
on Netapp Arrays in ALUA mode.
* 3780978 (3762580) In Linux kernels greater than or equal to RHEL6.6 like RHEL7 and SLES11SP3, the 
vxfen module fails to register the SCSI-3 PR keys to EMC devices when powerpath
exists in coexistence with DMP (Dynamic Multipathing).
* 3788751 (3788644) Reuse raw device number when checking for available raw devices.
* 3796596 (3433503) Due to an incorrect memory access, Vxconfigd(1M) daemon cores 
with a stack trace.
* 3796666 (3573262) System panic during space optimized snapshot operations  
on recent UltraSPARC architectures.
* 3832703 (3488071) The command "vxdmpadm settune dmp_native_support=on" fails to enable Dynamic 
Multipathing (DMP) Native Support
* 3832705 (3776520) Filters are not updated properly in lvm.conf file in VxDMP initrd(initial 
ramdisk) while enabling Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support.
* 3835367 (3137543) Issue with Root disk encapsulation(RDE) due to changes in
Linux trusted boot grub.
* 3835662 (3581646) Logical Volumes fail to migrate back to OS devices Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) when DMP native support is disabled while root("/") is mounted on 
* 3836923 (3133322) When dmp native support is enabled, This command "vxdmpadm native ls" does not
display root devices under linux
logical volume manager(LVM) in any volume group(VG) .
Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.100-RHEL6
* 3496715 (3281004) For DMP minimum queue I/O policy with large number of CPUs a couple of issues 
are observed.
* 3501358 (3399323) The reconfiguration of Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) database fails.
* 3502662 (3380481) When you select a removed disk during the "5 Replace a failed or removed disk" operation, the vxdiskadm(1M) command displays an error message.
* 3521727 (3521726) System panicked for double freeing IOHINT.
* 3526501 (3526500) Disk IO failures occur with DMP IO timeout error messages when DMP (Dynamic Multi-pathing) IO statistics demon is not running.
* 3531332 (3077582) A Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) volume may become inaccessible causing the read/write operations to fail.
* 3552411 (3482026) The vxattachd(1M) daemon reattaches plexes of manually detached site.
* 3600161 (3599977) During replica connection, referencing a port which is already deleted in 
another thread caused system panic.
* 3612801 (3596330) 'vxsnap refresh' operation fails with `Transaction aborted waiting for IO 
drain` error
* 3621240 (3621232) vradmin ibc command cannot be started/executed on VVR (Veritas Volume 
Replicator) Secondary.
* 3622069 (3513392) Reference to replication port that is already deleted caused panic.
* 3632969 (3631230) VRTSvxvm patch version 6.0.5 and 6.1.1 or previous will not work with RHEL6.6
* 3638039 (3625890) Vxdisk resize a CDS disk failing with "invalid attribute specification"
Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.400
* 3868426 (3326146) Dedup fails with NULL pointer dereference.
Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.200
* 3651859 (3621205) OpenSSL common vulnerability exposure (CVE): POODLE and Heartbleed.
Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.100
* 3612059 (3602386) vfradmin man page shows the incorrect info about default
behavior of -d option
Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.000
* 3411725 (3415639) The type of the fsdedupadm(1M) command always shows as MANUAL even it is launched by the fsdedupschd daemon.
* 3436393 (3462694) The fsdedupadm(1M) command fails with error code 9 when it
tries to mount checkpoints on a cluster.
Patch ID: VRTScavf-6.0.500.400
* 3516607 (3093407) cfsmntadm utility may throw error when one node is sub-string of other.
Patch ID: VRTScavf-6.0.500.100
* 2933827 (2720034) The vxfsckd(1M) daemon does not restart after being killed manually.
* 3516604 (3142109) The CFSMountAgent script does not parse the MountOpt properly if -O overlay (native fs option) is used.
Patch ID: VRTScavf-6.0.500.000
* 3399337 (3410837) The error message has an issue when the user uses the cfsumount(1M) to unmount a mount point which has a samba parent resource.
Patch ID: 6.0.300.000
* 2933754 (2715175) 4 node cluster shutdown time takes 30 minutes
* 2949033 (2942776) CFS mount issues/VxVM - Mount fails when volumes in vset is not ready
Patch ID: VRTSglm-6.0.500.400
* 3845273 (2850818) GLM  thread got panic with null pointer de-reference.
Patch ID: VRTSglm-6.0.500.000
* 3364311 (3364309) Internal stress test on the cluster file system, hit a debug assert in the 
Group Lock Manager (GLM).
Patch ID: 6.0.500.400
* 3889610 (3880936) vxvmconvert hangs on RHEL 6.8.
* 3890032 (3478478) While Performing LVM to VxVM conversion, it fails to prepare the volume group for conversion.

This patch fixes the following Symantec incidents:

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.400

* 2927359 (Tracking ID: 2927357)

Assert hit in internal testing.

Got the assert in internal testing when attribute inode being purged is marked
bad or the file system is disabled

Code is modified to return EIO in such cases.

* 2933300 (Tracking ID: 2933297)

Compression support for the dedup ioctl.

Compression support for the dedup ioctl for NBU.

Added limited support for compressed extents to the dedup ioctl for NBU.

* 2972674 (Tracking ID: 2244932)

Deadlock is seen when trying to reuse the inode number in case of

In the presence of a checkpoint, there is a possibility that inode
number is assigned in such a way that parent->child can become child->parent in
different fset. This is leading to a deadlock scenario. So, possible fix is that
in presence of checkpoint , when its mounted, dont try to take a blocking lock
on the second inode(as we do it in rename vnode operation ) , as this inode may
have been reused in the clone fset and lock has been already been 
taken, as even if there is no push set for the inode, rwlock goes on  whole
clone chain, even if chain inodes are unrelated. In the context of rename vnode
operation , when there is a need for creation of a hidden hash directory, parent
directory need to be  exclusively rwlocked(right now, its a blocking lock) ,
this may also lead to a scenario where two renames are going 
simultaneously and same  parent inode involved   can cause deadlock.

Code is modified to avoid this deadlock.

* 3040130 (Tracking ID: 3137886)

Thin Provisioning Logging does not work for reclaim operations
triggered via fsadm command.

Thin Provisioning Logging does not work for reclaim operations
triggered via fsadm command.

Code is added to log reclamation issued by fsadm command; to create
backup log file once size of reclaim log file exceeds 1MB and for saving command
string of fsadm command.

* 3248031 (Tracking ID: 2628207)

A full fsck operation on a file system with a large number of Access Control 
List (ACL) settings and checkpoints takes a long time (in some cases, more than 
a week) to complete.

The fsck operation is mainly blocked in pass1d phase. The process of pass1d is 
as follows:
1.	For each fileset, pass1d goes through all the inodes in the ilist of 
the fileset and then retrieves the inode information from the disk.
2.	It extracts the corresponding attribute inode number.
3.	Then, it reads the attribute inode and counts the number of rules 
inside it.
4.	Finally, it reads the rules into the buffer and performs the checking.

The attribute rules data can be parsed anywhere on the file system and the 
checkpoint link may be followed to locate the real inodes, which consumes a 
significant amount of time.

The code is modified to: 
1.	Add a read ahead mechanism for the attribute ilist which boosts the 
read for attribute inodes via buffering. 
2.	Add a bitmap to record those attribute inodes which have been already 
checked to avoid redundant checks. 
3.	Add an option to the fsck operation which enables it to check a 
specific fileset separately rather than checking the entire file system.

* 3682640 (Tracking ID: 3637636)

Cluster File System (CFS) node initialization and protocol upgrade may hang
during rolling upgrade with the following stack trace:



CFS node initialization waits for the protocol upgrade to complete. Protocol
upgrade waits for the flag related to the CFS initialization to be cleared. As
the result, the deadlock occurs.

The code is modified so that the protocol upgrade process does not wait to clear
the CFS initialization flag.

* 3690056 (Tracking ID: 3689354)

Users having write permission on file cannot open the file with O_TRUNC
if the file has setuid or setgid bit set.

On Linux, kernel triggers an explicit mode change as part of
O_TRUNC processing to clear setuid/setgid bit. Only the file owner or a
privileged user is allowed to do a mode change operation. Hence for a
non-privileged user who is not the file owner, the mode change operation fails
making open() system call to return EPERM.

Mode change request to clear setuid/setgid bit coming as part of
O_TRUNC processing is allowed for other users.

* 3726112 (Tracking ID: 3704478)

The library routine to get the mount point, fails to return mount point
of root file system.

For getting the mount point of a path,  we scan the input path name
and get the nearest path which represents a mount point. But, when the file is
in the root file system ("/"), this function returns an error code 1 and hence
does not return the mount point of that file. This is because of a bug in the
logic of path name parsing, which neglects the root mount point while parsing.

Fix the logic in path name parsing so that the mount point of root 
file system is returned.

* 3796626 (Tracking ID: 3762125)

Directory size sometimes keeps increasing even though the number of files inside it doesn't 

This only happens to CFS. A variable in the directory inode structure marks the start of 
directory free space. But when the directory ownership changes, the variable may become stale, which 
could cause this issue.

The code is modified to reset this free space marking variable when there's 
ownershipchange. Now the space search goes from beginning of the directory inode.

* 3796630 (Tracking ID: 3736398)

Panic occurs in the lazy unmount path during deinit of VxFS-VxVM API.

The panic occurs when an exiting thread drops the last reference to 
a lazy-unmounted VxFS file system which is the last VxFS mount on the system. The 
exiting thread does unmount, which then makes call into VxVM to de-initialize the 
private FS-VM API as it is the last VxFS mounted file system. The function to be 
called in VxVM is looked-up via the files under /proc. This requires a file to be 
opened, but the exit processing has removed the structures needed by the thread 
to open a file, because of which a panic is observed

The code is modified to pass the deinit work to worker thread.

* 3796633 (Tracking ID: 3729158)

The fuser and other commands hang on VxFS file systems.

The hang is seen while 2 threads contest for 2 locks -ILOCK and PLOCK. The writeadvise thread owns the ILOCK but is waiting for the PLOCK, while the dalloc thread owns the PLOCK and is waiting for the ILOCK.

The code is modified to correct the order of locking. Now PLOCK is followed by ILOCK.

* 3796637 (Tracking ID: 3574404)

System panics because of a stack overflow during rename operation.

The stack is overflown by 88 bytes in the rename code path. The thread_info
structure is disrupted with VxFS page buffer head addresses.

We now use dynamic allocation of local structures. This saves 256 bytes and
gives enough room.

* 3796644 (Tracking ID: 3269553)

VxFS returns inappropriate message for read of hole via ODM.

Sometimes sparse files containing temp or backup/restore files are
created outside the Oracle database. And, Oracle can read these files only using
the ODM. As a result, ODM fails with an ENOTSUP error.

The code is modified to return zeros instead of an error.

* 3796652 (Tracking ID: 3686438)

System panicked with NMI during file system transaction flushing.

In vx_iflush_list we take the icachelock to traverse the icache list and flush
the dirty inodes on the icache list to the disk. In that context, when we do a
vx_iunlock we may sleep while flushing and holding the icachelock which is a
spinlock. The other processors which are busy waiting for the same icache lock 
spinlock have the interrupts disabled, and this results in the NMI panic.

In vx_iflush_list, use VX_iUNLOCK_NOFLUSH instead of vx_iunlock which avoids
flushing and sleeping holding the spinlock.

* 3796664 (Tracking ID: 3444154)

Reading from a de-duped file-system over NFS can result in data corruption 
seen on the NFS client.

This is not corruption on the file-system, but comes from a combination of 
VxFS's shared page cache and Linux's TCP stack.

To avoid the corruption, a temporary page is used to avoid sending the same
physical page back-to-back down the TCP stack.

* 3796671 (Tracking ID: 3596378)

The copy of a large number of small files is slower on Veritas File
System (VxFS) compared to EXT4.

VxFS implements the fsetxattr() system call in a synchronized way.
Hence, before returning to the system call, the VxFS will take some time to
flush the data to the disk. In this way, the VxFS guarantees the file system
consistency in case of file system crash. However, this implementation has a
side-effect that it serializes the whole processing, which takes more time.

The code is modified to change the transaction to flush the data in
a delayed way.

* 3796676 (Tracking ID: 3615850)

The write system call writes up to count bytes from the pointed buffer to the file referred to by the file descriptor field:

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

When the count parameter is invalid, sometimes it can cause the write() to hang on VxFS file system. E.g. with a 10000 bytes buffer, but the count is set to 30000 by mistake, then you may encounter such problem.

On recent linux kernels, you cannot take a page-fault while holding a page locked so as to avoid a deadlock. This means uiomove can copy less than requested, and any partially populated pages created in routine which establish a virtual mapping for the page are destroyed.
This can cause an infinite loop in the write code path when the given user-buffer is not aligned with a page boundary and the length given to write() causes an EFAULT; uiomove() does a partial copy, segmap_release destroys the partially populated pages and unwinds the uio. The operation is then repeated.

The code is modified to move the pre-faulting to the buffered IO write-loops; The system either shortens the length of the copy if all of the requested pages cannot be faulted, or fails with EFAULT if no pages are pre-faulted. This prevents the infinite loop.

* 3796684 (Tracking ID: 3601198)

Replication copies the 64-bit external quota files ('quotas.64' and 
'quotas.grp.64') to the destination file system.

The external quota files hold the quota limits for users and
groups. While replicating the file system, the vfradmin (1M) command copies
these external quota files to the destination file system. But, the quota limits
of source FS may not be applicable for destination FS. Hence, we should ideally
skip the external quota files from being replicated.

Exclude the 64-bit external quota files in the replication process.

* 3796687 (Tracking ID: 3604071)

With the thin reclaim feature turned on, you can observe high CPU usage on the
vxfs thread process.

In the routine to get the broadcast information of a node which contains maps of
Allocation Units (AUs) for which node holds the delegations, the locking
mechanism is inefficient. Thus every time when this routine is called, it will
perform a series of down-up operation on a certain semaphore. This can result in
a huge CPU cost when many threads calling the routine in parallel.

The code is modified to optimize the locking mechanism in the routine to get the
broadcast information of a node which contains maps of Allocation Units (AUs)
for which node holds the delegations, so that it only does down-up operation on
the semaphore once.

* 3796727 (Tracking ID: 3617191)

Checkpoint creation may take hours.

During checkpoint creation, with an inode marked for removal and
being overlaid, there may be a downstream clone and VxFS starts pulling all the
data. With Oracle it's evident because of temporary files deletion during
checkpoint creation.

The code is modified to selectively pull the data, only if a
downstream push inode exists for file.

* 3796731 (Tracking ID: 3558087)

When stat system call is executed on VxFS File System with delayed
allocation feature enabled, it may take long time or it may cause high cpu

When delayed allocation (dalloc) feature is turned on, the
flushing process takes much time. The process keeps the get page lock held, and
needs writers to keep the inode reader writer lock held. Stat system call may
keeps waiting for inode reader writer lock.

Delayed allocation code is redesigned to keep the get page lock
unlocked while flushing.

* 3796733 (Tracking ID: 3695367)

Unable to remove volume from multi-volume VxFS using "fsvoladm" command. It fails with "Invalid argument" error.

Volumes are not being added in the in-core volume list structure correctly. Therefore while removing volume from multi-volume VxFS using "fsvoladm", command fails.

The code is modified to add volumes in the in-core volume list structure correctly.

* 3796745 (Tracking ID: 3667824)

Race between vx_dalloc_flush() and other threads turning off dalloc 
and reusing the inode results in a kernel panic.

Dalloc flushing can race with dalloc being disabled on the 
inode. In vx_dalloc_flush we drop the dalloc lock, the inode is no longer held,
so the inode can be reused while the dalloc flushing is still in 

Resolve the race by taking a hold on the inode before doing the 
actual dalloc flushing. The hold prevents the inode from getting reused and
hence prevents the kernel panic.

* 3799999 (Tracking ID: 3602322)

System may panic while flushing the dirty pages of the inode.

Panic may occur due to the synchronization problem between one
thread that flushes the inode, and the other thread that frees the chunks that
contain the inodes on the freelist. 

The thread that frees the chunks of inodes on the freelist grabs an inode, and 
clears/de-reference the inode pointer while deinitializing the inode. This may 
result in the pointer de-reference, if the flusher thread is working on the same

The code is modified to resolve the race condition by taking proper
locks on the inode and freelist, whenever a pointer in the inode is de-referenced. 

If the inode pointer is already de-initialized to NULL, then the flushing is 
attempted on the next inode.

* 3821416 (Tracking ID: 3817734)

If file system with full fsck flag set is mounted, direct command message
is printed to the user to clean the file system with full fsck.

When mounting file system with full fsck flag set, mount will fail
and a message will be printed to clean the file system with full fsck. This
message contains direct command to run, which if run without collecting file
system metasave will result in evidences being lost. Also since fsck will remove
the file system inconsistencies it may lead to undesired data being lost.

More generic message is given in error message instead of direct

* 3843470 (Tracking ID: 3867131)

Kernel panic in internal testing.

In internal testing the vdl_fsnotify_sb is found NULL because we
are not allocating and initializing it in initialization routine i.e
vx_fill_super(). The vdl_fsnotify_sb would be initialized in vx_fill_super()
only when the kernel's fsnotify feature is available. But fsnotify feature is
not available in RHEL5/SLES10 kernel.

code is added to check if fsnotify feature is available in the
running kernel.

* 3843734 (Tracking ID: 3812914)

On RHEL 6.5 and RHEL 6.4 latest kernel patch, umount(8) system call hangs if an
application watches for inode events using inotify(7) APIs.

On RHEL 6.5 and RHEL 6.4 latest kernel patch, additional OS counters were added in
the super block to track inotify Watches. These new counters were not implemented
in VxFS for RHEL6.5/RHEL6.4 kernel. Hence, while doing umount, the operation hangs
until the counter in the superblock drops to zero, which would never happen since
they are not handled in VxFS.

The code is modified to handle additional counters added in super block of
RHEL6.5/RHEL6.4 latest kernel.

* 3848508 (Tracking ID: 3867128)

Assert failed in internal native AIO testing.

On RHEL5/SLES10, in NAIO, the iovec comes from the kernel stack. So
when handed-off the work item to the worker thread, then the work item points
to an iovec structure in a stack-frame which no longer exists.  So, the iovecs
memory can be corrupted when it is used for a new stack-frame.

Code is modified to allocate the iovec dynamically in naio hand-off code and 
copy it into the work item before doing handoff.

* 3851967 (Tracking ID: 3852324)

Assert failure during internal stress testing.

While reading the partition directory, offset is right shifted by 8 
but while retrying, offset wasn't left shifted back to original value. This can 
lead to offset as 0 which results in assert failure.

Code is modified to left shift offset by 8 before retrying.

* 3852297 (Tracking ID: 3553328)

During internal testing it was found that per node LCT file was
corrupted, due to which attribute inode reference counts were mismatching,
resulting in fsck failure.

During clone creation LCT from 0th pindex is copied to the new
clone's LCT. Any update to this LCT file from non-zeroth pindex can cause count
mismatch in the new fileset.

The code is modified to handle this issue.

* 3852512 (Tracking ID: 3846521)

cp -p is failing with EINVAL for files with 10 digit 
modification time. EINVAL error is returned if the value in tv_nsec field is 
greater than/outside the range of 0 to 999, 999, 999.  VxFS supports the 
update in usec but when copying in the user space, we convert the usec to 
nsec. So here in this case, usec has crossed the upper boundary limit i.e 
999, 999.

In a cluster, its possible that time across nodes might 
when updating mtime, vxfs check if it's cluster inode and if nodes mtime is 
time than current node time, then accordingly increment the tv_usec instead of 
changing mtime to older time value. There might be chance that it,  tv_usec 
counter got overflowed here, which resulted in 10 digit mtime.tv_nsec.

Code is modified to reset usec counter for mtime/atime/ctime when 
upper boundary limit i.e. 999999 is reached.

* 3861518 (Tracking ID: 3549057)

The "relatime" mount option wrongly shown in /proc/mounts.

The "relatime" mount option wrongly shown in /proc/mounts. VxFS does
not understand relatime mount option. It comes from Linux kernel.

Code is modified to handle the issue.

* 3862350 (Tracking ID: 3853338)

Files on VxFS are corrupted while running the sequential write workload
under high memory pressure.

VxFS may miss out writes sometimes under excessive write workload.
Corruption occurs because of the race between the writer thread which is doing
sequential asynchronous writes and the flusher thread which flushes the in-core
dirty pages. Due to an overlapping write, they are serialized 
over a page lock. Because of an optimization, this lock is released, leading to
a small window where the waiting thread could race.

The code is modified to fix the race by reloading the inode write
size after taking the page lock.

* 3862425 (Tracking ID: 3859032)

System panics in vx_tflush_map() due to NULL pointer dereference.

When converting VxFS using vxconvert, new blocks are allocated to 
the structural files like smap etc which can contain garbage. This is done with 
the expectation that fsck will rebuild the correct smap. but in fsck, we have 
missed to distinguish between EAU fully EXPANDED and ALLOCATED. because of
which, if allocation to the file which has the last allocation from such
affected EAU is done, it will create the sub transaction on EAU which are in
allocated state. Map buffers of such EAUs are not initialized properly in VxFS
private buffer cache, as a result, these buffers will be released back as stale
during the transaction commit. Later, if any file-system wide sync tries to
flush the metadata, it can refer to these buffer pointers and panic as these
buffers are already released and reused.

Code is modified in fsck to correctly set the state of EAU on 
disk. Also, modified the involved code paths as to avoid using doing
transactions on unexpanded EAUs.

* 3862435 (Tracking ID: 3833816)

In a CFS cluster, one node returns stale data.

In a 2-node CFS cluster, when node 1 opens the file and writes to
it, the locks are used with CFS_MASTERLESS flag set. But when node 2 tries to
open the file and write to it, the locks on node 1 are normalized as part of
HLOCK revoke. But after the Hlock revoke on node 1, when node 2 takes the PG
Lock grant to write, there is no PG lock revoke on node 1, so the dirty pages on
node 1 are not flushed and invalidated. The problem results in reads returning
stale data on node 1.

