About information risk

Data Insight enables you to identify the risk to critical data sources and helps you effectively protect them. It assigns a risk score to the configured shares that enables you to understand the importance of the data source and the need to protect it. Note that cloud storage accounts and site collections are also considered as shares for the purpose of computing the risk score.

The information risk score takes into account multiple attributes such as permissions, activity, and number of sensitive files in a share that contribute towards the risk factor of a share. For every share, Data Insight displays a risk score between 0 and 100. A risk score over 50 signifies a higher risk for the share.

You can use the risk score information to remediate permissions and monitor activity on the shares that Data Insight flags as being risky.

For information about permission orchestration and configuring user watchlist settings, see theVeritas Data Insight Administrator's Guide.

The risk score that is assigned to a data source is computed at share level and is calculated based on the following criteria:

The open factor for a share

This value is the number of users who have permissions on a share that is classified as open according to open share policy or the number of users who have permissions on a share as compared to the highest number of users with permissions on any share configured in Data Insight.

For more information about configuring the open share policy, see the Veritas Data Insight Administrator's Guide.

The number of sensitive files in a share.

Number of sensitive file counts for a share as compared to the maximum sensitive file count on any share configured in Data Insight.

The number of active users for a share.

This value is the number of active users on a share as compared to the maximum number of active users on any share configured in Data Insight.

See Viewing shares summary.