The code is modified to cache the PG lock before normalizing it in
vx_hlock_putdata, so that after the normalizing, the cache grant is still with
node 1.When node 2 requests PG lock, there is a revoke on node 1 which flushes
and invalidates the pages.

* 3864139 (Tracking ID: 3869174)

Write system call might get into deadlock on rhel5 and sles10.

Issue exists due to page fault handling when holding the page lock.
On rhel5 and sles10 when we go for write we may hold page locks and now if page
fault happens, page fault handler will be waiting on the lock which we have
already held resulting in deadlock.

This behavior has been taken care of. Now we prefault so that deadlock
can be skipped.

* 3864751 (Tracking ID: 3867147)

Assert failed in internal dedup testing.

If dedup is run on the same file twice simultaneously and extent split 
is happened, then the second extent split of the same file can cause assert 
failure. It is due to stale extent information being used for second split after 
first one.

Code is modified to handle lookup for new bmap if same inode detected.

* 3866970 (Tracking ID: 3866962)

Data corruption seen when dalloc writes are going on the file and 
simultaneously fsync started on the same file.

In case if dalloc writes are going on the file and simultaneously 
synchronous flushing is started on the same file, then synchronous flushing will try 
to flush all the dirty pages of the file without considering underneath allocation. 
In this case, flushing can happen on the unallocated blocks and this can result into 
data loss.

Code is modified to flush data till actual allocation in case of dalloc 

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.200

* 3622423 (Tracking ID: 3250239)

Panic in vx_naio_worker, trace back:-
__die ()

If a thread submitting linux native AIO has posix sibling threads, and it 
simply exits after the submit, then kernel will not wait for the aio to finish 
in the exit processing. When aio complete, it may dereference the task_struct 
of that exited thread, this cause the panic.

Install vxfs hook to task_struct, so when the thread exits, it will wait for 
its aio to complete no matter it's cloned or not. Set module load-time tunable 
vx_naio_wait to non-zero value to turn on this fix.

* 3673958 (Tracking ID: 3660422)

On RHEL 6.6, umount(8) system call hangs if an application is watching for inode
events using inotify(7) APIs.

On RHEL 6.6, additional counters were added in the super block to track inotify
watches, these new counters were not implemented in VxFS.
Hence while doing umount, the operation hangs until the counter in the
superblock drops to zero, which would never happen since they are not handled in

Code is modified to handle additional counters added in RHEL6.6.

* 3678626 (Tracking ID: 3613048)

System can panic with the following stack::

VxFS does not correctly support IOCB_CMD_PREADV and IOCB_CMD_PREADV, which 
causes a BUG to fire in the kernel code (in fs/aio.c:__aio_put_req()).

Add support for the vectored AIO commands and fixed the increment of ->ki_users 
so it is guarded by the required spinlock.

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.100

* 3409692 (Tracking ID: 3402618)

The mmap read performance on VxFS is slow.

The mmap read performance on VxFS is not good, because the read ahead operation is not triggered while the mmap reads is executed.

An enhancement has been made to the read ahead operation. It helps improve the mmap read performance.

* 3426009 (Tracking ID: 3412667)

On RHEL 6, the inode update operation may create deep stack and cause system panic  due to stack overflow. Below is the stack trace:

Some VxFS operation may need inode update. This may create very deep stack and cause system panic due to stack overflow.

The code is modified to add a handoff point in the inode update function. If the stack usage reaches a threshold, it will start a separate thread to do the work to limit stack usage.

* 3469683 (Tracking ID: 3469681)

Free space defragmentation results into EBUSY error and file system is disabled.

While remounting the file system, the re-initialization gives EBUSY error if the  in-core and on-disk version numbers of an inode does not match. When pushing data blocks to the clone, the inode version of the immediate clone inode is bumped. But if there is another clone in the chain, then the ILIST extent of this immediate clone inode is not pushed onto that clone. This is not right because the inode has been modified.

The code is modified so that the ILIST extents of the immediate clone inode is pushed onto the next clone in chain.

* 3498950 (Tracking ID: 3356947)

VxFS doesnAt work as fast as expected when multi-threaded writes are
issued onto a file, which is interspersed by fsync calls.

When multi-threaded writes are issued with fsync calls in between the writes, fsync can serialise the writes by taking IRWLOCK on the inode and doing the whole file putpages. Therefore out-of-the box performance is relatively slow in terms of throughput.

The code is fixed to remove the fsync's serialisation with IRWLOCK and make it conditional only for some cases.

* 3498954 (Tracking ID: 3352883)

During the rename operation, lots of nfsd threads waiting for mutex operation hang with the following stack trace :


A race condition is observed between the NFS rename and additional dentry alias created by the current vx_splice_alias()function. 
This race condition causes two different directory dentries pointing to the same inode, which results in mutex deadlock in lock_rename()function.

The code is modified to change the vx_splice_alias()function to prevent the creation of additional dentry alias.

* 3498963 (Tracking ID: 3396959)

On RHEL 6.4 with insufficient free memory, creating a file may panic the system with the following stack trace: 


VxFS estimates the stack that is required to perform various kernel operations and creates hand-off threads if the estimated stack usage goes above the allowed kernel limit. However, the estimation may go wrong when the system is under heavy memory pressure, as some Linux kernel changes in RHEL 6.4 increase the depth of stack. There might be additional functions that are called in case of getpage to alleviate the situation, which leads to increased stack usage.

The code is modified to take stack depth calculations to
correctly estimate the stack usage under memory pressure conditions.

* 3498976 (Tracking ID: 3434811)

In VxFS 6.1, the vxfsconvert(1M) command hangs within the vxfsl3_getext()
Function with following stack trace:


There is a type casting problem for extent size. It may cause a non-zero value to overflow and turn into zero by mistake. This further leads to infinite looping inside the function.

The code is modified to remove the intermediate variable and avoid type casting.

* 3498978 (Tracking ID: 3424564)

fsppadm fails with ENODEV and "file is encrypted or is not a database" 

The error handler was missing for ENODEV, while we process only the 
directory inodes and the database got corrupted for 2nd error.

Added a error handler to ignore the ENODEV while processing 
directory inode only and for database corruption: we added a log message to 
capture all the db logs to understand/know why corruption happened.

* 3498998 (Tracking ID: 3466020)

File System is corrupted with the following error message in the log:

WARNING: msgcnt 28 mesg 008: V-2-8: vx_direrr: vx_dexh_keycheck_1 - /TraceFile
file system dir inode 3277090 dev/block 0/0 diren
 WARNING: msgcnt 27 mesg 008: V-2-8: vx_direrr: vx_dexh_keycheck_1 - /TraceFile
file system dir inode 3277090 dev/block 0/0 diren
 WARNING: msgcnt 26 mesg 008: V-2-8: vx_direrr: vx_dexh_keycheck_1 - /TraceFile
file system dir inode 3277090 dev/block 0/0 diren
 WARNING: msgcnt 25 mesg 096: V-2-96: vx_setfsflags -
 /dev/vx/dsk/a2fdc_cfs01/trace_lv01 file system fullfsck flag set - vx_direr
 WARNING: msgcnt 24 mesg 008: V-2-8: vx_direrr: vx_dexh_keycheck_1 - /TraceFile
file system dir inode 3277090 dev/block 0/0 diren

In case error is returned from function vx_dirbread() via function vx_dexh_keycheck1(), the FULLFSCK flag is set on the FS unconditionally. A corrupted LDH can lead to the reading of the wrong block, which results in the setting of FULLFSCK flag. The system doesnAt verify whether it is reading the wrong value due to a corrupted LDH, so that the FULLFSCK flag is set unnecessarily because a corrupted LDH can be fixed online by recreating the hash.

The code is modified such that when a corruption of the LDH is detected, the system removes the Large Directory hash instead of setting FULLFSCK. The Large Directory Hash will then be recreated the next time the directory is modified.

* 3499005 (Tracking ID: 3469644)

System panics in the vx_logbuf_clean() function while traversing chain of transactions off the intent log buffer. The stack trace is as follows:

vx_logbuf_clean ()
vx_logadd ()
vx_exh_hashinit ()
vx_dexh_create ()
vx_dexh_init ()
vx_pd_rename ()
vx_do_rename ()
vx_rename1 ()
vx_rename ()
vx_rename_skey ()

The system panics as the vx_logbug_clean() function tries to access an already freed transaction from transaction chain to flush it to log.

The code is modified to make sure that transaction gets flushed to the log before it is freed.

* 3499008 (Tracking ID: 3484336)

The fidtovp() system call can panic in the vx_itryhold_locked() function with the following stack trace:


Some VxFS operations like the vx_vget() function try to get a hold on an in-core inode using the vx_itryhold_locked() function, but it doesnAt take the lock on the corresponding directory inode. This may lead to a race condition when this inode is present on the delicache list and is inactivated. Thereby this results in a panic when the vx_itryhold_locked() function tries to remove it from a free list. This is actually a known issue, but the last fix was not complete. It missed some functions which may also cause the race condition.

The code is modified to take inode list lock inside the vx_inactive_tran(), vx_tranimdone() and vx_tranuninode() functions to avoid race condition.

* 3499011 (Tracking ID: 3486726)

VFR logs too much data on the target node.

At the target node, it logs debug level messages evenif the debug mode was off. Also it doesnAt consider the debug mode specified at the time of job creation.

The code is modified to not log the debug level messages on the target node if the specified debug mode is set off.

* 3499014 (Tracking ID: 3471245)

The Mongodb fails to insert any record because lseek fails to seek to the EOF.

Fallocate doesn't update the inode's i_size on linux, which causes lseek unable to seek to the EOF.

Before returning from the vx_fallocate() function, call the vx_getattr()function to update the Linux inode with the VxFS inode.

* 3499030 (Tracking ID: 3484353)

It is a self-deadlock caused by a missing unlock of DIRLOCK. Its typical stack trace is like the following:

When a partitioned directory feature (PD) of Veritas File System (VxFS) is enabled, there is a possibility of self-deadlock when there are multiple renaming threads operating on the same target directory.
The issue is due to the fact that there is a missing unlock of DIRLOCK in the vx_int_rename() function.

The code is modified by adding missing unlock for directory lock in the vx_int_rename()function..

* 3514824 (Tracking ID: 3443430)

Fsck allocates too much memory.

Since Storage Foundation 6.0, parallel inode list processing with multiple threads is introduced to help reduce the fsck time. However, the parallel threads have to allocate redundant memory instead of reusing buffers in the buffer cache efficiently when inode list has many holes.

The code is fixed to make each thread to maintain its own buffer cache from which it can reuse free memory.

* 3515559 (Tracking ID: 3498048)

while the system is making backup, the Als AlA command on the same file system may hang.

When the dalloc (delayed allocation) feature is turned on, flushing takes quite a lot of time which keeps hold on getpage lock, as this lock is needed by writers which keep read write lock held on inodes. The Als AlA command needs ACLs(access control lists) to display information. But in Veritas File System (VxFS), ACLS are accessed only under protection of inode read write lock, which results in the hang.

The code is modified to turn dalloc off and improve write throttling by restricting the kernel flusher from updating Intenal counter for write page flush..

* 3515569 (Tracking ID: 3430461)

The nested unmounts as well as the force unmounts fail if, the parent file system is disabled which further inhibits the unmounting of the child file system.

If a file system is mounted inside another vxfs mount, and if the parent file system gets disabled, then it is not possible to sanely unmount the child even with the force unmounts. This issue is observed because a disabled file system does not allow directory look up on it. On Linux, a file system can be unmounted only by providing the path of the mount point.

The code is modified to allow the exceptional path look for unmounts. These are read only operations and hence are safer. This makes it possible for the unmount of child file system to proceed.

* 3515588 (Tracking ID: 3294074)

System call fsetxattr() is slower on Veritas File System (VxFS) than ext3 file system.

VxFS implements the fsetxattr() system call in a synchronized sync way.  Hence, it will take some time to flush the data to the disk before returning to the system call to guarantee file system consistency in case of file system crash.

The code is modified to allow the transaction to flush the data in a delayed way.

* 3515737 (Tracking ID: 3511232)

The kernel panics in the vx_write_alloc() function with the following stack trace:


During a memory allocation, the stack overflows  and corrupts the
thread_info structure of the thread. Then when the system sleeps for a handed-off result, the corruption caused by the overflow is detected and the system panics.

The code is fixed to detect thread_info corruptions, as well as to change some stack allocations to dynamic allocations to save stack usage.

* 3515739 (Tracking ID: 3510796)

System panics in Linux 3.0.x kernel when VxFS cleans the inode chunks.

On Linux, the kernel swap daemon (kswapd) takes a reference hold on a page but not the owning inode. In vx_softcnt_flush(), when the inode's final softcnt drops, the kernel calls the vx_real_destroy_inode() function. On 3.x.x kernels, vx_real_destroy_inode() temporarily clears the address-space operations. Therefore a window is created where kswapd works on a page without VxFS's address-space operations set, and results in a panic.

The code is fixed to flush all pages for an inode before it calls the vx_softcnt_flush() function.

* 3517702 (Tracking ID: 3517699)

Return code 240 for command fsfreeze(1M) is not documented in man page for fsfreeze.

Return code 240 for command fsfreeze(1M) is not documented in man page for fsfreeze.

The man page for fsfreeze(1M) is modified to document return code 240.

* 3517707 (Tracking ID: 3093821)

The system panics due to referring freed super block after the vx_unmount() function errors.

In the file system unmount process, once Linux VFS calls in to VxFS specific unmount processing vx_unmount(), it doesn't expect error from this call. So, once the vx_unmount()function returns, Linux frees the file systems corresponding super_block object. But if any error is observed during vx_unmount(), it may leave file system Inodes in vxfs inode cache as it is. Otherwise, when there is no error, the file system inodes are processed and dropped on vx_unmount().

As file systems inodes left in VxFS inode cache would still point to freed super block object, so now when these inodes on Inode cache are cleaned up to free or reuse, they may refer freed super block in certain cases, which might lead to Panic due to NULL pointer de-reference.

Do not return EIO or ENXIO error from vx_detach_fset() when you unmounts the filesystem. Insted of returning error process, drop inode from the inode cache.

* 3557193 (Tracking ID: 3473390)

In memory pressure scenarios, we see panics/system crashes due to stack overflows.

Specifically on RHEL6, the memory allocation routines consume much higher memory than other distributions like SLES, or even RHEL5.  Due to this, multiple overflows are reported for the RHEL6 platform. Most of these overflows occur when Veritas File System (VxFS) tries to allocate memory under memory pressure.

The code is modified to fix multiple overflows by adding handoff codepaths, adjusting handoff limits, removing on-stack structures and reducing the number of function frames on stack wherever possible.

* 3567855 (Tracking ID: 3567854)

On Veritas File System (VxFS) 6.0.5, 
A If the file system has no external quota file, the vxedquota(1M) command gives error. 
A If the first mounted VxFS file system in the mnttab file contains no quota file, the vxrepquota(1M) command fails.

A The vxedquota(1M) issue:
When the vxedquota(1M) command is executed, it expects the 32-bit quota file to be present in the mount-point, even if it does not contain any external quota file.
This results in the error message while you are editing the quotas.
This issue is fixed by only processing the file systems on which quota files are present.
A The vxrepquota(1M) issue:
On the other hand, when vxrepquota(1M) is executed, the command vxrepquota(1M) scans the mnttab file [0]to look for the VxFS file system which has external quota files. But, if the first VxFS file system doesn't contain any quota file, the command gives error and does not report any quota information.
This issue is fixed by looping through the mnttab file till we get mount-point in which quota files exist.

A For the vxedquota(1M) issue, the code is modified by skipping the file systems  which don't contain quota files.
A For the vxrepquota(1M) issue, the code is modified by obtaining a VxFS mount-point (with quota files) from the mnttab file.

* 3579957 (Tracking ID: 3233315)

"fsck" utility dumps core, while checking the RCT file.

"fsck" utility dumps core, while checking the RCT file. "bmap_search_typed()"
function is passed with wrong parameter, and results in the core dump with the
following stack trace:

bmap_get_typeparms ()

Fixed the code to pass the correct parameters to "bmap_search_typed()" function.

* 3581566 (Tracking ID: 3560968)

The delicache_enable tunable is inconsistent in the CFS environment.

On the secondary nodes, the tunable values are exported from the primary mount, while the delicache_enable tunable value comes from the AtunefstabA file. Therefore the  tunable values are not persistent.

The code is fixed to read the "tunefstab" file only for the delicache_enable tunable during mount and set the value accordingly.

* 3584297 (Tracking ID: 3583930)

When external quota file is over-written or restored from backup, new settings which were added after the backup still remain.

The purpose of the quotaon operation is to copy the quota limits from external to internal quota file, because internal quota file is not always updated with correct limits. To complete the copy operation, the extent of external file is compared to the extent of internal file at the corresponding offset.
     Now, if external quota file is overwritten (or restored to its original copy) and the size of internal file is more than that of external, the quotaon operation does not clear the additional (stale) quota records in the internal file. Later, the sync operation (part of quotaon) copies these stale records from internal to external file. Hence, both internal and external files contain stale records.

The code is modified to get rid of the stale records in the internal file at the time of quotaon.

* 3588236 (Tracking ID: 3604007)

Stack overflow was observed during extent allocation code path.

In extent allocation code path during write we are seeing stack 
overflow on sles11. We already have hand-off point in the code path but hand-off 
was not happening due to the reason that we were having some bytes more than 
necessary to trigger the hand-off.

Now changing the value of trigger point so that hand-off can takes 

* 3590573 (Tracking ID: 3331010)

Command fsck(1M) dumped core with segmentation fault.
Following stack is observed.


While working on the device in function precess_device(), command fsck tries to
access already freed device related structures available in pending task list
during retry code path.

Code is modified to free up the pending task list before retrying in function

* 3595894 (Tracking ID: 3595896)

While creating the OracleRAC database, the node panics with the following stack:

For a zero size request (with a correctly aligned buffer), Veritas File System (VxFS) erroneously queues the work internally and returns -EIOCBQUEUED. The kernel calls function aio_complete() for this zero size request. However, while VxFS is performing the queued work internally,  function aio_complete()gets called again. The double call of function aio_complete() results in the panic.

The code is modified such that zero size requests will not queue elements inside VxFS work queue.

* 3597454 (Tracking ID: 3602386)

vfradmin man page shows the incorrect info about default behavior of -d

When we run vfradmin command without -d option then by default the
debugging is in ENABLED mode but man page indicates that the default debugging
should be in DISABLED mode.

Changes has been done in man page of vfradmin to reflect the correct
default behavior.

* 3597560 (Tracking ID: 3597482)

The pwrite(2) function fails with EOPNOTSUPP when the write range is in two indirect extents.

When the range of pwrite() falls in two indirect extents, one ZFOD extent belonging to DB2 pre-allocated files created with setext( , VX_GROWFILE, ) ioctl and another DATA extent belonging to adjacent INDIR, write fails with EOPNOTSUPP. 
The reason is that Veritas File System (VxFS) is trying to coalesce extents which belong to different indirect address extents as part of this transaction A such a meta-data change consumes more transaction resources which VxFS transaction engine is unable to support in the current implementation.

The code is modified to retry the write transaction without combining the extents.

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.000

* 2705336 (Tracking ID: 2059611)

The system panics due to a NULL pointer dereference while flushing the
bitmaps to the disk and the following stack trace is displayed:

The vx_unlockmap() function unlocks a map structure of the file
system. If the map is being used, the hold count is incremented. The
vx_unlockmap() function attempts to check whether this is an empty mlink doubly
linked list. The asynchronous vx_mapiodone routine can change the link at random
even though the hold count is zero.

The code is modified to change the evaluation rule inside the
vx_unlockmap() function, so that further evaluation can be skipped over when map
hold count is zero.

* 2978234 (Tracking ID: 2972183)

"fsppadm enforce"  takes longer than usual time force update the secondary 
nodes than it takes to force update the primary nodes.

The ilist is force updated on secondary node. As a result the performance on 
the secondary becomes low.

Force update the ilist file on Secondary nodes only on error condition.

* 2982161 (Tracking ID: 2982157)

During internal testing, the Af:vx_trancommit:4A debug asset was hit when the available transaction space is lesser than the required space.

The Af:vx_trancommit:4A assert is hit when available transaction space is lesser than required. During the file truncate operations, when VxFS calculates transaction space, it doesnAt consider the transaction space required in case the file has shared extents.  As a result, the Af:vx_trancommit:4A debug assert is hit.

The code is modified to take into account the extra transaction buffer space required when the file being truncated has shared extents.

* 2999566 (Tracking ID: 2999560)

While trying to clear the 'metadataok' flag on a volume of the volume set, the 'fsvoladm'(1M) command gives error.

The 'fsvoladm'(1M) command sets and clears 'dataonly' and 'metadataok'flags on a volume in a vset on which VxFS is mounted. 
The 'fsvoladm'(1M) command fails while clearing A the AmetadataokA flag and reports, an EINVAL (invalid argument) error for certain volumes. This failure occurs because while clearing the flag, VxFS reinitialize the reorg structure for some volumes. During re-initialization, VxFS frees the existing FS structures. However, it still refers to the stale device structure resulting in an EINVAL error.

The code is modified to let the in-core device structure point to the updated and correct data.

* 3027250 (Tracking ID: 3031901)

The 'vxtunefs(1M)' command accepts the garbage value for the 
'max_buf_dat_size' tunable.

When the garbage value for the 'max_buf_dat_size' tunable  using 'vxtunefs(1M)' is specified, the tunable accepts the value and gives the successful update message; but the value actually doesn't get reflected in the system. And, this error is not identified from parsing the command line value of THE 'max_buf_dat_size' tunable; hence the garbage value for this tunable is also accepted.

The code is modified to handle the error returned from parsing the command line value of the 'max_buf_data_size' tunable.

* 3056103 (Tracking ID: 3197901)

fset_get fails for the mention configuration

duplicate symbol fs_bmap in VxFS libvxfspriv.a and vxfspriv.so

duplicate symbol fs_bmap in VxFS libvxfspriv.a and vxfspriv.so has 
being fixed by renaming to fs_bmap_priv in the libvxfspriv.a

* 3059000 (Tracking ID: 3046983)

There is an invalid CFS node number (<inode number>) 
in ".__fsppadm_fclextract". This causes the Dynamic Storage Tiering (DST) 
policy enforcement to fail.

DST policy enforcement sometimes depends on the extraction of the File Change 
Log (FCL). When the FCL change log is processed, it reads the FCL records from 
the change log into the buffer. If it finds that the buffer is not big enough 
to hold the records, it will do some rollback and pass out the needed buffer 
size. However, the rollback is not complete, this results in the problem.

The code is modified to add the codes to the rollback content of "fh_bp1-
>fb_addr" and "fh_bp2->fb_addr".

* 3108176 (Tracking ID: 2667658)

Attempt to perform an fscdsconv-endian conversion from the SPARC little-endian 
byte order to the x86 big-endian byte order fails because of a macro overflow.

Using the fscdsconv(1M) command to perform endian conversion from the SPARC 
little-endian (any SPARC architecture machine) byte order to the x86 big-endian 
(any x86 architecture machine) byte order fails. The write operation for the 
recovery file results in the control data offset (a hard coded macro to 500MB) 

The code is modified to take an estimate of the control-data offset explicitly 
and dynamically while creating and writing the recovery file.

* 3248029 (Tracking ID: 2439261)

When the vx_fiostats_tunable is changed from zero to non-zero, the
system panics with the following stack trace:

When vx_fiostats_tunable is changed from zero to non-zero, all the
incore-inode fiostats attributes are set to NULL. When these attributes are
accessed, the system panics due to the NULL pointer dereference.

The code has been modified to check the file I/O stat attributes are
present before dereferencing the pointers.

* 3248042 (Tracking ID: 3072036)

Reads from secondary node in CFS can sometimes fail with ENXIO (No such device 
or address).

The incore attribute ilist on secondary node is out of sync with that of the 

The code is modified such that incore attribute ilist on secondary node is force
updated with data from primary node.

* 3248046 (Tracking ID: 3092114)

The information output by the "df -i" command can often be inaccurate for 
cluster mounted file systems.

In Cluster File System 5.0 release a concept of delegating metadata to nodes in 
the cluster is introduced. This delegation of metadata allows CFS secondary 
nodes to update metadata without having to ask the CFS primary to do it. This 
provides greater node scalability. 
However, the "df -i" information is still collected by the CFS primary 
regardless of which node (primary or secondary) the "df -i" command is executed 

For inodes the granularity of each delegation is an Inode Allocation Unit 
[IAU], thus IAUs can be delegated to nodes in the cluster.
When using a VxFS 1Kb file system block size each IAU will represent 8192 
When using a VxFS 2Kb file system block size each IAU will represent 16384 
When using a VxFS 4Kb file system block size each IAU will represent 32768 
When using a VxFS 8Kb file system block size each IAU will represent 65536 
Each IAU contains a bitmap that determines whether each inode it represents is 
either allocated or free, the IAU also contains a summary count of the number 
of inodes that are currently free in the IAU.
The ""df -i" information can be considered as a simple sum of all the IAU 
summary counts.
Using a 1Kb block size IAU-0 will represent inodes numbers      0 -  8191
Using a 1Kb block size IAU-1 will represent inodes numbers   8192 - 16383
Using a 1Kb block size IAU-2 will represent inodes numbers  16384 - 32768
The inaccurate "df -i" count occurs because the CFS primary has no visibility 
of the current IAU summary information for IAU that are delegated to Secondary 
Therefore the number of allocated inodes within an IAU that is currently 
delegated to a CFS Secondary node is not known to the CFS Primary.  As a 
result, the "df -i" count information for the currently delegated IAUs is 
collected from the Primary's copy of the IAU summaries. Since the Primary's 
copy of the IAU is stale, therefore the "df -i" count is only accurate when no 
IAUs are currently delegated to CFS secondary nodes.
In other words - the IAUs currently delegated to CFS secondary nodes will cause 
the "df -i" count to be inaccurate.
Once an IAU is delegated to a node it can "timeout" after a 3 minutes  of 
inactivity. However, not all IAU delegations will timeout. One IAU will always 
remain delegated to each node for performance reasons. Also an IAU whose inodes 
are all allocated (so no free inodes remain in the IAU) it would not timeout 
The issue can be best summarized as:
The more IAUs that remain delegated to CFS secondary nodes, the greater the 
inaccuracy of the "df -i" count.

Allow the delegations for IAU's whose inodes are all allocated (so no free 
inodes in the IAU) to "timeout" after 3 minutes of inactivity.

* 3248054 (Tracking ID: 3153919)

The fsadm(1M) command may hang when the structural file set re-organization is
in progress. The following stack trace is observed:

During the structural file set re-organization, due to some race condition, the
VX_CFS_IOWN_TRANSIT flag is set on the inode. At the final stage of the
structural file set re-organization, all the inodes are re-initialized. Since, 
the VX_CFS_IOWN_TRANSIT flag is set improperly, the re-initialization fails to
proceed. This causes the hang.

The code is modified such that VX_CFS_IOWN_TRANSIT flag is cleared.

* 3296988 (Tracking ID: 2977035)

While running an internal noise test in a Cluster File System (CFS) environment, a debug assert issue was observed in vx_dircompact()function.

Compacting directory blocks are avoided if the inode has AextopA (extended operation) flags, such as deferred inode removal and pass through truncation set.. The issue is caused when the inode has extended pass through truncation and is considered for compacting.

The code is modified to avoid compacting the directory blocks of the inode if it has [0]an extended operation of pass through truncation set.[0]

* 3310758 (Tracking ID: 3310755)

When the system processes an indirect extent, if it finds the first record as Zero Fill-On-Demand (ZFOD) extent (or first n records are ZFOD records), then it hits the assert.

In case of indirect extents reference count mechanism (shared block count)
regarding files having the shared ZFOD extents are not behaving correctly.

The code for the reference count queue (RCQ) handling for the shared indirect ZFOD extents is modified, and the fsck(1M) issues with snapshot of file[0] when there are ZFOD extents has been fixed.

* 3317118 (Tracking ID: 3317116)

Internal command conformance text for mount command on RHEL6 Update4 hit debug assert inside the vx_get_sb_impl() function

In RHEL6 Update4 kernel security update 2.6.32-358.18.1, Redhat changed the flag used to save mount status of dentry from d_flags to d_mounted. This resulted in debug assert in the vx_get_sb_impl() function, as d_flags was used to check mount status of dentry in RHEL6.

The code is modified to use d_flags if OS is RHEL6 update2, else use d_mounted to determine mount status for dentry.

* 3338024 (Tracking ID: 3297840)

A metadata corruption is found during the file removal process with the inode block count getting negative.

When the user removes or truncates a file having the shared indirect blocks, there can be an instance where the block count can be updated to reflect the removal of the shared indirect blocks when the blocks are not removed from the file. The next iteration of the loop updates the block count again while removing these blocks. This will eventually lead to the block count being a negative value after all the blocks are removed from the file. The removal code expects the block count to be zero before updating the rest of the metadata.

The code is modified to update the block count and other tracking metadata in the same transaction as the blocks are removed from the file.

* 3338026 (Tracking ID: 3331419)

Machine panics with the following stack trace.

 #0 [ffff883ff8fdc110] machine_kexec at ffffffff81035c0b
 #1 [ffff883ff8fdc170] crash_kexec at ffffffff810c0dd2
 #2 [ffff883ff8fdc240] oops_end at ffffffff81511680
 #3 [ffff883ff8fdc270] no_context at ffffffff81046bfb
 #4 [ffff883ff8fdc2c0] __bad_area_nosemaphore at ffffffff81046e85
 #5 [ffff883ff8fdc310] bad_area at ffffffff81046fae
 #6 [ffff883ff8fdc340] __do_page_fault at ffffffff81047760
 #7 [ffff883ff8fdc460] do_page_fault at ffffffff815135ce
 #8 [ffff883ff8fdc490] page_fault at ffffffff81510985
    [exception RIP: print_context_stack+173]
    RIP: ffffffff8100f4dd  RSP: ffff883ff8fdc548  RFLAGS: 00010006
    RAX: 00000010ffffffff  RBX: ffff883ff8fdc6d0  RCX: 0000000000002755
    RDX: 0000000000000000  RSI: 0000000000000046  RDI: 0000000000000046
    RBP: ffff883ff8fdc5a8   R8: 000000000002072c   R9: 00000000fffffffb
    R10: 0000000000000001  R11: 000000000000000c  R12: ffff883ff8fdc648
    R13: ffff883ff8fdc000  R14: ffffffff81600460  R15: 0000000000000000
    ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff  CS: 0010  SS: 0018
 #9 [ffff883ff8fdc540] print_context_stack at ffffffff8100f4d1
#10 [ffff883ff8fdc5b0] dump_trace at ffffffff8100e4a0
#11 [ffff883ff8fdc650] show_trace_log_lvl at ffffffff8100f245
#12 [ffff883ff8fdc680] show_trace at ffffffff8100f275
#13 [ffff883ff8fdc690] dump_stack at ffffffff8150d3ca
#14 [ffff883ff8fdc6d0] warn_slowpath_common at ffffffff8106e2e7
#15 [ffff883ff8fdc710] warn_slowpath_null at ffffffff8106e33a
#16 [ffff883ff8fdc720] hrtick_start_fair at ffffffff810575eb
#17 [ffff883ff8fdc750] pick_next_task_fair at ffffffff81064a00
#18 [ffff883ff8fdc7a0] schedule at ffffffff8150d908
#19 [ffff883ff8fdc860] __cond_resched at ffffffff81064d6a
#20 [ffff883ff8fdc880] _cond_resched at ffffffff8150e550
#21 [ffff883ff8fdc890] vx_nalloc_getpage_lnx at ffffffffa041afd5 [vxfs]
#22 [ffff883ff8fdca80] vx_nalloc_getpage at ffffffffa03467a3 [vxfs]
#23 [ffff883ff8fdcbf0] vx_do_getpage at ffffffffa034816b [vxfs]
#24 [ffff883ff8fdcdd0] vx_do_read_ahead at ffffffffa03f705e [vxfs]
#25 [ffff883ff8fdceb0] vx_read_ahead at ffffffffa038ed8a [vxfs]
#26 [ffff883ff8fdcfc0] vx_do_getpage at ffffffffa0347732 [vxfs]
#27 [ffff883ff8fdd1a0] vx_getpage1 at ffffffffa034865d [vxfs]
#28 [ffff883ff8fdd2f0] vx_fault at ffffffffa03d4788 [vxfs]
#29 [ffff883ff8fdd400] __do_fault at ffffffff81143194
#30 [ffff883ff8fdd490] handle_pte_fault at ffffffff81143767
#31 [ffff883ff8fdd570] handle_mm_fault at ffffffff811443fa
#32 [ffff883ff8fdd5e0] __get_user_pages at ffffffff811445fa
#33 [ffff883ff8fdd670] get_user_pages at ffffffff81144999
#34 [ffff883ff8fdd690] vx_dio_physio at ffffffffa041d812 [vxfs]
#35 [ffff883ff8fdd800] vx_dio_rdwri at ffffffffa02ed08e [vxfs]
#36 [ffff883ff8fdda20] vx_write_direct at ffffffffa044f490 [vxfs]
#37 [ffff883ff8fddaf0] vx_write1 at ffffffffa04524bf [vxfs]
#38 [ffff883ff8fddc30] vx_write_common_slow at ffffffffa0453e4b [vxfs]
#39 [ffff883ff8fddd30] vx_write_common at ffffffffa0454ea8 [vxfs]
#40 [ffff883ff8fdde00] vx_write at ffffffffa03dc3ac [vxfs]
#41 [ffff883ff8fddef0] vfs_write at ffffffff81181078
#42 [ffff883ff8fddf30] sys_pwrite64 at ffffffff81181a32
#43 [ffff883ff8fddf80] system_call_fastpath at ffffffff8100b072

The panic is due to kernel referring to corrupted thread_info structure from the
scheduler, thread_info got corrupted by stack overflow. While doing direct I/O
write, user-space pages need to be pre-faulted using __get_user_pages() code
path. This code path is very deep can end up consuming lot of stack space.

Reduced the kernel stack consumption by ~400-500 bytes in this code path by
making various changes in the way pre-faulting is done.

* 3338030 (Tracking ID: 3335272)

The mkfs (make file system) command dumps core when the log size 
provided is not aligned. The following stack trace is displayed:

(gdb) bt
#0  find_space ()
#1  place_extents ()
#2  fill_fset ()
#3  main ()

While creating the VxFS file system using the mkfs command, if the 
log size provided is not aligned properly, you may end up in doing 
miscalculations for placing the RCQ extents and finding no place. This leads to 
illegal memory access of AU bitmap and results in core dump.

The code is modified to place the RCQ extents in the same AU where 
log extents are allocated.

* 3338063 (Tracking ID: 3332902)

The system running the fsclustadm(1M) command panics while shutting
down. The following stack trace is logged along with the panic:
page_fault [exception RIP: vx_glm_unlock]
vx_cfs_frlpause_leave [vxfs]
vx_cfsaioctl [vxfs]
vxportalkioctl [vxportal]

There exists a race-condition between "fsclustadm(1M) cfsdeinit"
and "fsclustadm(1M) frlpause_disable". The "fsclustadm(1M) cfsdeinit" fails
after cleaning the Group Lock Manager (GLM),  without downgrading the CFS state.
Under the false CFS state, the "fsclustadm(1M) frlpause_disable" command enters
and accesses the GLM lock, which "fsclustadm(1M) cfsdeinit" frees resulting in a

There exists another race between the code in vx_cfs_deinit() and the code in
fsck, and it will lead to the situation that although fsck has a reservation
held, but this couldn't prevent vx_cfs_deinit() from freeing vx_cvmres_list
because there is no such a check for vx_cfs_keepcount.

The code is modified to add appropriate checks in the
"fsclustadm(1M) cfsdeinit" and "fsclustadm(1M) frlpause_disable" to avoid the

* 3338750 (Tracking ID: 2414266)

The fallocate(2) system call fails on VxFS file systems in the Linux environment.

The fallocate(2) system call, which is used for pre-allocating the file space on
Linux, is not supported on VxFS.

The code is modified to support the fallocate(2) system call on VxFS in the
Linux environment.

* 3338762 (Tracking ID: 3096834)

Intermittent vx_disable messages are displayed in system log.

VxFS displays intermittent vx_disable messages. The file system is
not corrupt and the fsck(1M) command does not indicate any problem with the file
system. However, the file system gets disabled.

The code is modified to make the vx_disable message verbose with
stack trace information to facilitate further debugging.

* 3338776 (Tracking ID: 3224101)

On a file system that is mounted by a cluster, the system panics after you
enable the lazy optimization for updating the i_size across the cluster nodes.
The stack trace may look as follows:

On a file system that is mounted by a cluster with the -o cluster option, read
operations or write operations take a range lock to synchronize updates across
the different nodes. The lazy optimization incorrectly enables a node to release
a range lock which is not acquired and panic the node.

The code has been modified to release only those range locks which are acquired.

* 3338779 (Tracking ID: 3252983)

On a high-end system greater than or equal to 48 CPUs, some file-system
operations may hang with the following stack trace:

The function to get an inode returns an incorrect error value if there are no
free inodes available in incore, this error value allocates an inode on-disk
instead of allocating it to the incore. As a result, the same function is called
again resulting in a continuous loop.

The code is modified to return the correct error code.

* 3338780 (Tracking ID: 3253210)

When the file system reaches the space limitation, it hangs with the following stack trace:

When large directory hash is enabled through the vx_dexh_sz(5M) tunable,  Veritas File System (VxFS) uses the large directory hash for directories.
When you rename a file, a new directory entry is inserted to the hash table, which results in hash split. The hash split fails the current transaction and retries after some housekeeping jobs complete. These jobs include allocating more space for the hash table. However, VxFS doesn't check the return value of the preamble job. And thus, when VxFS runs out of space, the rename transaction is re-entered permanently without knowing if more space is allocated by preamble jobs.

The code is modified to enable VxFS to exit looping when ENOSPC is returned from the preamble job.

* 3338781 (Tracking ID: 3249958)

When the /usr file system is mounted as a separate file system, 
Veritas File system (VxFS) fails to load.

There is a dependency between the two file systems, as VxFS uses a 
non-vital system utility command found in the /usr file system at boot up.

The code is modified by changing the VxFS init script to load VxFS 
only after /usr file system is up to resolve the dependency.

* 3338787 (Tracking ID: 3261462)

File system with size greater than 16TB corrupts with vx_mapbad messages in the system log.

The corruption results from the combination of the following two conditions:
a.	Two or more threads race against each other to allocate around the same offset range. As a result, VxFS returns the buffer locked only in shared mode for all the threads which fail in allocating the extent.
b.	Since the allocated extent is from a region beyond 16TB, threads need to convert the buffer to a different type so that to accommodate the new extentAs start value.
The buffer overrun happens because VxFS erroneously tries to unconditionally convert the buffer to the new type even though the buffer might not be able to accommodate the converted data.

When the race condition is detected, VxFS returns proper retry errors to the caller, so that the whole operation is retried from the beginning. Also, the code is modified to ensure that VxFS doesnAt try to convert the buffer to the new type when it cannot accommodate the new data. In case this check fails, VxFS performs the proper split logic, so that buffer overrun doesnAt happen when the operation is retried.

* 3338790 (Tracking ID: 3233284)

FSCK binary hangs while checking Reference Count Table (RCT) with the following stack trace:

The FSCK binary hangs due to the looping in the bmap_search_typed_raw() function. This function searches for extent entry in the indirect buffer for a given offset. In this case, the given offset is less than the start offset of the first extent entry. This unhandled corner case causes the infinite loop.

The code is modified to handle the following cases:
1. Searching in empty indirect block.
2. Searching for an offset, which is less than the start offset of the first entry in the indirect block.

* 3339230 (Tracking ID: 3308673)

With the delayed allocations feature enabled for local mounted file
system having highly fragmented available free space, the file system is
disabled with  the following message seen in the system log
WARNING: msgcnt 1 mesg 031: V-2-31: vx_disable - /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/testvol file
system disabled

VxFS transaction provides multiple extent allocations to fulfill one allocation
request for a file system that has a high free space fragmentation. Thus, the
allocation transaction becomes large and fails to commit. After retrying the
transaction for a defined number of times, the file system is disabled with the
with the above mentioned error

The code is modified to commit the part of the transaction which is commit table
and retrying the remaining part

* 3339884 (Tracking ID: 1949445)

System is unresponsive when files are created on large directory. The following stack is logged:


For large directories, large directory hash (LDH) is enabled to improve the lookup feature. When a system takes ownership of LDH inode twice in same thread context (while building hash for directory), it becomes unresponsive

The code is modified to avoid taking ownership again if we already have the ownership of the LDH inode.

* 3339949 (Tracking ID: 3271892)

VFR fail if the same Process ID (PID) is associated with the multiple
jobs working on different target file systems.

The single-threaded VFR jobs cause the bottlenecks that result in
scalability issues. Also, they may fail, if there are multiple jobs doing
replications on different file systems and associated with single process. If
one of jobs finishes, it may unregister all other jobs and the replication
operation may fail.

The code is modified to add multithreading, so that multiple jobs
can be served per thread basis. This modification allows better scalability. The
code is also modified to fix the VFR job unregister method.

* 3339963 (Tracking ID: 3071622)

On SLES10, bcopy(3) with overlapping address does not work.

The bcopy() function is a deprecated API due to which the function
fails to handle overlapping addresses.

The code is modified to replace the bcopy() function with memmove()
function that handles the overlapping addresses requests.

* 3339964 (Tracking ID: 3313756)

The file replication daemon exits unexpectedly and dumps core on the
target side. With the following stack trace:


The replication daemon tries to close a session which is already
closed and hence cored dumps accessing a null pointer.

The code is modified to the check the state of the session before
trying to close it.

* 3340029 (Tracking ID: 3298041)

While performing "delayed extent allocations" by writing to a file 
sequentially and extending the file's size, or performing a mixture of 
sequential write I/O and random write I/O which extend a file's size, the write 
I/O performance to the file can suddenly degrade significantly.

The 'dalloc' feature allows VxFS to allocate extents (file system 
blocks) to a file in a delayed fashion when extending a file size. Asynchronous 
writes that extend a file's size will create and dirty memory pages, new 
extents can therefore be allocated when the dirty pages are flushed to disk 
(via background processing) rather than allocating the extents in the same 
context as the write I/O. However, in some cases, with the delayed allocation 
on, the flushing of dirty pages may occur synchronously in the foreground in 
the same context as the write I/O, when triggered the foreground flushing can 
significantly slow the write I/O performance.

The code is modified to avoid the foreground flushing of data in 
the same write context.

* 3340031 (Tracking ID: 3337806)

On linux kernels greater than 3.0 find(1) command, the kernel may panic
in the link_path_walk() function with the following stack trace:


VxFS overloads a bit of the dentry flag at 0x1000 for internal
usage. Linux didn't use this bit until kernel version 3.0 onwards. Therefore it
is possible that both Linux and VxFS strive for this bit, which panics the kernel.

The code is modified not to use 0x1000 bit in the dentry flag .

* 3348459 (Tracking ID: 3274048)

VxFS hangs when it requests a cluster-wide grant on an inode while holding a lock on the inode.

In the vx_switch_ilocks_list() function, VxFS requests the cluster-wide grant on an inode when it holds a lock on the inode, which may result in a deadlock.

The code is modified to release a lock on an inode before asking for the cluster-wide grant on the inode, and recapture lock on the inode after cluster-wide grant is obtained.

* 3351939 (Tracking ID: 3351937)

The vfradmin(1M) command may fail when promoting a job on the locally
mounted file system due to the "relatime" mount option.[0]

If /etc/mtab is a symlink to /proc/mounts, the vfradmin(1M) command fails as the
mount command is unable to handle "relatime" option returned by new Linux
versions and not handling of fstype "vxclonefs" for checkpoints

The code is modified such that to suppress the "relatime" mount option while
remounting file system and proper handling of fstype "vxclonefs" for checkpoints.

* 3351946 (Tracking ID: 3194635)

Internal stress test on locally mounted filesystem exitsed with an error message.

With a file having Zero-Filled on Demand (ZFOD) extents, a write operation in ZFOD extent area may lead to the coalescing of extent of type SHARED or COMPRESSED, or both with new extent of type DATA. The new DATA extent may be coalesced with the adjacent extent, if possible. If this happens without unsharing for shared extent or uncompressing for compressed extent case, data or metadata corruption may occur.

The code is modified such that adjacent shared, compressed or pseudo-compressed extent is not coalesced.

* 3351947 (Tracking ID: 3164418)

Internal stress test on locally mounted VxFS filesytem results in data corruption in no space on device scenario while doing spilt on Zero Fill-On-Demand(ZFOD) extent.

When the split operation on Zero Fill-On-Demand(ZFOD) extent fails because of the ENOSPC(no space on device) error, then it erroneously processes the original ZFOD extent and returns no error. This may result in data corruption.

The code is modified to return the ZFOD extent to its original state, if the ZFOD split operation fails due to ENOSPC error.

* 3359278 (Tracking ID: 3364290)

The kernel may panic in Veritas File System (VxFS) when it is internally working
on reference count queue(RCQ) record.

The work item spawned by VxFS in kernel to process RCQ records during RCQ full
situation is getting passed file system pointer as argument. Since no active
level is held, this file system pointer is not guaranteed to be valid by the
time the workitem starts processing. This may result in the panic.

The code is modified to pass externally visible file system structure, as this
structure is guaranteed to be valid since the creator of the work item takes a
reference held on the structure which is released after the workitem exits.

* 3364285 (Tracking ID: 3364282)

The fsck(1M) command  fails to correct inode list file.

The fsck(1M) command fails to correct the inode list file to write metadata for the inode list file after writing to disk an extent for the inode list file, if the write operation is successful.

The fsck(1M) command is modified to write metadata for the inode list file after succewrite operations of an extent for the inode list file.

* 3364289 (Tracking ID: 3364287)

Debug assert may be hit in the vx_real_unshare() function in the
cluster environment.

The vx_extend_unshare() function wrongly looks at the offset immediately after
the current unshare length boundary. Instead, it should look at the offset that
falls on the last byte of current unshare length. This may result in hitting
debug asserts in the vx_real_unshare() function.

The code is modified for the shared compressed extent. When the
vx_extend_unshare() function tries to extend the unshared region, it doesnAt
look up at the first byte immediately after the region is unshared. Instead, it
does a looks up at the last byte unshared.

* 3364302 (Tracking ID: 3364301)

Assert failure because of improper handling of inode lock while truncating a reorg inode.

While truncating the reorg extent, there may be a case where unlock on inode is called even when 
lock on inode is not taken.While truncating reorg inode, locks held are released and before it acquires them 
again, it checks if the inode is cluster inode. if true, it goes for taking delegation hold lock. If there 
was error while taking delegation hold lock, it comes to error code path. Here it checks if there was any 
transaction and if it had tran commitable error. It commits the transaction and on success calls the unlock 
to release the locks which was not held.

The code is modified to check whether lock is taken or not before unlocking.

* 3364305 (Tracking ID: 3364303)

Internal stress test on a locally mounted file system hits a debug assert in VxFS File Device Driver (FDD).

In VxFS File Device Driver (FDD), dentry operations are explicitly set using an assignment, which cause flags related to deletion to get incorrectly populated in dentry. This causes dentry from not getting shrunk immediately after use from cache. As a result a debug assert is hit.

The code is modified to use the d_set_d_op() operating system function to initialize dentry operations. This function also takes care of the related flags inside dentry.

* 3364307 (Tracking ID: 3364306)

Stack overflow seen in extent allocation code path.

Stack overflow appears in the vx_extprevfind() code path.

The code is modified to hand-off the extent allocation to a worker thread when stack consumption reaches 4k.

* 3364317 (Tracking ID: 3364312)

The fsadm(1M) command is unresponsive while processing the VX_FSADM_REORGLK_MSG message. The following stack trace may be seen while processing VX_FSADM_REORGLK_MSG:


In the vx_do_rct_gc() function, flag for in-directory cleanup is set for a shared indirect extent (SHR_IADDR_EXT). If the truncation fails, the vx_do_rct_gc()function does not clear the in-directory cleanup flag. As a result, the caller ends up calling the vx_do_rct_gc()function repeatedly leading to a never ending loop.

The code is modified to reset the value of in-directory cleanup flag in case of truncation error inside the vx_do_rct_gc() function.

* 3364333 (Tracking ID: 3312897)

In Cluster File System (CFS), system can hang while trying to perform any administrative operation when the primary node is disabled.

In CFS, when node 1 tries to do some administrative operation which freezes and thaws the file system (e.g. turning on/off fcl), a deadlock can occur between the thaw and recovery (which started due to CFS primary being disabled) threads. The thread on node 1 trying to thaw is blocked while waiting for node 2 to reply to the loadfs message. The thread processing the loadfs message is waiting to complete the recovery operation. The recovery thread on node 2 is waiting for lock on an extent map (emap) buffer. This lock is held on node 1, as part of a transaction that was committed during the freeze, which results into a deadlock.

The code is modified such as to flush any transactions that were committed during a freeze before starting the thawing process.

* 3364335 (Tracking ID: 3331109)

The full fsck does not repair corrupted reference count queue (RCQ) record.

When the RCQ record is corrupted due to an I/O error or log error, there is no code in full fsck which handles this corruption.
As a result, some further operations related to RCQ might fail.

The code is modified To repair the corrupt RCQ entry during a full fsck.

* 3364338 (Tracking ID: 3331045)

Kernel Oops in unlock code of map while referring freed mlink due to a race with iodone routine for delayed writes.

After issuing ASYNC I/O of map buffer, there is a possible race Between the vx_unlockmap() function and the vx_mapiodone() function. Due to a race, the vx_unlockmap() function refers a mlink after it gets freed.

The code is modified to handle such race condition.

* 3364349 (Tracking ID: 3359200)

Internal test on Veritas File System (VxFS) fsdedup(1M) feature in cluster filesystem environment results in
a hang.

The thread which processes the fsdedup(1M) request is taking the delegation lock on extent map which itself is waiting to acquire a lock on cluster-wide reference count queue(RCQ) buffer. While other internal VxFS thread is working on RCQ takes lock on cluster-wide RCQ buffer and is waiting to acquire delegation lock on extent map causinga deadlock.

The code is modified to correct the lock hierarchy such that the  delegation lock on extent map is taken before taking lock on cluster-wide RCQ buffer.

* 3364353 (Tracking ID: 3331047)

Memory leak occurs in the vx_followlink() function in error condition.

The vx_followlink() function doesnAt free allocated buffer, which results in the error of memory leak.

The code is modified to free the buffer in the vx_followlink() function in error condition.

* 3364355 (Tracking ID: 3263336)

Internal noise test on cluster file system hits
"f:vx_cwfrz_wait:2" and "f:vx_osdep_msgprint:panic" debug asserts.

VxFS hits the Af:vx_cwfrz_wait:2A and Af:vx_osdep_msgprint:panicA debug asserts due to a deadlock between work list thread and freeze. As a result, in processing delicache items (vx_delicache_process), all of the work threads are looping on the file control log (FCL) items in the work list 1, and they can never reach work list 0. Thus, the delicache items are never processed, cluster freeze never finish, and the FCL item never gets its active level.

The code is modified to remove the force flag judgment in  vx_delicache_process, so that the thread which enqueues delicache work item can always help in processing its own item.

* 3369037 (Tracking ID: 3349651)

VxFS modules fail to load on RHEL6.5 and following error messages are
reported in system log.
kernel: vxfs: disagrees about version of symbol putname
kernel: vxfs: disagrees about version of symbol getname

In RHEL6.5 the kernel interfaces for getname and putname used by
VxFS have changed.

Code modified to use latest definitions of getname and putname
kernel interfaces.

* 3369039 (Tracking ID: 3350804)

On RHEL6, VxFS can sometimes report system panic with errors as Thread
overruns stack, or stack corrupts.

On RHEL6, the low-stack memory allocations consume significant
memory, especially when system is under memory pressure and takes page allocator route. This breaks our earlier assumptions of stack depth calculations.

The code is modified to add a check in case of RHEL6 before doing low-stack allocations for available stack size, VxFS re-tunes the various stack depth calculations for each distribution separately to minimize performance penalties.

* 3370650 (Tracking ID: 2735912)

The performance of tier relocation for moving a large number of files is poor 
when the `fsppadm enforce' command is used.  When looking at the fsppadm(1M) 
command in the kernel, the following stack trace is observed:


When the relocation is for each file located in Tier 1 to be relocated to Tier 
2, Veritas File System (VxFS) allocates a new reorg inode and all its extents 
in Tier 2. VxFS then swaps the content of these two files and deletes the 
original file. This new inode allocation which involves a lot of processing can 
result in poor performance when a large number of files are moved.

The code is modified to develop a reorg inode pool or cache instead of 
allocating it each time.

* 3372896 (Tracking ID: 3352059)

Due to memory leak, high memory usage occurs with vxfsrepld on target when no jobs are running.

On the target side, high memory usage may occur even when
there are no jobs running because the memory allocated for some structures is not freed for every job iteration.

The code is modified to resolve the memory leaks.

* 3372909 (Tracking ID: 3274592)

Internal noise test on Cluster File System (CFS)is unresponsive while executing the fsadm(1M) command

In CFS, the fsadm(1M) command hangs in the kernel, while processing the fsadm-reorganisation message on a secondary node. The hang results due to a race with the thread processing fsadm-query message for mounting primary-fileset on secondary node where the thread processing fsadm-query message wins the race.

The code is modified to synchronize the processing of fsadm-query message and fsadm-reorganization message on the primary node. This synchronization ensures that they are processed in the order in which they were received.

* 3380905 (Tracking ID: 3291635)

Internal testing found the Avx_freeze_block_threads_all:7cA debug assert on locally mounted file systems while processing preambles for transactions

While processing preambles for transactions, if reference count queue (RCQ) is full, VxFS may hamper the processing of RCQ to free some records. This may result in hitting the debug assert.

The code is modified to ignore the Reference count queue (RCQ) full errors when VxFS processes preambles for transactions.

* 3381928 (Tracking ID: 3444771)

Internal noise test on cluster file system hits debug assert while
creating a file.

While creating a file, if the inode is allotted from the delicache list,
it displayed null security field used for selinux.

The code is modified to allocate the security structure when reusing the
inode from delicache list.

* 3383150 (Tracking ID: 3383147)

The ACA operator precedence error may occur while turning AoffA delayed

Due to the C operator precedence issue, VxFS evaluates a condition

The code is modified to evaluate the condition correctly.

* 3383271 (Tracking ID: 3433786)

The vxedquota(1M) command fails to set quota limits for some  users.

When vxedquota(1M) is invoked to set quota limits for users, it scans all the mounted VxFS file systems which have quota enabled and gets the quota file name paths. The buffer of user quota file path displayed path of group quota file name as the records were set for groups instead of users. In addition, passing of device name instead of mount point name leads to ioctl failure.

The code is modified to use the correct buffer for user quota file name and use the mount point for all ioctls related to quota. 
ioctls related to quota.

* 3396539 (Tracking ID: 3331093)

MountAgent got stuck while doing repeated switchover due to current
VxFS-AMF notification/unregistration design with the following stacktrace:

sleep_spinunlock+0x61 ()
vx_delay2+0x1f0 ()
vx_unreg_callback_funcs_impl+0xd0 ()
disable_vxfs_api+0x190 ()
text+0x280 ()
amf_event_release+0x230 ()
amf_fs_event_lookup_notify_multi+0x2f0 ()
amf_vxfs_mount_opt_change_callback+0x190 ()
vx_aioctl_unsetmntlock+0x390 ()
cold_vx_aioctl_common+0x7c0 ()
vx_aioctl+0x300 ()
vx_admin_ioctl+0x610 ()
vxportal_ioctl+0x690 ()
spec_ioctl+0xf0 () 
vno_ioctl+0x350 ()
ioctl+0x410 ()
syscall+0x5b0 ()

This issue is related to VxFS-AMF interface. VxFS provides
notifications to AMF for certain events like FS being disabled or mount options
change. While VxFS has called into AMF, AMF event handling mechanism can trigger
an unregistration of VxFS in the same context since VxFS's notification
triggered the last event notification registered with AMF.

Before VxFS calls into AMF, a variable vx_fsamf_busy is set to 1 and it is reset
when the callback returns. The unregistration loops if it finds that
vx_fsamf_busy is set to 1. Since unregistration was called from the same context
of the notification call back, the vx_fsamf_busy was never set to 0 and the loop
goes on endlessly causing the command that triggered the notification to hang.

A delayed unregistration mechanism is employed. The fix addresses
the issue of getting unregistration from AMF in the context of callback from
VxFS to AMF. In such scenario, the unregistration is marked for a later time.
When all the notifications return and if a delayed unregistration is marked, the
unregistration routine is explicitly called.

* 3402484 (Tracking ID: 3394803)

The vxupgrade(1M) command causes VxFS to panic with the following stack trace:

The panic is caused due to de_referencing the operator in the NULL device (one
of the devices in the DEVLIST is showing as a NULL device).

The code is modified to skip the NULL devices when the device in EVLIST is

* 3405172 (Tracking ID: 3436699)

Assert failure occurs because of race condition between clone mount thread and directory removal thread while pushing data on clone.

There is a race condition between clone mount thread and directory removal thread (while pushing modified directory data on clone). On AIX, vnodes are added into the VFS vnode list (link-list of vnodes). The first entry to this vnode link-list must be root's vnode, which was done during the mount process. While mounting a clone, mount thread is scheduled before adding root's vnode into this list. During this time, the thread 2 takes the VFS lock on the same VFS list and tries to enter the directory's vnode into this vnode list. As there was no root vnode present at the start, it is assumed that this directory vnode as a root vnode and while cross checking this with the VROOT flag, the assert fails.

The code is modified to handle the race condition by attaching root vnode into VFS vnode list before setting VFS pointer into file set.

* 3411725 (Tracking ID: 3415639)

The type of the fsdedupadm(1M) command always shows as MANUAL even it is launched by the fsdedupschd daemon.

The deduplication tasks scheduled by the scheduler do not show their type
as "SCHEDULED", instead they show it as "MANUAL". This is because the fsdeduschd daemon, while calling fsdedup, does not set the flag -d which would set the correct status.

The code is modified so that the flag is set properly.

* 3429587 (Tracking ID: 3463464)

Internal kernel functionality conformance test hits a kernel panic due to null pointer dereference.

In the vx_fsadm_query()function, error handling code path incorrectly sets the nodeid to AnullA in the file system structure. As a result of clearing nodeid, any subsequent access to this field results in the kernel panic.

The code is modified to improve the error handling code path.

* 3430687 (Tracking ID: 3444775)

Internal noise testing on Cluster File System (CFS) results in a kernel panic in function vx_fsadm_query()with the following error message "Unable to handle kernel paging request".

The issue occurs due to simultaneous asynchronous access or modification by two threads to inode list extent array. As a result, memory freed by one thread is accessed by the other thread, resulting in the panic.

The code is modified to add relevant locks to synchronize access or modification of inode list extent array.

* 3436393 (Tracking ID: 3462694)

The fsdedupadm(1M) command fails with error code 9 when it tries to
mount checkpoints on a cluster.

While mounting checkpoints, the fsdedupadm(1M) command fails to
parse the cluster mount option correctly, resulting in the mount failure.

The code is modified to parse cluster mount options correctly in the
fsdedupadm(1M) operation.

* 3468413 (Tracking ID: 3465035)

The VRTSvxfs and VRTSfsadv packages display incorrect "Provides" list.

The VRTSvxfs and VRTSfsadv packages show incorrect provides such as libexpat, libssh2 etc. These libraries are used internally by VRTSvxfs and VRTSfsadv. And, since the libraries are private copies they are not available for non-Veritas product.

The code is modified to disable the "Provides" list in VRTSvxfs and VRTSfsadv packages.

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.300

* 3384781 (Tracking ID: 3384775)

Installing patch on RHEL 6.4  or earlier RHEL 6.* versions fails with ERROR: No appropriate modules 
# /etc/init.d/vxfs start
ERROR: No appropriate modules found.
Error in loading module "vxfs". See documentation.
Failed to create /dev/vxportal
ERROR: Module fdd does not exist in /proc/modules
ERROR: Module vxportal does not exist in /proc/modules
ERROR: Module vxfs does not exist in /proc/modules

VRTSvxfs  and VRTSodm rpms ship four different set module for RHEL 6.1 and RHEL6.2 , RHEL 6.3 , RHEL6.4 
and RHEL 6.5 each.
However the current patch only contains the RHEL 6.5 module.  Hence installation on earlier RHEL 6.* version 

A superseding patch will be released to include all the modules for RHEL 6.*  versions 
which will be available on SORT for download.

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.200

* 3349652 (Tracking ID: 3349651)

VxFS modules fail to load on RHEL6.5 and following error messages are
reported in system log.
kernel: vxfs: disagrees about version of symbol putname
kernel: vxfs: disagrees about version of symbol getname

In RHEL6.5 the kernel interfaces for getname and putname used by
VxFS have changed.

Code modified to use latest definitions of getname and putname
kernel interfaces.

* 3356841 (Tracking ID: 2059611)

The system panics due to a NULL pointer dereference while flushing the
bitmaps to the disk and the following stack trace is displayed:

The vx_unlockmap() function unlocks a map structure of the file
system. If the map is being used, the hold count is incremented. The
vx_unlockmap() function attempts to check whether this is an empty mlink doubly
linked list. The asynchronous vx_mapiodone routine can change the link at random
even though the hold count is zero.

The code is modified to change the evaluation rule inside the
vx_unlockmap() function, so that further evaluation can be skipped over when map
hold count is zero.

* 3356845 (Tracking ID: 3331419)

Machine panics with the following stack trace.

 #0 [ffff883ff8fdc110] machine_kexec at ffffffff81035c0b
 #1 [ffff883ff8fdc170] crash_kexec at ffffffff810c0dd2
 #2 [ffff883ff8fdc240] oops_end at ffffffff81511680
 #3 [ffff883ff8fdc270] no_context at ffffffff81046bfb
 #4 [ffff883ff8fdc2c0] __bad_area_nosemaphore at ffffffff81046e85
 #5 [ffff883ff8fdc310] bad_area at ffffffff81046fae
 #6 [ffff883ff8fdc340] __do_page_fault at ffffffff81047760
 #7 [ffff883ff8fdc460] do_page_fault at ffffffff815135ce
 #8 [ffff883ff8fdc490] page_fault at ffffffff81510985
    [exception RIP: print_context_stack+173]
    RIP: ffffffff8100f4dd  RSP: ffff883ff8fdc548  RFLAGS: 00010006
    RAX: 00000010ffffffff  RBX: ffff883ff8fdc6d0  RCX: 0000000000002755
    RDX: 0000000000000000  RSI: 0000000000000046  RDI: 0000000000000046
    RBP: ffff883ff8fdc5a8   R8: 000000000002072c   R9: 00000000fffffffb
    R10: 0000000000000001  R11: 000000000000000c  R12: ffff883ff8fdc648
    R13: ffff883ff8fdc000  R14: ffffffff81600460  R15: 0000000000000000
    ORIG_RAX: ffffffffffffffff  CS: 0010  SS: 0018
 #9 [ffff883ff8fdc540] print_context_stack at ffffffff8100f4d1
#10 [ffff883ff8fdc5b0] dump_trace at ffffffff8100e4a0
#11 [ffff883ff8fdc650] show_trace_log_lvl at ffffffff8100f245
#12 [ffff883ff8fdc680] show_trace at ffffffff8100f275
#13 [ffff883ff8fdc690] dump_stack at ffffffff8150d3ca
#14 [ffff883ff8fdc6d0] warn_slowpath_common at ffffffff8106e2e7
#15 [ffff883ff8fdc710] warn_slowpath_null at ffffffff8106e33a
#16 [ffff883ff8fdc720] hrtick_start_fair at ffffffff810575eb
#17 [ffff883ff8fdc750] pick_next_task_fair at ffffffff81064a00
#18 [ffff883ff8fdc7a0] schedule at ffffffff8150d908
#19 [ffff883ff8fdc860] __cond_resched at ffffffff81064d6a
#20 [ffff883ff8fdc880] _cond_resched at ffffffff8150e550
#21 [ffff883ff8fdc890] vx_nalloc_getpage_lnx at ffffffffa041afd5 [vxfs]
#22 [ffff883ff8fdca80] vx_nalloc_getpage at ffffffffa03467a3 [vxfs]
#23 [ffff883ff8fdcbf0] vx_do_getpage at ffffffffa034816b [vxfs]
#24 [ffff883ff8fdcdd0] vx_do_read_ahead at ffffffffa03f705e [vxfs]
#25 [ffff883ff8fdceb0] vx_read_ahead at ffffffffa038ed8a [vxfs]
#26 [ffff883ff8fdcfc0] vx_do_getpage at ffffffffa0347732 [vxfs]
#27 [ffff883ff8fdd1a0] vx_getpage1 at ffffffffa034865d [vxfs]
#28 [ffff883ff8fdd2f0] vx_fault at ffffffffa03d4788 [vxfs]
#29 [ffff883ff8fdd400] __do_fault at ffffffff81143194
#30 [ffff883ff8fdd490] handle_pte_fault at ffffffff81143767
#31 [ffff883ff8fdd570] handle_mm_fault at ffffffff811443fa
#32 [ffff883ff8fdd5e0] __get_user_pages at ffffffff811445fa
#33 [ffff883ff8fdd670] get_user_pages at ffffffff81144999
#34 [ffff883ff8fdd690] vx_dio_physio at ffffffffa041d812 [vxfs]
#35 [ffff883ff8fdd800] vx_dio_rdwri at ffffffffa02ed08e [vxfs]
#36 [ffff883ff8fdda20] vx_write_direct at ffffffffa044f490 [vxfs]
#37 [ffff883ff8fddaf0] vx_write1 at ffffffffa04524bf [vxfs]
#38 [ffff883ff8fddc30] vx_write_common_slow at ffffffffa0453e4b [vxfs]
#39 [ffff883ff8fddd30] vx_write_common at ffffffffa0454ea8 [vxfs]
#40 [ffff883ff8fdde00] vx_write at ffffffffa03dc3ac [vxfs]
#41 [ffff883ff8fddef0] vfs_write at ffffffff81181078
#42 [ffff883ff8fddf30] sys_pwrite64 at ffffffff81181a32
#43 [ffff883ff8fddf80] system_call_fastpath at ffffffff8100b072

The panic is due to kernel referring to corrupted thread_info structure from the
scheduler, thread_info got corrupted by stack overflow. While doing direct I/O
write, user-space pages need to be pre-faulted using __get_user_pages() code
path. This code path is very deep can end up consuming lot of stack space.

Reduced the kernel stack consumption by ~400-500 bytes in this code path by
making various changes in the way pre-faulting is done.

* 3356892 (Tracking ID: 3259634)

In CFS, each node with mounted file system cluster has its own intent
log in the file system. A CFS with more than 4, 294, 967, 296 file system blocks
can zero out an incorrect location resulting from an incorrect typecasting. For
example, that kind of CFS can incorrectly zero out 65536 file system blocks at
the block offset of 1, 537, 474, 560 (file system blocks) with a 8-Kb file system
block size and an intent log with the size of 65536 file system blocks. This
issue can only occur if an intent log is located above an offset of
4, 294, 967, 296 file system blocks. This situation can occur when you add a new
node to the cluster and mount an additional CFS secondary for the first time,
which needs to create and zero a new intent log. This situation can also happen
if you resize a file system or intent log and clear an intent log.

The problem occurs only with the following file system size and the FS block
size combinations:

1kb block size and FS size > 4TB
2kb block size and FS size > 8TB
4kb block size and FS size > 16TB
8kb block size and FS size > 32TB

For example, the message log can contain the following messages:

The full fsck flag is set on a file system with the following type of messages:

2013 Apr 17 14:52:22 sfsys kernel: vxfs: msgcnt 5 mesg 096: V-2-96:
vx_setfsflags - /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/vol1 file system fullfsck flag set - vx_ierror

2013 Apr 17 14:52:22 sfsys kernel: vxfs: msgcnt 6 mesg 017: V-2-17:
vx_attr_iget - /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/vol1 file system inode 13675215 marked bad 

2013 Jul 17 07:41:22 sfsys kernel: vxfs: msgcnt 47 mesg 096:  V-2-96:
vx_setfsflags - /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/vol1 file system fullfsck  flag set - 

2013 Jul 17 07:41:22 sfsys kernel: vxfs: msgcnt 48 mesg 017:  V-2-17:
vx_dirbread - /dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/vol1 file system inode 55010476  marked bad 

In CFS, each node with mounted file system cluster has its own
intent log in the file system. When an additional node mounts the file system as
a CFS Secondary, the CFS creates an intent log. Note that intent logs are never
removed, they are reused.

When you clear an intent log, Veritas File System (VxFS) passes an incorrect
block number to the log clearing routine, which zeros out an incorrect location.
The incorrect location might point to the file data or file system metadata. Or,
the incorrect location might be part of the file system's available free space.
This is silent corruption. If the file system metadata corrupts, VxFS can detect
the corruption when it subsequently accesses the corrupt metadata and marks the
file system for full fsck.

The code is modified so that VxFS can pass the correct block number
to the log clearing routine.

* 3356895 (Tracking ID: 3253210)

When the file system reaches the space limitation, it hangs with the following stack trace:

When large directory hash is enabled through the vx_dexh_sz(5M) tunable,  Veritas File System (VxFS) uses the large directory hash for directories.
When you rename a file, a new directory entry is inserted to the hash table, which results in hash split. The hash split fails the current transaction and retries after some housekeeping jobs complete. These jobs include allocating more space for the hash table. However, VxFS doesn't check the return value of the preamble job. And thus, when VxFS runs out of space, the rename transaction is re-entered permanently without knowing if more space is allocated by preamble jobs.

The code is modified to enable VxFS to exit looping when ENOSPC is returned from the preamble job.

* 3356909 (Tracking ID: 3335272)

The mkfs (make file system) command dumps core when the log size 
provided is not aligned. The following stack trace is displayed:

(gdb) bt
#0  find_space ()
#1  place_extents ()
#2  fill_fset ()
#3  main ()

While creating the VxFS file system using the mkfs command, if the 
log size provided is not aligned properly, you may end up in doing 
miscalculations for placing the RCQ extents and finding no place. This leads to 
illegal memory access of AU bitmap and results in core dump.

The code is modified to place the RCQ extents in the same AU where 
log extents are allocated.

* 3357264 (Tracking ID: 3350804)

On RHEL6, VxFS can sometimes report system panic with errors as Thread
overruns stack, or stack corrupts.

On RHEL6, the low-stack memory allocations consume significant
memory, especially when system is under memory pressure and takes page allocator route. This breaks our earlier assumptions of stack depth calculations.

The code is modified to add a check in case of RHEL6 before doing low-stack allocations for available stack size, VxFS re-tunes the various stack depth calculations for each distribution separately to minimize performance penalties.

* 3357278 (Tracking ID: 3340286)

The tunable setting of dalloc_enable gets reset to a default value
after a file system is resized.

The file system resize operation triggers the file system re-initialization
During this process, the tunable value of dalloc_enable gets reset to the
default value instead of retaining the old tunable value.

The code is fixed such that the old tunable value of dalloc_enable is retained.

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.100

* 3100385 (Tracking ID: 3369020)

The Veritas File System (VxFS) module fails to load in RHEL 6 Update 4

The module fails to load because of two kABI incompatibilities with
the RHEL 6 Update 4 environment.

The code is modified to ensure that the VxFS module is supported in
RHEL 6 Update 4 environments.

Patch ID: VRTSvxfs-6.0.300.000

* 2912412 (Tracking ID: 2857629)

When a new node takes over a primary for the file system, it could 
process stale shared extent records in a per node queue.  The primary will 
detect a bad record and set the full fsck flag.  It will also disable the file 
system to prevent further corruption.

Every node in the cluster that adds or removes references to shared extents, 
adds the shared extent records to a per node queue.  The primary node in the 
cluster processes the records in the per node queues and maintains reference 
counts in a global shared extent device.  In certain cases the primary node 
might process bad or stale records in the per node queue.  Two situations under 
which bad or stale records could be processed are:
    1. clone creation initiated from a secondary node immediately after primary 
migration to different node.
    2. queue wraparound on any node and take over of primary by new node 
immediately afterwards.
Full fsck might not be able to rectify the file system corruption.

Update the per node shared extent queue head and tail pointers to correct 
on primary before starting processing of shared extent records.

* 2928921 (Tracking ID: 2843635)

The VxFS internal testing, there are some failures during the reorg operation of
structural files.

While the reorg is in progress, from certain ioctl, the error value that is to
be returned is overwritten and thus results in an incorrect error value and test

Made changes accordingly so as the error value is not overwritten.

* 2933290 (Tracking ID: 2756779)

Write and read performance concerns on Cluster File System (CFS) when running 
applications that rely on POSIX file-record locking (fcntl).

The usage of fcntl on CFS leads to high messaging traffic across nodes thereby 
reducing the performance of readers and writers.

The code is modified to cache the ranges that are being file-record locked on 
the node. This is tried whenever possible to avoid broadcasting of messages 
across the nodes in the cluster.

* 2933291 (Tracking ID: 2806466)

A reclaim operation on a file system that is mounted on an LVM volume using the
fsadm(1M) command with the -R option may panic the system. And the following
stack trace is displayed:

Thin reclamation supports only mounted file systems on a VxVM volume.

The code is modified to return errors without panicking the system if the
underlying volume is LVM.

* 2933292 (Tracking ID: 2895743)

It takes a longer than usual time for many Windows7 clients to log off in 
parallel if the user profile is stored in Cluster File system (CFS).

Veritas File System (VxFS) keeps file creation time/full ACL things for samba 
clients in the extended attribute which is implemented via named streams. VxFS 
reads the named stream for each of the ACL objects. Reading of named stream is 
a costly operation, as it results in an open, an opendir, a lookup, and another 
open to get the fd. The VxFS function vx_nattr_open() holds the exclusive 
rwlock to read an ACL object that stored as extended attribute. It may cause 
heavy lock contention when many threads want the same lock. They might get 
blocked until one of the nattr_open releases it. This takes time since 
nattr_open is very slow.

The code is modified so that it takes the rwlock in shared mode instead of 
Exclusive mode.

* 2933294 (Tracking ID: 2750860)

Performance of the write operation with small request size may degrade
on a large Veritas File System (VxFS) file system. Many threads may be found
sleeping with the following stack trace:


A VxFS allocate unit (AU) is composed of 32768 disk blocks, and can
be expanded when it is partially allocated, or non-expanded when the AU is fully
occupied or completely unused. The extent map for a large file system with 1k
block size is organized as a big tree. For example, a 4-TB file system with 1KB
file system block size can have up to 128k Aus. To find an appropriate extent,
VxFS extent allocation algorithm will first search expanded AU to avoid causing
free space fragmentation by traversing the free extent map tree. If getting
failed, it will do the same with the non-expanded AUs. When there are too many
small extents(less than 32768 blocks) requests, and all the small free extents
are used up, but a large number of au-size extents (32768 blocks) are available;
the file system could run into this hang. Because of no small available extents
in the expanded AUs, VxFS will look for some larger non-expanded extents, namely
au-size extents, which are not what VxFS wanted (expanded AU is
expected). As a result, each request will walk along the big extent map tree for
every au-size extent, which will end up with failure finally. The requested
extent can be gotten during the second attempt for non-expanded AUs eventually,
but the unnecessary work consumes a lot of CPU resource.

The code is modified to optimize the free-extend-search algorithm by
skipping certain au-size extents to reduce the overall search time.

* 2933296 (Tracking ID: 2923105)

Removing the Veritas File System (VxFS) module using rmmod(8) on a system 
having heavy buffer cache usage may hang.

When a large number of buffers are allocated from the buffer cache, at the time 
of removing VxFS module, the process of freeing the buffers takes a long time.

The code is modified to use an improved algorithm which prevents it from 
traversing the free lists even if it has found the free chunk. Instead, it will 
break out from the search and free that buffer.

* 2933309 (Tracking ID: 2858683)

The reserve-extent attributes are changed after the vxrestore(1M ) operation, 
for files that are greater than 8192 bytes.

A local variable is used to contain the number of the reserve bytes that are 
reused during the vxrestore(1M) operation, for further VX_SETEXT ioctl call for 
files that are greater than 8k. As a result, the attribute information is 

The code is modified to preserve the original variable value till the end of 
the function.

* 2933313 (Tracking ID: 2841059)

The file system gets marked for a full fsck operation and the following message 
is displayed in the system log:

V-2-96: vx_setfsflags 
<volume name> file system fullfsck flag set - vx_ierror

vx_ierror+0x64/0x1d0 [vxfs]

 V-2-17: vx_iremove_2
<volume name>: file system inode 15 marked bad incore

Due to a race condition, the thread tries to remove an attribute inode that has 
already been removed by another thread. Hence, the file system is marked for a 
full fsck operation and the attribute inode is marked as 'bad ondisk'.

The code is modified to check if the attribute node that a thread is trying to 
remove has already been removed.

* 2933330 (Tracking ID: 2773383)

Deadlock involving two threads are observed. One holding the semaphore
and waiting for the 'irwlock' and the other holding 'irwlock' and waiting for
the 'mmap' semaphore and the following stack trace is displayed:

The hang in 'down_read' occurs due to waiting for the mmap_sem. The
thread holding the mmap_sem is waiting for the RWLOCK. This is being held by one
of the threads wanting the mmap_sem, and hence the deadlock observed. An
enhancement was made to not take the mmap_sem for cio and mmap. This was not
complete and did not allow the mmap_sem to be taken for native asynch io calls
when using this nommapcio option.

The code is modified to skip taking the mmap_sem in case of
native-io if the file has CIO advisory set.

* 2933333 (Tracking ID: 2893551)

When the Network File System (NFS) connections experience a high load, the file 
attribute value is replaced with question mark symbols. This issue occurs 
because the EACCESS() function got appended with the ls -l command when the 
cached entries from the NFS server were deleted.

The Veritas File System (VxFS) uses capabilities, such as, CAP_CHOWN to 
override the default inode permissions and allow users to search for 
directories. VxFS allows users to perform the search operation even when 
the 'r' or 'x' bits are not set as permissions. 
When the nfsd file system uses these capabilities to perform a dentry reconnect 
to connect to the dentry tree, some of the Linux file systems use the 
inode_permission() function to verify if a user is authorized to perform the 

When dentry connects on behalf of the disconnected dentries then nfsd file 
system enables all capabilities without setting the on-wire user id to fsuid. 
Hence, VxFS fails to understand these capabilities and reports an error stating 
that the user doesn't have permissions on the directory.

The code is modified to enable the vx_iaccess() function to check if Linux is 
processing the capabilities before returning the EACCES() function. This 
modification adds a minimum capability support for the nfsd file system.

* 2933335 (Tracking ID: 2641438)

When a system is unexpectedly shutdown, on a restart, you may lose the 
modifications that are performed on the username space-extended attributes 

The modification of a username space-extended attribute leads to an 
asynchronous-write operation. As a result, these modifications get lost during 
an unexpected system shutdown.

The code is modified such that the modifications that are performed on the 
username space-extended attributes before the shutdown are made synchronous.

* 2933571 (Tracking ID: 2417858)

When the hard/soft limit of quota is specified above 1TB, the command 
fails and gives error.

We store the quota records corresponding to users in the external and 
internal quota files. In external quota file, the record are in the form of 
structure which are 32 bit. So, we can specify the block limits upto 32-bit 
value (1TB). This limit was insufficient in many cases.

Made use of 64-bit structures and 64-bit limit macros to let users 
have usage/limits greater than 1 TB.

* 2933729 (Tracking ID: 2611279)

Filesystem with shared extents may panic with following stack trace.

The mechanism to manage shared extent uses special file. We never
expects HOLE in this special file. In HOLE cases we may see panic while working
on this file.

Code has been modified to check if HOLE is present in special file.
In case if it is HOLE processing is skipped and thus panic is avoided.

* 2933751 (Tracking ID: 2916691)

fsdedup infinite loop with the following stack:

#5 [ffff88011a24b650] vx_dioread_compare at ffffffffa05416c4 
#6 [ffff88011a24b720] vx_read_compare at ffffffffa05437a2 
#7 [ffff88011a24b760] vx_dedup_extents at ffffffffa03e9e9b 
#11 [ffff88011a24bb90] vx_do_dedup at ffffffffa03f5a41 
#12 [ffff88011a24bc40] vx_aioctl_dedup at ffffffffa03b5163

vx_dedup_extents() do the following to dedup two files:

1.	Compare the data extent of the two files that need to be deduped.
2.	Split both files' bmap to make them share the first file's common data 
3. Free the duplicate data extent of the second file.

In step 2, During bmap split, vx_bmap_split() might need to allocate space for
the inode's bmap to add new bmap entries, which will add emap to this
transaction. (This condition is more likely to hit if the dedup is being run on
two large files that have interleaved duplicate/difference data extents, the
files bmap will needed to be splited more in this case)

In step 3, vx_extfree1() doesn't support Multi AU extent free if there is
already an emap in the same transaction,
In this case, it will return VX_ETRUNCMAX. (Please see incident e569695 for
history of this limitation)

VX_ETRUNCMAX is a retirable error, so vx_dedup_extents() will undo everything in
the transaction and retry from the beginning, then hit the same error again.
Thus infinite loop.

We make vx_te_bmap_split() always register an transaction preamble for the bmap
split operation in dedup, and let vx_dedup_extents() perform the preamble at a
separate transaction before it retry the dedup operation.

* 2933822 (Tracking ID: 2624262)

Panic hit in vx_bc_do_brelse() function while executing dedup functionality with 
following backtrace.

While executing function vx_mixread_compare() in dedup codepath, we hit error 
to which an allocated data structure remained uninitialised.
The panic occurs due to writing to this uninitialised allocated data structure 
the function vx_mixread_compare().

Code is changed to free the memory allocated to the data structure when we are 
going out due to error.

* 2937367 (Tracking ID: 2923867)

Got assert hit due to VX_RCQ_PROCESS_MSG having lower
priority(Numerically) than VX_IUPDATE_MSG;

When primary is going to send VX_IUPDATE_MSG message to the owner
of the inode about updation of the inode's non-transactional field change then
it checks for the current messaging priority(for VX_RCQ_PROCESS_MSG) with the
priority of the message being sent(VX_IUPDATE_MSG) to avoid possible deadlock.
In our case we were getting VX_RCQ_PROCESS_MSG priority numerically lower than 
VX_IUPDATE_MSG thus getting assert hit.

We have changed the VX_RCQ_PROCESS_MSG priority numerically higher
than VX_IUPDATE_MSG thus avoiding possible assert hit.

* 2976664 (Tracking ID: 2906018)

In the event of a system crash, the fsck-intent-log is not replayed and file 
system is marked clean. Subsequently, mounting the file-system-extended 
operations is not completed.

Only when a file system that contains PNOLTs is mounted locally (mounted 
without using 'mount -o cluster') are potentially exposed to this issue. 

The reason why fsck silently skips the intent-log replay is that each PNOLT has 
a flag to identify whether the intent-log is dirty or not - in the event of a 
system crash this flag signifies whether intent-log replay is required or not. 
In the event of a system crash whilst the file system was mounted locally and 
the PNOLTs are not utilized. The fsck intent-log replay will still check for 
the flags in the PNOLTs, however, these are the wrong flags to check if the 
file system was locally mounted. The fsck intent-log replay therefore assumes 
that the intent-logs are clean (because the PNOLTs are not marked dirty) and it 
therefore skips the replay of intent-log altogether.

The code is modified such that when PNOLTs exist in the file system, VxFS will 
set the dirty flag in the CFS primary PNOLT while mounting locally. With this 
change, in the event of system crash whilst a file system is locally mounted, 
the subsequent fsck intent-log replay will correctly utilize the PNOLT 
structures and successfully replay the intent log.

* 2978227 (Tracking ID: 2857751)

The internal testing hits the assert "f:vx_cbdnlc_enter:1a" when the upgrade was
in progress.

The clone/fileset should be mounted if there is an attempt to add an entry in
the dnlc. If the clone/fileset is not mounted and still there is an attempt to
add it to dnlc, then it is not valid.

Fix is added to check if filset is mounted or not before adding an entry to dnlc.

* 2983739 (Tracking ID: 2857731)

Internal testing hits an assert "f:vx_mapdeinit:1" while the file
system is frozen and not disabled.

while performing deinit for a free inode map, the delegation state
should not be set.This is actually a race between freeze/release-dele/fs-reinit
sequence and processing of extops during reconfig.

Taking appropriate locks during the extop processing so that fs
structures remain quiesced during the switch.

* 2984589 (Tracking ID: 2977697)

Deleting checkpoints of file systems with character special device
files viz. /dev/null using fsckptadm may panic the machine with the following
stack trace:

During the checkpoint removal operation the type of the inodes is
converted to 'pass through inode'.  During a conversion we try to refer to the
device reference for the special file, which is invalid in the clone context
leading to a panic.

The code is modified to remove device reference of the special character files
during the clone removal operation thus preventing the panic.

* 2987373 (Tracking ID: 2881211)

File ACLs not preserved in checkpoints properly if file has hardlink. Works fine
with file ACLs which don't have hardlinks.

This issue is with attribute inode. When we add an acl entry, if its in the
immediate area its propagated to the clone . But in the case if attribute inode
is created, its not being propagated to the checkpoint. We are missing push in
the context of attribute inode and so getting this issue.

Modified the code to propagate the ACLs entries (attribute inode case) to the clone.

* 2988749 (Tracking ID: 2821152)

Internal Stress test hit an assert "f:vx_dio_physio:4, 1" on locally mounter file

The issue was that there were two pages that were getting allocated, because the
block size of the FS is of 8k. Now, while coming for "dio" the pages which were
getting allocated they were tested whether the pages are good for I/O or
not(VX_GOOD_IO_PAGE) i.e. its _count should be greater than zero(page_count(pp)
> 0) or the page is compound(PageCompund(pp)) or the its
reserverd(PageReserved(pp)). The first page was getting passed through the
assert because the _count of the page was greater than zero and the second page
was hitting the assert as all three conditions were failing for it. The problem
why second page didn't have _count greater than 0 was because the compound page
was getting allocated for it and in case of compound only the head page
maintains the count.

Code changed such that compound allocation shouldn't be done for pages greater
than the PAGESIZE, instead we use VX_BUF_KMALLOC().

* 3008450 (Tracking ID: 3004466)

Installation of 5.1SP1RP3 fails on RHEL 6.3

Installation of 5.1SP1RP3 fails on RHEL 6.3

Updated the install script to handle the installation failure.

Patch ID: VRTSamf-6.0.500.100

* 3749188 (Tracking ID: 3749172)

Lazy un-mount of VxFS file system causes node panic

In case of lazy unmount, the call to lookup_bdev for VxFS file
system causes node panic.

Code changes done in AMF module to fix this issue.

Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.400

* 3889559 (Tracking ID: 3889541)

After splitting the mirrored-disk to a separate Disk-group using vxrootadm 
utility, the grub entry for split-dg has incorrect hdnum like shown below - 

<snippet from grub.conf file >
#vxvm_root_splitdg_vx_mirror_dg_START (do not remove)
title vxvm_root_splitdg_vx_mirror_dg
        root (hdhd1, 1)                                                                     
<<<<<<< the 'hd' Prefix is extra here. 
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 ro 
root=/dev/vx/dsk/bootdg/rootvol rd_NO_LUKS  KEYBOARDTYPE=pc KEYTABLE=us 
rd_NO_MD SYS                              FONT=latarcyrheb-sun16 
crashkernel=auto rd_NO_LVM rd_NO_DM rhgb quiet rhgb quiet
        initrd /boot/VxVM_initrd.img
#vxvm_root_splitdg_vx_mirror_dg_END (do not remove)  
</snippet from grub.conf file >

When we Perform Root-Disk-Encapsulationt, After Encapsulation and Mirroring, 
while we Split the root disk and the mirror disk, the device hdnum of the 
mirror disk is extra-prefixed 
by 'hd' string and erroneously It becomes as 'hdhd1' in the grub.conf file. 
This is wrong for the grub-entry and boot gets stuck while booting from this 

Code Changes have been made to appropriately update the grub.conf file

Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.300-RHEL6

* 3496715 (Tracking ID: 3281004)

For DMP minimum queue I/O policy with large number of CPUs, the following 
issues are observed since the VxVM 5.1 SP1 release: 
1. CPU usage is high. 
2. I/O throughput is down if there are many concurrent I/Os.

The earlier minimum queue I/O policy is used to consider the host controller 
I/O load to select the least loaded path. For VxVM 5.1 SP1 version, an addition 
was made to consider the I/O load of the underlying paths of the selected host 
based controllers. However, this resulted in the performance issues, as there 
were lock contentions with the I/O processing functions and the DMP statistics 

The code is modified such that the host controller paths I/O load is not 
considered to avoid the lock contention.

* 3501358 (Tracking ID: 3399323)

The reconfiguration of Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) database fails with the below error: VxVM vxconfigd DEBUG  V-5-1-0 dmp_do_reconfig: DMP_RECONFIGURE_DB failed: 2

As part of the DMP database reconfiguration process, controller information from DMP user-land database is not removed even though it is removed from DMP kernel database. This creates inconsistency between the user-land and kernel-land DMP database. Because of this, subsequent DMP reconfiguration fails with above error.

The code changes have been made to properly remove the controller information from the user-land DMP database.

* 3502662 (Tracking ID: 3380481)

When the vxdiskadm(1M) command selects a removed disk during the "5 Replace a failed or removed disk" operation, the vxdiskadm(1M) command displays the following error message:
"/usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/lib/vxadm_syslib.sh: line 2091:return: -1: invalid option".

From bash version 4.0, bash doesnt accept negative error values. If VxVM scripts return negative values to bash, the error message is displayed.

The code is modified so that VxVM scripts dont return negative values to bash.

* 3521727 (Tracking ID: 3521726)

When using Symantec Replication Option, system panic happens while freeing
memory with the following stack trace on AIX,

pvthread+011500 STACK:
[0001BF60]abend_trap+000000 ()
[000C9F78]xmfree+000098 ()
[04FC2120]vol_tbmemfree+0000B0 ()
[04FC2214]vol_memfreesio_start+00001C ()
[04FCEC64]voliod_iohandle+000050 ()
[04FCF080]voliod_loop+0002D0 ()
[04FC629C]vol_kernel_thread_init+000024 ()
[0025783C]threadentry+00005C ()

In certain scenarios, when a write IO gets throttled or un-winded in VVR, we
free the memory related to one of our data structures. When we restart this IO,
the same memory gets illegally accessed and freed again even though it was
freed.It causes system panic.

Code changes have been done to fix the illegal memory access issue.

* 3526501 (Tracking ID: 3526500)

Disk IO failures occur with DMP IO timeout error messages when DMP (Dynamic Multi-pathing) IO statistics daemon is not running. Following are the timeout error messages:

VxVM vxdmp V-5-3-0 I/O failed on path 65/0x40 after 1 retries for disk 201/0x70
VxVM vxdmp V-5-3-0 Reached DMP Threshold IO TimeOut (100 secs) I/O with start 
3e861909fa0 and end 3e86190a388 time
VxVM vxdmp V-5-0-0 [Error] i/o error occurred (errno=0x206) on dmpnode 201/0x70

When IO is submitted to DMP, it sets the start time on the IO buffer. The value of the start time depends on whether the DMP IO statistics daemon is running or not. When the IO is returned as error from SCSI to DMP, instead of retrying the IO on alternate paths, DMP failed that IO with 300 seconds timeout error, but the IO has elapsed only few milliseconds in its execution. The miscalculation of DMP timeout happens only when DMP IO statistics daemon is not running.

The code is modified to calculate appropriate DMP IO timeout value when DMP IO statistics demon is not running.

* 3531332 (Tracking ID: 3077582)

A Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) volume may become inaccessible causing the read/write operations to fail with the following error:
# dd if=/dev/vx/dsk/<dg>/<volume> of=/dev/null count=10
dd read error: No such device
0+0 records in
0+0 records out

If I/Os to the disks timeout due to some hardware failures like weak Storage Area Network (SAN) cable link or Host Bus Adapter (HBA) failure, VxVM assumes that the disk is faulty or slow and it sets the failio flag on the disk. Due to this flag, all the subsequent I/Os fail with the No such device error.

The code is modified such that vxdisk now provides a way to clear the failio flag. To check whether the failio flag is set on the disks, use the vxkprint(1M) utility (under /etc/vx/diag.d). To reset the failio flag, execute the vxdisk set <disk_name> failio=off command, or deport and import the disk group that holds these disks.

* 3540777 (Tracking ID: 3539548)

Adding MPIO(Multi Path I/O) disk that had been removed earlier may result in 
following two issues:
1. 'vxdisk list' command shows duplicate entry for DMP (Dynamic Multi-Pathing) 
node with error state.
2. 'vxdmpadm listctlr all' command shows duplicate controller names.

1. Under certain circumstances, deleted MPIO disk record information is left in 
/etc/vx/disk.info file with its device number as -1 but its DMP node name is 
reassigned to other MPIO disk. When the deleted disk is added back, it is 
assigned the same name, without validating for conflict in the name. 
2. When some devices are removed and added back to the system, we are adding a 
new controller for each and every path that we have discovered. This leads to 
duplicated controller entries in DMP database.

1. Code is modified to properly remove all stale information about any disk 
before updating MPIO disk names. 
2. Code changes have been made to add the controller for selected paths only.

* 3552411 (Tracking ID: 3482026)

The vxattachd(1M) daemon reattaches plexes of manually detached site.

The vxattachd daemon reattaches plexes for a manually detached site that is the site with state as OFFLINE. As there was no check to differentiate between a manually detach site and the site that was detached due to IO failure. Hence, the vxattachd(1M) daemon brings the plexes online for manually detached site also.

The code is modified to differentiate between manually detached site and the site detached due to IO failure.

* 3600161 (Tracking ID: 3599977)

During a replica connection, referencing a port that is already deleted in another thread causes a system panic with a similar stack trace as below:

During a replica connection, a port is created before increasing the count. This is to protect the port from getting deleted. However, another thread deletes the port before the count is increased and after the port is created. 
While the replica connection thread proceeds, it refers to the port that is already deleted, which causes a NULL pointer reference and a system panic.

The code is modified to prevent asynchronous access to the count that is associated with the port by means of locks.

* 3603811 (Tracking ID: 3594158)

The system panics on a VVR secondary node with the following stack trace:

You may issue a spinlock or unspinlock to the replica to check whether to use a checksum in the received packet. During the lock or unlock operation, if there is a transaction that is being processed with the replica, which rebuilds the replica object in the kernel, then there is a possibility that the replica referenced in spinlock is different than the one which the replica has referenced in unspinlock (especially when the replica is referenced through several pointers). As a result, the system panics.

The code is modified to set the flag in the port attribute to indicate whether to use the checksum during a port creation. Hence, for each packet that is received, you only need to check the flag in the port attribute rather than referencing it to the replica object. As part of the change, the spinlock or unspinlock statements are also removed.

* 3612801 (Tracking ID: 3596330)

'vxsnap refresh' operation fails with following indicants:

Errors occur from DR (Disaster Recovery) Site of VVR (Veritas 
Volume Replicator):

o	vxio: [ID 160489 kern.notice] NOTICE: VxVM vxio V-5-3-1576 commit: 
Timedout waiting for rvg [RVG] to quiesce, iocount [PENDING_COUNT] msg 0
o	vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.warning] V-5-1-8011 Internal 
transaction failed: Transaction aborted waiting for io drain

At the same time, following errors occur from Primary Site of VVR:

vxio: [ID 218356 kern.warning] WARNING: VxVM VVR vxio V-5-0-267 Rlink 
[RLINK] disconnecting due to ack timeout on update message

VM (Volume Manager) Transactions on DR site get aborted as pending IOs could 
not be drained in stipulated time leading to failure of FMR (Fast-Mirror 
Resync) 'snap' operations. These IOs could not be drained because of IO 
throttling. A bug/race in conjunction with timing in VVR causes a miss in 
clearing this throttling condition/state.

Code changes have been done to fix the race condition which ensures clearance 
of throttling state at appropriate time.

* 3621240 (Tracking ID: 3621232)

When the vradmin ibc command is executed to initiate the In-band Control (IBC) procedure, the vradmind (VVR daemon) on VVR secondary node goes into the disconnected state. Due to which, the following IBC procedure or vradmin ibc commands cannot be started or executed on VVRs secondary node and a message similar to the following appears on  VVRs primary node:
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-532 Secondary is undergoing a state transition. Please re-try the command after some time.
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-802 Cannot start command execution on Secondary.

When IBC procedure runs into the commands finish state, the vradmin on VVR secondary node goes into a disconnected state, which the vradmind on primary node fails to realize. 
In such a scenario, the vradmind on primary refrains from sending a handshake request to the secondary node which can change the primary nodes state from disconnected to running. As a result, the vradmind in the primary node continues to be in the disconnected state and the vradmin ibc command fails to run on the VVR secondary node despite of being in the running state on the VVR primary node.

The code is modified to make sure the vradmind on VVR primary node is notified while it goes into the disconnected state on VVR secondary node. As a result, it can send out a handshake request to take the secondary node out of the disconnected state.

* 3622069 (Tracking ID: 3513392)

secondary panics when rebooted while heavy IOs are going on primary

PID: 18862  TASK: ffff8810275ff500  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "vxiod"
#0 [ffff880ff3de3960] machine_kexec at ffffffff81035b7b
#1 [ffff880ff3de39c0] crash_kexec at ffffffff810c0db2
#2 [ffff880ff3de3a90] oops_end at ffffffff815111d0
#3 [ffff880ff3de3ac0] no_context at ffffffff81046bfb
#4 [ffff880ff3de3b10] __bad_area_nosemaphore at ffffffff81046e85
#5 [ffff880ff3de3b60] bad_area_nosemaphore at ffffffff81046f53
#6 [ffff880ff3de3b70] __do_page_fault at ffffffff810476b1
#7 [ffff880ff3de3c90] do_page_fault at ffffffff8151311e
#8 [ffff880ff3de3cc0] page_fault at ffffffff815104d5
#9 [ffff880ff3de3d78] volrp_sendsio_start at ffffffffa0af07e3 [vxio]
#10 [ffff880ff3de3e08] voliod_iohandle at ffffffffa09991be [vxio]
#11 [ffff880ff3de3e38] voliod_loop at ffffffffa0999419 [vxio]
#12 [ffff880ff3de3f48] kernel_thread at ffffffff8100c0ca

If the replication stage IOs are started after serialization of the replica volume, 
replication port  could be deleted  and set to NULL during handling the replica 
connection changes,  this will cause the panic since we have not checked if the 
replication port is still valid before referencing to it.

Code changes have been done to abort the stage IO if replication port is NULL.

* 3638039 (Tracking ID: 3625890)

After running the vxdisk resize command, the following message is displayed: 
"VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-8643 Device <disk name> resize failed: Invalid 
attribute specification"

Two reserved cylinders for special usage for CDS (Cross-platform Data Sharing)
VTOC(Volume Table of Contents) disks. In case of expanding a disk with
particular disk size on storage side, VxVM(Veritas Volume Manager) may calculate
the cylinder number as 2, which causes the vxdisk resize fails with the error
message of "Invalid attribute specification".

The code is modified to avoid the failure of resizing a CDS VTOC disk.

* 3648603 (Tracking ID: 3564260)

VVR commands are unresponsive when replication is paused and resumed in a loop.

While Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR) is in the process of sending updates then pausing a replication is deferred until acknowledgements of updates are received or until an error occurs. For some reason, if the acknowledgements get delayed or the delivery fails, the pause operation continues to get deferred resulting in unresponsiveness.

The code is modified to resolve the issue that caused unresponsiveness.

* 3654163 (Tracking ID: 2916877)

vxconfigd hangs, if a node leaves the cluster, while I/O error handling is in
progress. Stack observed is as follows:

A bug in DCO error handling code can lead to an infinite loop if a node leaves
cluster while I/O error handling is in progress. This causes vxconfigd to hang
and stop responding to VxVM commands like vxprint, vxdisk 

DCO error handling code has been changed so that I/O errors are handled
correctly. Hence, hang is avoided.

* 3690795 (Tracking ID: 2573229)

On RHEL6, the server panics when Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) executes 
powerpath controlled device. The following stack trace is displayed:

enqueue_entity at ffffffff81068f09
enqueue_task_fair at ffffffff81069384
enqueue_task at ffffffff81059216
activate_task at ffffffff81059253
pull_task at ffffffff81065401
load_balance_fair at ffffffff810657b7
thread_return at ffffffff81527d30
schedule_timeout at ffffffff815287b5
wait_for_common at ffffffff81528433
wait_for_completion at ffffffff8152854d
blk_execute_rq at ffffffff8126d9dc
emcp_scsi_cmd_ioctl at ffffffffa04920a2 [emcp]
PowerPlatformBottomDispatch at ffffffffa0492eb8 [emcp]
PowerSyncIoBottomDispatch at ffffffffa04930b8 [emcp]
PowerBottomDispatchPirp at ffffffffa049348c [emcp]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa049390d [emcp]
MpxSendScsiCmd at ffffffffa061853e [emcpmpx]
ClariionKLam_groupReserveRelease at ffffffffa061e495 [emcpmpx]
MpxDefaultRegister at ffffffffa061df0a [emcpmpx]
MpxTestPath at ffffffffa06227b5 [emcpmpx]
MpxExtraTry at ffffffffa06234ab [emcpmpx]
MpxTestDaemonCalloutGuts at ffffffffa062402f [emcpmpx]
MpxIodone at ffffffffa0624621 [emcpmpx]
MpxDispatchGuts at ffffffffa0625534 [emcpmpx]
MpxDispatch at ffffffffa06256a8 [emcpmpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644775 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatchDown at ffffffffa06447ae [emcpgpx]
VluDispatch at ffffffffa068b025 [emcpvlumd]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644752 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatchDown at ffffffffa06447ae [emcpgpx]
XcryptDispatchGuts at ffffffffa0660b45 [emcpxcrypt]
XcryptDispatch at ffffffffa0660c09 [emcpxcrypt]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644752 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644775 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
PowerSyncIoTopDispatch at ffffffffa04978b9 [emcp]
emcp_send_pirp at ffffffffa04979b9 [emcp]
emcp_pseudo_blk_ioctl at ffffffffa04982dc [emcp]
__blkdev_driver_ioctl at ffffffff8126f627
blkdev_ioctl at ffffffff8126faad
block_ioctl at ffffffff811c46cc
dmp_ioctl_by_bdev at ffffffffa074767b [vxdmp]
dmp_kernel_scsi_ioctl at ffffffffa0747982 [vxdmp]
dmp_scsi_ioctl at ffffffffa0786d42 [vxdmp]
dmp_send_scsireq at ffffffffa078770f [vxdmp]
dmp_do_scsi_gen at ffffffffa077d46b [vxdmp]
dmp_pr_check_aptpl at ffffffffa07834dd [vxdmp]
dmp_make_mp_node at ffffffffa0782c89 [vxdmp]
dmp_decode_add_disk at ffffffffa075164e [vxdmp]
dmp_decipher_instructions at ffffffffa07521c7 [vxdmp]
dmp_process_instruction_buffer at ffffffffa075244e [vxdmp]
dmp_reconfigure_db at ffffffffa076f40e [vxdmp]
gendmpioctl at ffffffffa0752a12 [vxdmp]
dmpioctl at ffffffffa0754615 [vxdmp]
dmp_ioctl at ffffffffa07784eb [vxdmp]
dmp_compat_ioctl at ffffffffa0778566 [vxdmp]
compat_blkdev_ioctl at ffffffff8128031d
compat_sys_ioctl at ffffffff811e0bfd
sysenter_dispatch at ffffffff81050c20

Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) uses PERSISTENT RESERVE IN command with the REPORT
CAPABILITIES service action to discover target capabilities. On RHEL6, system
panics unexpectedly when Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) executes PERSISTENT 
RESERVE IN command with REPORT CAPABILITIES service action on powerpath 
controlled device coming from EMC Clarion/VNX array. This bug has been reported 
to EMC powperpath engineering.

The Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) code is modified to execute PERSISTENT RESERVE 
IN command with the REPORT CAPABILITIES service action to discover target 
capabilities only on non-third party controlled devices.

* 3713320 (Tracking ID: 3596282)

FMR (Fast Mirror Resync) operations fail with error "Failed to allocate a new 
map due to no free map available in DCO".
"vxio: [ID 609550 kern.warning] WARNING: VxVM vxio V-5-3-1721
voldco_allocate_toc_entry: Failed to allocate a new map due to no free map
available in DCO of [volume]"

It often leads to disabling of the snapshot.

For instant space optimized snapshots, stale maps are left behind for DCO (Data 
Change Object) objects at the time of creation of cache objects. So, over the 
time if space optimized snapshots are created that use a new cache object, 
stale maps get accumulated, which eventually consume all the available DCO 
space, resulting in the error.

Code changes have been done to ensure no stale entries are left behind.

* 3737823 (Tracking ID: 3736502)

When FMR is configured in VVR environment, 'vxsnap refresh' fails with below 
error message:
"VxVM VVR vxsnap ERROR V-5-1-10128 DCO experienced IO errors during the
operation. Re-run the operation after ensuring that DCO is accessible".
Also, multiple messages of connection/disconnection of replication 
link(rlink) are seen.

Inherently triggered rlink connection/disconnection causes the transaction 
retries. During transaction, memory is allocated for Data Change Object(DCO) 
maps and is not cleared on abortion of a transaction.
This leads to a problem of memory leak and eventually to exhaustion of maps.

The fix has been added to clear the allocated DCO maps when transaction 

* 3774137 (Tracking ID: 3565212)

While performing controller giveback operations on NetApp ALUA arrays, the 
below messages are observed in /etc/vx/dmpevents.log

[Date]: I/O error occured on Path <path> belonging to Dmpnode <dmpnode>
[Date]: I/O analysis done as DMP_PATH_BUSY on Path <path> belonging to 
[Date]: I/O analysis done as DMP_IOTIMEOUT on Path <path> belonging to 

During the asymmetric access state transition, DMP puts the buffer pointer 
in the delay queue based on the flags observed in the logs. This delay 
resulted in timeout and thereby filesystem went into disabled state.

DMP code is modified to perform immediate retries instead of putting the 
buffer pointer in the delay queue for transition in progress case.

* 3780978 (Tracking ID: 3762580)

Below logs were seen while setting up fencing for the cluster.

VXFEN: vxfen_reg_coord_pt: end ret = -1
vxfen_handle_local_config_done: Could not register with a majority of the
coordination points.

It is observed that in Linux kernels greater than or equal to RHEL6.6, RHEL7 and 
SLES11SP3, the interface used by DMP to send the SCSI commands to block devices
does not transfer the data to/from the device. Therefore the SCSI-3 PR keys does
not get registered.

Code change is done to use scsi request_queue to send the SCSI commands to the 
underlying block device.
Additional patch is required from EMC to support processing SCSI commands via the 
request_queue mechanism on EMC PowerPath devices. Please contact EMC for 
patch details for a specific kernel version.

* 3788751 (Tracking ID: 3788644)

When DMP (Dynamic Multi-Pathing) native support enabled for Oracle ASM 
environment, if we constantly adding and removing DMP devices, it will cause error 
/etc/vx/bin/vxdmpraw enable oracle dba 775 emc0_3f84
VxVM vxdmpraw INFO V-5-2-6157
Device enabled : emc0_3f84
Error setting raw device (Invalid argument)

There is a limitation (8192) of maximum raw device number N (exclusive) of 
/dev/raw/rawN. This limitation is defined in boot configuration file. When binding a 
device to a dmpnode, it uses /dev/raw/rawN to bind the dmpnode. The rawN is 
calculated by one-way incremental process. So even if we unbind the device later on, 
the "released" rawN number will not be reused in the next binding. When the rawN 
number is increased to exceed the maximum limitation, the error will be reported.

Code has been changed to always use the smallest available rawN number instead of 
calculating by one-way incremental process.

* 3799809 (Tracking ID: 3665644)

The system panics with the following stack trace due to an invalid page pointer in the Linux bio structure:

A falsified page pointer is returned when Dynamic Muti-Pathing (DMP) allocates memory by calling the Linux vmalloc() function and maps the allocated virtual address to the physical page in the  back trace.  
The issue is observed because DMP refrains from calling the appropriate Linux kernel API leading to a system panic.

The code is modified to call the correct Linux kernel API while DMP maps the virtual address, which the vmalloc() function allocates to the physical page.

* 3799822 (Tracking ID: 3573262)

On recent UltraSPARC-T4 architectures, Panic is observed with the 
topmost stack frame pointing to bcopy during snapshot operations involving 
space optimized snapshots.


The bcopy kernel library routine on Solaris was optimized to take advantage 
of recent Ultrasparc-T4 architectures. But it has some known issues for large 
size copy in some patch versions of Solaris 10. The use of bcopy was causing 
in-core corruption of cache object metadata. The corruption later lead to 
system panic.

The code is modified to use word by word copy of the buffer 
instead of bcopy kernel library routine.

* 3800394 (Tracking ID: 3672759)

When a DMP database is corrupted, the vxconfigd(1M) daemon may core dump with the following stack trace:
database is corrupted.
  ddl_change_dmpnode_state ()
  ddl_data_corruption_msgs ()
  ddl_reconfigure_all ()
  ddl_find_devices_in_system ()
  find_devices_in_system ()
  req_change_state ()
  request_loop ()
  main ()

The issue is observed because the corrupted DMP database is not properly destroyed.

The code is modified to remove the corrupted DMP database.

* 3800396 (Tracking ID: 3749557)

System hangs and becomes unresponsive because of heavy memory consumption by 

In the Dirty Region Logging(DRL) update code path an erroneous condition was
present that lead to an infinite loop which keeps on consuming memory. This leads
to consumption of large amounts of memory making the system unresponsive.

Code has been fixed, to avoid the infinite loop, hence preventing the hang which
was caused by high memory usage.

* 3800449 (Tracking ID: 3726110)

On systems with high number of CPU's, Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) devices may perform 
considerably slower than OS device 

In high CPU configuration, IO statistics related functionality in DMP takes more
CPU time as DMP statistics are collected on per CPU basis. This stat collection
happens in DMP IO code path hence it reduces the IO performance. Because of
this DMP devices perform slower than OS device paths.

Code changes are made to remove some of the stats collection functionality from
DMP IO code path. Along with this, following tunable need to be turned off. 
1. Turn off idle lun probing. 
#vxdmpadm settune dmp_probe_idle_lun=off
2. Turn off statistic gathering functionality.  
#vxdmpadm iostat stop

1. Please apply this patch if system configuration has large number of CPU and
if DMP is performing considerably slower than OS device paths. For normal
systems this issue is not applicable.

* 3800452 (Tracking ID: 3437852)

The system panics when  Symantec Replicator Option goes to PASSTHRU
mode. Panic stack trace might look like:


When Storage Replicator Log (SRL) gets faulted for any reason, VVR
goes into the PASSTHRU Mode. At this time, a few updates are erroneously freed.
When these updates are accessed during the correct processing, access to these
updates results in panic as the updates are already freed.

The code changes have been made not to free the updates erroneously.

* 3800738 (Tracking ID: 3433503)

The Vxconfigd(1M) daemon dumps cores with a following stack trace 
while bringing a disk online: 

auto_sys_online() auto_online()

When a disk label, such as DOS label magic is corrupt and is 
written to a Sun label disk, vxconfigd(1M) daemon reads DOS partition table from 
the Sun label disk causing a core dump.The core occurs due to an error in the 
boundary memory access in the DOS partition read code.

The code is modified to avoid the incorrect memory access.

* 3800788 (Tracking ID: 3648719)

The server panics with a following stack trace while adding or removing LUNs or HBAs: 

While deleting a dmpnode, Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) releases the memory associated with the dmpnode structure. 
In case the dmpnode doesn't get deleted for some reason, and if any other tasks access the freed memory of this dmpnode, then the server panics.

The code is modified to avoid the tasks from accessing the memory that is freed by the dmpnode, which is deleted. The change also fixed the memory leak issue in the buffer allocation code path.

* 3801225 (Tracking ID: 3662392)

In the CVM environment, if I/Os are getting executed on slave node, corruption 
can happen when the vxdisk resize(1M) command is executing on the master 

During the first stage of resize transaction, the master node re-adjusts the 
disk offsets and public/private partition device numbers.
On a slave node, the public/private partition device numbers are not adjusted 
properly. Because of this, the partition starting offset is are added twice 
and causes the corruption. The window is small during which public/private 
partition device numbers are adjusted. If I/O occurs during this window then 
corruption is observed. 
After the resize operation completes its execution, no further corruption will 

The code has been changed to add partition starting offset properly to an I/O 
on slave node during execution of a resize command.

* 3805243 (Tracking ID: 3523575)

VxDMP (Veritas Dynamic Multipathing) path restoration daemon could disable paths
connected to EMC Clariion array. This can cause DMP nodes to get disabled,
eventually leading to IO errors on these DMP nodes.

This issue was observed with the following kernel version on SLES 11 SP3, but
could be present on other versions as well.
# uname -r

To confirm if this issue is being hit - check if running "vxdisk scandisks"
enables the paths temporarily (the next VxDMP restore daemon cycle will again
disable paths).

It is observed that very recent Linux kernels have broken the SG_IO
kernel-to-kernel ioctl interface. This can cause path health-check routines
within the dmpCLARiiON.ko APM (Array Policy Module) to get incorrect data from
SCSI inquiry. This can lead to the APM incorrectly marking the paths as failed.
This APM is installed by the VRTSaslapm package.

Changed APM code to use SCSI bypass to get the SG_IO information.

* 3805902 (Tracking ID: 3795622)

With Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support enabled, LVM global_filter is 
updated properly in lvm.conf file to reject the newly added paths.

With Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support enabled, when new paths are 
to existing LUNs, LVM global_filter is not updated properly in lvm.conf file to
reject the newly added paths. This can lead to duplicate PV (physical volumes)
found error reported by LVM commands.

Code changes have been made to properly update global_filter field in lvm.conf
file when new paths are added to existing disks.

* 3805938 (Tracking ID: 3790136)

File system hang can be observed sometimes due to IO's hung in DRL.

There might be some IO's hung in DRL of mirrored volume due to incorrect 
calculation of outstanding IO's on volume and number of active IO's which are 
currently in progress on DRL. The value of the outstanding IO on volume can get 
modified incorrectly leading to IO's on DRL not to progress further which in 
turns results in a hang kind of scenario.

Code changes have been done to avoid incorrect modification of value of 
outstanding IO's on volume and prevent the hang.

* 3806808 (Tracking ID: 3645370)

After running the vxevac command, if the user tries to rollback or commit the evacuation for a disk containing DRL plex, the action fails with the following errors:

/etc/vx/bin/vxevac -g testdg  commit testdg02 testdg03
VxVM vxsd ERROR V-5-1-10127 deleting plex %1:
        Record is associated
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-324 fsgen/vxsd killed by signal 11, core dumped
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-12178 Could not commit subdisk testdg02-01 in 
volume testvol
VxVM vxevac ERROR V-5-2-3537 Aborting disk evacuation

/etc/vx/bin/vxevac -g testdg rollback testdg02 testdg03
VxVM vxsd ERROR V-5-1-10127 deleting plex %1:
        Record is associated
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-324 fsgen/vxsd killed by signal 11, core dumped
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-12178 Could not rollback subdisk testdg02-01 in 
VxVM vxevac ERROR V-5-2-3537 Aborting disk evacuation

When the user uses the vxevac command, new plexes are created on the target disks. Later,  during the commit or roll back operation, VxVM deletes the plexes on the source or the target disks. 
For deleting a plex, VxVM should delete its sub disks first, otherwise the plex deletion fails with the following error message:
VxVM vxsd ERROR V-5-1-10127 deleting plex %1:
        Record is associated 
The error is displayed because the code does not handle the deletion of subdisks of plexes marked for DRL (dirty region logging) correctly.

The code is modified to handle evacuation of disks with DRL plexes correctly.  .

* 3807761 (Tracking ID: 3729078)

In VVR environment, the panic may occur after SF(Storage Foundation) patch 
installation or uninstallation on the secondary site.

VXIO Kernel reset invoked by SF patch installation removes all Disk Group 
objects that have no preserved flag set, because the preserve flag is overlapped 
with RVG(Replicated Volume Group) logging flag, the RVG object won't be removed, 
but its rlink object is removed, result of system panic when starting VVR.

Code changes have been made to fix this issue.

* 3816233 (Tracking ID: 3686698)

vxconfigd was getting hung due to deadlock between two threads

Two threads were waiting for same lock causing deadlock between 
them. This will lead to block all vx commands. 
untimeout function will not return until pending callback is cancelled  (which 
is set through timeout function) OR pending callback has completed its 
execution (if it has already started). Therefore locks acquired by callback 
routine should not be held across call to untimeout routine or deadlock may 

Thread 1: 
Thread 2:

Code changes have been made to call untimeout outside the lock 
taken by callback handler.

* 3825466 (Tracking ID: 3825467)

Error showing about symbol d_lock.

This symbol is already present in this kernel, so its duplicate
getting declared in kernel code of VxVM.

Code is modified to remove the definition, hence solved the issue

* 3826918 (Tracking ID: 3819670)

When running smartmove with "vxevac", customer let it run in background by typing 
z and bg command, however, this result in termination of data moving.

When doing data moving from user command like "vxevac", we submit the data moving 
as a task in the kernel, and use select() primitive on the task file descriptor to 
wait for 
task finishing events arrived. 
However, when typing "ctlr-z" plus bg, the select() returns -1 with errno EINTR, 
which is 
interpreted by our code logic as user termination action. Hence we terminate the 
moving. The correct behavior should be retrying the select() to wait for task 

Code changes has been done that when select() returns with errno EINTR, we check if 
task is finished or not; if not finished, retry the select().

* 3829273 (Tracking ID: 3823283)

After taking reboot, OS sticks in grub. Manual kernel load is required to make
operating system functional.

During unencapsulation of a boot disk in SAN environment, multiple entries
corresponding to root disk are found in by-id device directory. As a result, a
parse command will fail leading to create an improper menu file in grub. This
menu file defines the device path from where kernel and other modules will be

Proper modifications in code base is done to handle the multiple entries for SAN
boot disk.

* 3837711 (Tracking ID: 3488071)

The command "vxdmpadm settune dmp_native_support=on" fails to enable Dynamic 
Multipathing (DMP) Native Support and fails 
with the below error:
VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-15690 Operation failed for one or more volume groups

From LVM version 105, global_filters were introduced as part of lvm.conf file. 
RHEL 6.6 and RHEL 6.6 onwards has LVM version 111 and hence 
supports global_filters. The code changes were not done to handle 
in lvm.conf file while was 

Code changes have been done to handle global_filter in lvm.conf file and allow 
DMP Native Support to work.

* 3837712 (Tracking ID: 3776520)

Filters are not updated properly in lvm.conf file in VxDMP initrd while enabling 
DMP Native Support leading to root Logical Volume (LV) mounted on OS 
device upon reboot.

From LVM version 105, global_filter were introduced as part of lvm.conf file. 
VxDMP updates initird lvm.conf file with the filters required for DMP 
Native Support to function. While updating the lvm.conf, VxDMP checks for the 
filter field to  be updated whereas ideally we should check for 
global_filter field to be updated in the latest LVM version. This leads to 
lvm.conf file not having the proper filters leading to the issue.

Code changes have been made to properly update global_filter field in lvm.conf 
file in VxDMP initrd.

* 3837713 (Tracking ID: 3137543)

After reboot, OS boots in maintenance mode as it fails to load
initrd image and the kernel modules properly.

Due to some changes in grub from OS, kernel modules and
initrd image entries, corresponding to VxVM root, are not populated properly in
the grub configuration file. Hence, system fails to load kernel properly and
boots in maintenance mode after the reboot.

Code is modified to work with RDE.

* 3837715 (Tracking ID: 3581646)

Sometimes Logical Volumes may fail to migrate back to OS devices when Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support is disabled when the root is 
mounted on LVM.

lvmetad caches open count on devices which are present in accept section of filter in lvm.conf file. When DMP Native Support is enabled, all 
non-VxVM devices are put in reject section of filter so that only "/dev/vx/dmp" devices remain in accept section of filter in lvm.conf file.
So lvmetad caches open count on "/dev/vx/dmp" devices. When DMP Native Support is disabled "/dev/vx/dmp" devices are not put in reject 
section of filter causing a stale open count for lvmetad which is causing physical volumes to point to stale devices even when DMP Native 
Support is disabled.

Code changes have been made to add "/dev/vx/dmp" devices in reject section of filter in lvm.conf file so lvmetad releases open count on 
these devices.

* 3841220 (Tracking ID: 2711312)

After pulling the FC cable, new symbolic link gets created for the null path in
root directory.
# ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx.   1 root root    c -> /dev/vx/.dmp/c

Whenever FC cable is added or removed, an event is sent to the OS and some udev
rules are executed by VxVM. When the FC cable is pulled, path id is removed and
hardware path information becomes null. Without checking if hardware path   
information has become null, symbolic links are generated.

Code changes are made to check if hardware path information is null and
accordingly create symbolic links.

Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.200-RHEL6

* 3648603 (Tracking ID: 3564260)

VVR commands are unresponsive when replication is paused and resumed in a loop.

While Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR) is in the process of sending updates then pausing a replication is deferred until acknowledgements of updates are received or until an error occurs. For some reason, if the acknowledgements get delayed or the delivery fails, the pause operation continues to get deferred resulting in unresponsiveness.

The code is modified to resolve the issue that caused unresponsiveness.

* 3654163 (Tracking ID: 2916877)

vxconfigd hangs, if a node leaves the cluster, while I/O error handling is in
progress. Stack observed is as follows:

A bug in DCO error handling code can lead to an infinite loop if a node leaves
cluster while I/O error handling is in progress. This causes vxconfigd to hang
and stop responding to VxVM commands like vxprint, vxdisk 

DCO error handling code has been changed so that I/O errors are handled
correctly. Hence, hang is avoided.

* 3690795 (Tracking ID: 2573229)

On RHEL6, the server panics when Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) executes 
powerpath controlled device. The following stack trace is displayed:

enqueue_entity at ffffffff81068f09
enqueue_task_fair at ffffffff81069384
enqueue_task at ffffffff81059216
activate_task at ffffffff81059253
pull_task at ffffffff81065401
load_balance_fair at ffffffff810657b7
thread_return at ffffffff81527d30
schedule_timeout at ffffffff815287b5
wait_for_common at ffffffff81528433
wait_for_completion at ffffffff8152854d
blk_execute_rq at ffffffff8126d9dc
emcp_scsi_cmd_ioctl at ffffffffa04920a2 [emcp]
PowerPlatformBottomDispatch at ffffffffa0492eb8 [emcp]
PowerSyncIoBottomDispatch at ffffffffa04930b8 [emcp]
PowerBottomDispatchPirp at ffffffffa049348c [emcp]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa049390d [emcp]
MpxSendScsiCmd at ffffffffa061853e [emcpmpx]
ClariionKLam_groupReserveRelease at ffffffffa061e495 [emcpmpx]
MpxDefaultRegister at ffffffffa061df0a [emcpmpx]
MpxTestPath at ffffffffa06227b5 [emcpmpx]
MpxExtraTry at ffffffffa06234ab [emcpmpx]
MpxTestDaemonCalloutGuts at ffffffffa062402f [emcpmpx]
MpxIodone at ffffffffa0624621 [emcpmpx]
MpxDispatchGuts at ffffffffa0625534 [emcpmpx]
MpxDispatch at ffffffffa06256a8 [emcpmpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644775 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatchDown at ffffffffa06447ae [emcpgpx]
VluDispatch at ffffffffa068b025 [emcpvlumd]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644752 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatchDown at ffffffffa06447ae [emcpgpx]
XcryptDispatchGuts at ffffffffa0660b45 [emcpxcrypt]
XcryptDispatch at ffffffffa0660c09 [emcpxcrypt]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644752 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
GpxDispatch at ffffffffa0644775 [emcpgpx]
PowerDispatchX at ffffffffa0493921 [emcp]
PowerSyncIoTopDispatch at ffffffffa04978b9 [emcp]
emcp_send_pirp at ffffffffa04979b9 [emcp]
emcp_pseudo_blk_ioctl at ffffffffa04982dc [emcp]
__blkdev_driver_ioctl at ffffffff8126f627
blkdev_ioctl at ffffffff8126faad
block_ioctl at ffffffff811c46cc
dmp_ioctl_by_bdev at ffffffffa074767b [vxdmp]
dmp_kernel_scsi_ioctl at ffffffffa0747982 [vxdmp]
dmp_scsi_ioctl at ffffffffa0786d42 [vxdmp]
dmp_send_scsireq at ffffffffa078770f [vxdmp]
dmp_do_scsi_gen at ffffffffa077d46b [vxdmp]
dmp_pr_check_aptpl at ffffffffa07834dd [vxdmp]
dmp_make_mp_node at ffffffffa0782c89 [vxdmp]
dmp_decode_add_disk at ffffffffa075164e [vxdmp]
dmp_decipher_instructions at ffffffffa07521c7 [vxdmp]
dmp_process_instruction_buffer at ffffffffa075244e [vxdmp]
dmp_reconfigure_db at ffffffffa076f40e [vxdmp]
gendmpioctl at ffffffffa0752a12 [vxdmp]
dmpioctl at ffffffffa0754615 [vxdmp]
dmp_ioctl at ffffffffa07784eb [vxdmp]
dmp_compat_ioctl at ffffffffa0778566 [vxdmp]
compat_blkdev_ioctl at ffffffff8128031d
compat_sys_ioctl at ffffffff811e0bfd
sysenter_dispatch at ffffffff81050c20

Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) uses PERSISTENT RESERVE IN command with the REPORT
CAPABILITIES service action to discover target capabilities. On RHEL6, system
panics unexpectedly when Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) executes PERSISTENT 
RESERVE IN command with REPORT CAPABILITIES service action on powerpath 
controlled device coming from EMC Clarion/VNX array. This bug has been reported 
to EMC powperpath engineering.

The Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) code is modified to execute PERSISTENT RESERVE 
IN command with the REPORT CAPABILITIES service action to discover target 
capabilities only on non-third party controlled devices.

* 3774137 (Tracking ID: 3565212)

While performing controller giveback operations on NetApp ALUA arrays, the 
below messages are observed in /etc/vx/dmpevents.log

[Date]: I/O error occured on Path <path> belonging to Dmpnode <dmpnode>
[Date]: I/O analysis done as DMP_PATH_BUSY on Path <path> belonging to 
[Date]: I/O analysis done as DMP_IOTIMEOUT on Path <path> belonging to 

During the asymmetric access state transition, DMP puts the buffer pointer 
in the delay queue based on the flags observed in the logs. This delay 
resulted in timeout and thereby filesystem went into disabled state.

DMP code is modified to perform immediate retries instead of putting the 
buffer pointer in the delay queue for transition in progress case.

* 3780978 (Tracking ID: 3762580)

Below logs were seen while setting up fencing for the cluster.

VXFEN: vxfen_reg_coord_pt: end ret = -1
vxfen_handle_local_config_done: Could not register with a majority of the
coordination points.

It is observed that in Linux kernels greater than or equal to RHEL6.6, RHEL7 and 
SLES11SP3, the interface used by DMP to send the SCSI commands to block devices
does not transfer the data to/from the device. Therefore the SCSI-3 PR keys does
not get registered.

Code change is done to use scsi request_queue to send the SCSI commands to the 
underlying block device.
Additional patch is required from EMC to support processing SCSI commands via the 
request_queue mechanism on EMC PowerPath devices. Please contact EMC for 
patch details for a specific kernel version.

* 3788751 (Tracking ID: 3788644)

When DMP (Dynamic Multi-Pathing) native support enabled for Oracle ASM 
environment, if we constantly adding and removing DMP devices, it will cause error 
/etc/vx/bin/vxdmpraw enable oracle dba 775 emc0_3f84
VxVM vxdmpraw INFO V-5-2-6157
Device enabled : emc0_3f84
Error setting raw device (Invalid argument)

There is a limitation (8192) of maximum raw device number N (exclusive) of 
/dev/raw/rawN. This limitation is defined in boot configuration file. When binding a raw 
device to a dmpnode, it uses /dev/raw/rawN to bind the dmpnode. The rawN is 
calculated by one-way incremental process. So even if we unbind the device later on, 
the "released" rawN number will not be reused in the next binding. When the rawN 
number is increased to exceed the maximum limitation, the error will be reported.

Code has been changed to always use the smallest available rawN number instead of 
calculating by one-way incremental process.

* 3796596 (Tracking ID: 3433503)

The Vxconfigd(1M) daemon dumps cores with a following stack trace 
while bringing a disk online: 

auto_sys_online() auto_online()

When a disk label, such as DOS label magic is corrupt and is 
written to a Sun label disk, vxconfigd(1M) daemon reads DOS partition table from 
the Sun label disk causing a core dump.The core occurs due to an error in the 
boundary memory access in the DOS partition read code.

The code is modified to avoid the incorrect memory access.

* 3796666 (Tracking ID: 3573262)

On recent UltraSPARC-T4 architectures, Panic is observed with the 
topmost stack frame pointing to bcopy during snapshot operations involving 
space optimized snapshots.


The bcopy kernel library routine on Solaris was optimized to take advantage 
of recent Ultrasparc-T4 architectures. But it has some known issues for large 
size copy in some patch versions of Solaris 10. The use of bcopy was causing 
in-core corruption of cache object metadata. The corruption later lead to 
system panic.

The code is modified to use word by word copy of the buffer 
instead of bcopy kernel library routine.

* 3832703 (Tracking ID: 3488071)

The command "vxdmpadm settune dmp_native_support=on" fails to enable Dynamic 
Multipathing (DMP) Native Support and fails 
with the below error:
VxVM vxdmpadm ERROR V-5-1-15690 Operation failed for one or more volume groups

From LVM version 105, global_filters were introduced as part of lvm.conf file. 
RHEL 6.6 and RHEL 6.6 onwards has LVM version 111 and hence 
supports global_filters. The code changes were not done to handle 
in lvm.conf file while was 

Code changes have been done to handle global_filter in lvm.conf file and allow 
DMP Native Support to work.

* 3832705 (Tracking ID: 3776520)

Filters are not updated properly in lvm.conf file in VxDMP initrd while enabling 
DMP Native Support leading to root Logical Volume (LV) mounted on OS 
device upon reboot.

From LVM version 105, global_filter were introduced as part of lvm.conf file. 
VxDMP updates initird lvm.conf file with the filters required for DMP 
Native Support to function. While updating the lvm.conf, VxDMP checks for the 
filter field to  be updated whereas ideally we should check for 
global_filter field to be updated in the latest LVM version. This leads to 
lvm.conf file not having the proper filters leading to the issue.

Code changes have been made to properly update global_filter field in lvm.conf 
file in VxDMP initrd.

* 3835367 (Tracking ID: 3137543)

After reboot, OS boots in maintenance mode as it fails to load
initrd image and the kernel modules properly.

Due to some changes in grub from OS, kernel modules and
initrd image entries, corresponding to VxVM root, are not populated properly in
the grub configuration file. Hence, system fails to load kernel properly and
boots in maintenance mode after the reboot.

Code is modified to work with RDE.

* 3835662 (Tracking ID: 3581646)

Sometimes Logical Volumes may fail to migrate back to OS devices when Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) Native Support is disabled when the root is 
mounted on LVM.

lvmetad caches open count on devices which are present in accept section of filter in lvm.conf file. When DMP Native Support is enabled, all 
non-VxVM devices are put in reject section of filter so that only "/dev/vx/dmp" devices remain in accept section of filter in lvm.conf file.
So lvmetad caches open count on "/dev/vx/dmp" devices. When DMP Native Support is disabled "/dev/vx/dmp" devices are not put in reject 
section of filter causing a stale open count for lvmetad which is causing physical volumes to point to stale devices even when DMP Native 
Support is disabled.

Code changes have been made to add "/dev/vx/dmp" devices in reject section of filter in lvm.conf file so lvmetad releases open count on 
these devices.

* 3836923 (Tracking ID: 3133322)

"vxdmpadm native ls" is not showing the rootvg when dmp native support is 
vxdmpadm native ls
DMPNODENAME                      VOLUME GROUP
sda                              -
sdb                              -

When dmp native support is enabled, there was a bug in pattern match for root
device name with the root device 
name corresponding to the volume group, therefore it is skipping display of
volume group of root devices under LVM.

Appropriate code modification are done to resolve the incorrect pattern match 
root device name.

Patch ID: VRTSvxvm-6.0.500.100-RHEL6

* 3496715 (Tracking ID: 3281004)

For DMP minimum queue I/O policy with large number of CPUs, the following 
issues are observed since the VxVM 5.1 SP1 release: 
1. CPU usage is high. 
2. I/O throughput is down if there are many concurrent I/Os.

The earlier minimum queue I/O policy is used to consider the host controller 
I/O load to select the least loaded path. For VxVM 5.1 SP1 version, an addition 
was made to consider the I/O load of the underlying paths of the selected host 
based controllers. However, this resulted in the performance issues, as there 
were lock contentions with the I/O processing functions and the DMP statistics 

The code is modified such that the host controller paths I/O load is not 
considered to avoid the lock contention.

* 3501358 (Tracking ID: 3399323)

The reconfiguration of Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) database fails with the below error: VxVM vxconfigd DEBUG  V-5-1-0 dmp_do_reconfig: DMP_RECONFIGURE_DB failed: 2

As part of the DMP database reconfiguration process, controller information from DMP user-land database is not removed even though it is removed from DMP kernel database. This creates inconsistency between the user-land and kernel-land DMP database. Because of this, subsequent DMP reconfiguration fails with above error.

The code changes have been made to properly remove the controller information from the user-land DMP database.

* 3502662 (Tracking ID: 3380481)

When the vxdiskadm(1M) command selects a removed disk during the "5 Replace a failed or removed disk" operation, the vxdiskadm(1M) command displays the following error message:
"/usr/lib/vxvm/voladm.d/lib/vxadm_syslib.sh: line 2091:return: -1: invalid option".

From bash version 4.0, bash doesnt accept negative error values. If VxVM scripts return negative values to bash, the error message is displayed.

The code is modified so that VxVM scripts dont return negative values to bash.

* 3521727 (Tracking ID: 3521726)

When using Symantec Replication Option, system panic happens while freeing
memory with the following stack trace on AIX,

pvthread+011500 STACK:
[0001BF60]abend_trap+000000 ()
[000C9F78]xmfree+000098 ()
[04FC2120]vol_tbmemfree+0000B0 ()
[04FC2214]vol_memfreesio_start+00001C ()
[04FCEC64]voliod_iohandle+000050 ()
[04FCF080]voliod_loop+0002D0 ()
[04FC629C]vol_kernel_thread_init+000024 ()
[0025783C]threadentry+00005C ()

In certain scenarios, when a write IO gets throttled or un-winded in VVR, we
free the memory related to one of our data structures. When we restart this IO,
the same memory gets illegally accessed and freed again even though it was
freed.It causes system panic.

Code changes have been done to fix the illegal memory access issue.

* 3526501 (Tracking ID: 3526500)

Disk IO failures occur with DMP IO timeout error messages when DMP (Dynamic Multi-pathing) IO statistics daemon is not running. Following are the timeout error messages:

VxVM vxdmp V-5-3-0 I/O failed on path 65/0x40 after 1 retries for disk 201/0x70
VxVM vxdmp V-5-3-0 Reached DMP Threshold IO TimeOut (100 secs) I/O with start 
3e861909fa0 and end 3e86190a388 time
VxVM vxdmp V-5-0-0 [Error] i/o error occurred (errno=0x206) on dmpnode 201/0x70

When IO is submitted to DMP, it sets the start time on the IO buffer. The value of the start time depends on whether the DMP IO statistics daemon is running or not. When the IO is returned as error from SCSI to DMP, instead of retrying the IO on alternate paths, DMP failed that IO with 300 seconds timeout error, but the IO has elapsed only few milliseconds in its execution. The miscalculation of DMP timeout happens only when DMP IO statistics daemon is not running.

The code is modified to calculate appropriate DMP IO timeout value when DMP IO statistics demon is not running.

* 3531332 (Tracking ID: 3077582)

A Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) volume may become inaccessible causing the read/write operations to fail with the following error:
# dd if=/dev/vx/dsk/<dg>/<volume> of=/dev/null count=10
dd read error: No such device
0+0 records in
0+0 records out

If I/Os to the disks timeout due to some hardware failures like weak Storage Area Network (SAN) cable link or Host Bus Adapter (HBA) failure, VxVM assumes that the disk is faulty or slow and it sets the failio flag on the disk. Due to this flag, all the subsequent I/Os fail with the No such device error.

The code is modified such that vxdisk now provides a way to clear the failio flag. To check whether the failio flag is set on the disks, use the vxkprint(1M) utility (under /etc/vx/diag.d). To reset the failio flag, execute the vxdisk set <disk_name> failio=off command, or deport and import the disk group that holds these disks.

* 3552411 (Tracking ID: 3482026)

The vxattachd(1M) daemon reattaches plexes of manually detached site.

The vxattachd daemon reattaches plexes for a manually detached site that is the site with state as OFFLINE. As there was no check to differentiate between a manually detach site and the site that was detached due to IO failure. Hence, the vxattachd(1M) daemon brings the plexes online for manually detached site also.

The code is modified to differentiate between manually detached site and the site detached due to IO failure.

* 3600161 (Tracking ID: 3599977)

system panics with following stack trace:

During replica connection, after created the port before increasing the count 
to protect the port from deleting, another thread deletes the port. While the 
replica connection thread proceeds, it refers to the port that is already 
deleted, hence causes NULL pointer reference and panic.

Code changes have been done to add locking to the checking and modification of 
the count associated with the port.

* 3612801 (Tracking ID: 3596330)

'vxsnap refresh' operation fails with following indicants:

Errors occur from DR (Disaster Recovery) Site of VVR (Veritas 
Volume Replicator):

o	vxio: [ID 160489 kern.notice] NOTICE: VxVM vxio V-5-3-1576 commit: 
Timedout waiting for rvg [RVG] to quiesce, iocount [PENDING_COUNT] msg 0
o	vxvm:vxconfigd: [ID 702911 daemon.warning] V-5-1-8011 Internal 
transaction failed: Transaction aborted waiting for io drain

At the same time, following errors occur from Primary Site of VVR:

vxio: [ID 218356 kern.warning] WARNING: VxVM VVR vxio V-5-0-267 Rlink 
[RLINK] disconnecting due to ack timeout on update message

VM (Volume Manager) Transactions on DR site get aborted as pending IOs could 
not be drained in stipulated time leading to failure of FMR (Fast-Mirror 
Resync) 'snap' operations. These IOs could not be drained because of IO 
throttling. A bug/race in conjunction with timing in VVR causes a miss in 
clearing this throttling condition/state.

Code changes have been done to fix the race condition which ensures clearance 
of throttling state at appropriate time.

* 3621240 (Tracking ID: 3621232)

When run IBC(In-band Control) procedure by vradmin ibc command, vradmind (VVR 
daemon) on VVR secondary may goes into disconnected state, then the following 
IBC procedure or vradmin ibc commands cannot be started/executed on VVR 
secondary and below message will be outputted on VVR primary.
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-532 Secondary is undergoing a state transition. 
Please re-try the command after some time.
VxVM VVR vradmin ERROR V-5-52-802 Cannot start command execution on Secondary.

When IBC procedure run into command finish state, the vradmind on VVR secondary 
may goes into disconnected state, but it was not sensed by vradmind on primary. 
In such situation, the vradmind on primary will not send handshake request to 
the secondary which can take it out of disconnected state to running state. 
Then the vradmind will stall in disconnected state and the following vradmin 
ibc command cannot be executed on VVR secondary, although vradmind looks 
normal and in running state on VVR primary.

Code changes have been done to make sure the vradmind on VVR primary will be 
notified while it goes into disconnected state on VVR secondary, hence it can 
send out handshake request to take the secondary out of disconnected state.

* 3622069 (Tracking ID: 3513392)

secondary panics when rebooted while heavy IOs are going on primary

PID: 18862  TASK: ffff8810275ff500  CPU: 0   COMMAND: "vxiod"
#0 [ffff880ff3de3960] machine_kexec at ffffffff81035b7b
#1 [ffff880ff3de39c0] crash_kexec at ffffffff810c0db2
#2 [ffff880ff3de3a90] oops_end at ffffffff815111d0
#3 [ffff880ff3de3ac0] no_context at ffffffff81046bfb
#4 [ffff880ff3de3b10] __bad_area_nosemaphore at ffffffff81046e85
#5 [ffff880ff3de3b60] bad_area_nosemaphore at ffffffff81046f53
#6 [ffff880ff3de3b70] __do_page_fault at ffffffff810476b1
#7 [ffff880ff3de3c90] do_page_fault at ffffffff8151311e
#8 [ffff880ff3de3cc0] page_fault at ffffffff815104d5
#9 [ffff880ff3de3d78] volrp_sendsio_start at ffffffffa0af07e3 [vxio]
#10 [ffff880ff3de3e08] voliod_iohandle at ffffffffa09991be [vxio]
#11 [ffff880ff3de3e38] voliod_loop at ffffffffa0999419 [vxio]
#12 [ffff880ff3de3f48] kernel_thread at ffffffff8100c0ca

If the replication stage IOs are started after serialization of the replica volume, 
replication port  could be deleted  and set to NULL during handling the replica 
connection changes,  this will cause the panic since we have not checked if the 
replication port is still valid before referencing to it.

Code changes have been done to abort the stage IO if replication port is NULL.

* 3632969 (Tracking ID: 3631230)

VRTSvxvm patch version 6.0.5 and 6.1.1 will not work with RHEL6.6 update.

# rpm -ivh VRTSvxvm-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:VRTSvxvm               ########################################### [100%]
Installing file /etc/init.d/vxvm-boot
creating VxVM device nodes under /dev
WARNING: No modules found for 2.6.32-494.el6.x86_64, using compatible modules 
FATAL: Error inserting vxio (/lib/modules/2.6.32-
494.el6.x86_64/veritas/vxvm/vxio.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown 
(see dmesg) ERROR: modprobe error for vxio. See documentation.
warning: %post(VRTSvxvm- scriptlet failed, exit 
status 1


Or after OS update, the system log file will have the following messages logged.

vxio: disagrees about version of symbol poll_freewait
vxio: Unknown symbol poll_freewait
vxio: disagrees about version of symbol poll_initwait
vxio: Unknown symbol poll_initwait

Installation of VRTSvxvm patch version 6.0.5 and 6.1.1 fails on RHEL6.6 due to 
the changes in poll_initwait() and poll_freewait() interfaces.

The VxVM package has re-compiled with RHEL6.6 build environment.

* 3638039 (Tracking ID: 3625890)

Error message is reported as bellow after running vxdisk resize command:
"VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-8643 Device ibm_shark0_9: resize failed: Invalid 
attribute specification"

For CDS(cross platform data sharing) VTOC(volume table of contents) disks, 
there are 2 reserved cylinders for special usage. In case of expanding a disk 
with particular disk size on storage side, VxVM(veritas volume manager) may calculate the cylinder number as 2, which will cause the vxdisk 
resize failed with "Invalid attribute specification".

Code changes have been made to avoid failure of resizing a CDS VTOC disk.

Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.400

* 3868426 (Tracking ID: 3326146)

Segmentation fault in dedup.

The deduplication failed during the incremental scan as it failed to allocate 
memory for the btree data 
structure at the fcl record processing stage, and NULL pointer check was not made there.

Added NULL checks, error handling at necessary functions and included couple of 
other btree fixes.

Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.200

* 3651859 (Tracking ID: 3621205)

OpenSSL common vulnerability exposure (CVE): POODLE and Heartbleed.

VRTSfsadv package uses old versions of OpenSSL which are vulnerable to POODLE(CVE-2014-3566) and Hearbleed(CVE-2014-0160). By upgrading to OpenSSL 0.9.8zc, many security vulnerabilities have been fixed.

The VRTSfsadv package is built with OpenSSL 0.9.8zc..

Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.100

* 3612059 (Tracking ID: 3602386)

vfradmin man page shows the incorrect info about default behavior of -d

When we run vfradmin command without -d option then by default the
debugging is in ENABLED mode but man page indicates that the default debugging
should be in DISABLED mode.

Changes has been done in man page of vfradmin to reflect the correct
default behavior.

Patch ID: VRTSfsadv-6.0.500.000

* 3411725 (Tracking ID: 3415639)

The type of the fsdedupadm(1M) command always shows as MANUAL even it is launched by the fsdedupschd daemon.

The deduplication tasks scheduled by the scheduler do not show their type
as "SCHEDULED", instead they show it as "MANUAL". This is because the fsdeduschd daemon, while calling fsdedup, does not set the flag -d which would set the correct status.

The code is modified so that the flag is set properly.

* 3436393 (Tracking ID: 3462694)

The fsdedupadm(1M) command fails with error code 9 when it tries to
mount checkpoints on a cluster.

While mounting checkpoints, the fsdedupadm(1M) command fails to
parse the cluster mount option correctly, resulting in the mount failure.

The code is modified to parse cluster mount options correctly in the
fsdedupadm(1M) operation.

Patch ID: VRTScavf-6.0.500.400

* 3516607 (Tracking ID: 3093407)

When one host name in a Cluster is a sub-string of other host name(with
super-string differentiated by hyphen ('-')(e.g.: abc, abc-01), cfsmntadm
utility may throw error for some commands as follows: -

# cfsmntadm modify /swapmnt/ add abc="rw"
  Nodes are being added...
  Error: V-35-117: abc already associated with cluster-mount /swapmnt
  Nodes added to cluster-mount /swapmnt

cfs_lib.sh uses "grep -w" to extract the host name from the node list, which is
bound to fail if the cluster has host names as described in

Modified cfs_lib.sh to use "grep -x" instead of "grep -w", in order to match the string exactly.

Patch ID: VRTScavf-6.0.500.100

* 2933827 (Tracking ID: 2720034)

The vxfsckd(1M) daemon does not restart after being killed manually.

When the vxfsck process is killed manually, all the processes may not be killed 
and there might be some process still running. Starting of the new vxfscd fails 
since the cleanup of these processes is not done correctly.

The script is modified to clean-up/kill existing vxfsckd daemons correctly 
before re-starting them.

* 3516604 (Tracking ID: 3142109)

The CFSMountAgent script does not parse the MountOpt properly if the  -O overlay (native fs option) is used.

The CFSMountAgent script lacks logic to parse the -O option. The problem is as follows:

Assuming MountOpt attribute as follows:
MountOpt @lonu0261 = "suid, rw -O", 

CFSMountAgent script translates it to this:
-o cluster, suid, rw,-O, mntlock=VCS

So the native option AO is treated as a part of specific_options. As a result, the Mount(1M) command fails with the following error:
UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: V-3-21298: illegal -o suboption -- -O

The CFSMountAgent script has been modified to parse the -O option correctly.

Patch ID: VRTScavf-6.0.500.000

* 3399337 (Tracking ID: 3410837)

The error message has an issue when the user uses the cfsumount(1M) to unmount a mount point which has a samba parent resource.

The cfsunmount(1M) script uses "hares --value" to get the mount point. 
If the mount point which has samba parent resource is still mounted, then Cfsunmount(1M) gives an error message such as "Error: V-35-201: Cannot unmount 
/cifsdg/datavol2 on l111053, dependent [ ] currently mounted on l111053".

The error message is appropriately changed for a better judgment.

Patch ID: 6.0.300.000

* 2933754 (Tracking ID: 2715175)

cfsumount command runs slowly on large file system, there are some file system
reconfigure threads in the kernel.


When unmounting a file system, the cfsumount will try to offline the file system
on all nodes in parallel. If the primary file system node gets unmounted first,
the process of reconfigure will be initiated to migrate the primary to other
nodes, however, the reconfigure is unnecessary for cfsumount command. For large
file systems, reconfigure process involves much work and may take a long time.

Unmount the secondary nodes first to avoid unnecessary file system reconfigure.

* 2949033 (Tracking ID: 2942776)

CFSmount is failing with the error ENXIO or EIO on volume vset device. The error
messages look like
UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-20005: read of super-block on
/dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/vol1 failed: No such device or address
UX:vxfs mount.vxfs: ERROR: V-3-20005: read of super-block on
/dev/vx/dsk/sfsdg/vol2 failed: Input/output error

If the volume set is in ENABLED state but some underlying volumes are not ready
or in DISABLED state, the mount will fail with ENXIO or EIO.

Code changes in cfsmntadm has been made to monitor the volume states in CVMVolDG 

Patch ID: VRTSglm-6.0.500.400

* 3845273 (Tracking ID: 2850818)

GLM thread may get panic if cache pointer remains null.

When GLM cache pointer is de-refrenced, thread got panicked. This
is due to the reason that there can be a case where memory is not allocated to
the cache and pointer remained null but we missed the check for null pointer and
later we de-referenced that resulting into the panic.

Code has been modified to handle the situation where memory is not
allocated for the cache.

Patch ID: VRTSglm-6.0.500.000

* 3364311 (Tracking ID: 3364309)

Internal stress test on the cluster file system, hit a debug assert in the 
Group Lock Manager (GLM).

In GLM, the code to handle the last revoke for a lock may cause a deadlock. 
This deadlock is caught upfront by the debug assert.

The code is modified to avoid the deadlock when the last revoke for the lock is 
in progress.

Patch ID: 6.0.500.400

* 3889610 (Tracking ID: 3880936)

vxvmconvert hangs while analysing the LVM Volume Groups for further 

The issue occurs due to additional messages in the duplicate warnings when 
executing "pvdisplay" command.
The "PV UUID"s are not properly extracted because the keyword used to extract 
them is not correct.

The code has been modified to extract PV UUIDs correctly.

* 3890032 (Tracking ID: 3478478)

While Coverting the lvm volume to VxVM volume it fails to prepare the lvm volumes for conversion.

<snippet of error on CLI while performing lvm to vxvm conversion>
VxVM  ERROR V-5-2-4614 Error while preparing the volume group for conversion.
vxlvmconv: making log directory /etc/vx/lvmconv/myvg.d/log.
vxlvmconv: starting conversion for VG "myvg" - Thu Jun 23 12:52:55 IST 2016
vxlvmconv: Checking disk connectivity
vxlvmconv: can not access disks  /dev/sdx.
vxlvmconv: Disk connectivity check failed. Conversion aborted.
<snippet of error on CLI while performing lvm to vxvm conversion>

while doing VxVM convert from lvm volume group to VxVM volume. It adds the disks to existing disk group and replaces lvm volumes to VxVM volumes.
It fails at second stage when it has to migrate extends, it looses the connectivity with the disks and cannot access it, and aborts the VxVM conversion 
due to it.

Code changes have been made appropriately to overcome disk-connectivity.

Run the Installer script to automatically install the patch:
To install the patch perform the following steps on at least one node in the cluster:
1. Copy the patch sfha-rhel6.8_x86_64-Patch- to /tmp
2. Untar sfha-rhel6.8_x86_64-Patch- to /tmp/hf
    # mkdir /tmp/hf
    # cd /tmp/hf
    # gunzip /tmp/sfha-rhel6.8_x86_64-Patch-
    # tar xf /tmp/sfha-rhel6.8_x86_64-Patch-
3. Install the hotfix
    # pwd 
    # ./installSFHA605P4 [<host1> <host2>...]

You can also install this patch together with 6.0.1 GA release and 6.0.5 Patch release
    # ./installSFHA605P4 -base_path [<601 path>] -mr_path [<605 path>] [<host1> <host2>...]
where the -mr_path should point to the 6.0.5 image directory, while -base_path to the 6.0.1 image.

Install the patch manually:
#rpm -Uvh VRTSvxfs-6.0.500.400-RHEL6.x86_64.rpm

You can also install this patch together with 6.0.5 GA release using Install Bundles
1. Download this patch and extract it to a directory
2. Change to the Veritas SFHA 6.0.5 directory and invoke the installer script
with -patch_path option where -patch_path should point to the patch directory.
# ./installer -patch_path [patch path] [host1 host2...]

#rpm -e rpm_name

