Auditing workflow paths

Data Insight provides a centralized view where you can audit the information of all the workflow paths across all workflows. The Audit page provides an audit trail for the actions taken by custodians through the Self-Service Portal.

Navigate to Workflows > Audit to review the details of all paths submitted for custodian action. You can view the following details on this page:

In case of Entitlement Review workflows, if the Custodian has revoked the access for a user/group from a path, the Audit page displays only those workflow paths whose users' or groups' access has been revoked and not the users or groups who have been allowed access to that workflow path. The Custodian Action column will display the value as Revoke access for user/group.

In addition to the columns visible by default, there are some columns hidden from the view that can be enabled. You can enable the hidden columns by clicking on the drop-down button on any column heading and selecting Columns. You can enable the check boxes to select the columns that you want to view.

When the hidden columns are displayed, you can view the following details:


When you hover your mouse on any column headers or values, tool-tips are displayed. If the status of a workflow path is Failed, the tool-tip displays the reason behind the failure.

You can take remediation actions for the paths that are part of the Records Classification and Entitlement Review workflows from the Workflows > Audit page.

See Remediating workflow paths.

Filtering workflow audit listing

You can refine the audit data set using the predefined and advanced filters, and sort through the workflow paths that are listed on the Audit page.

Use predefined filters to filter the lists by various categories such as by Device Name, Workflow Type, Custodian Action, and Status. If you select more than one category the filter conditions are applied using the logical operator AND. For example, if you select the Workflow Type as DLP Incident Remediation and the Status as Failed, to display a list of all those DLP Incident Remediation workflow paths that are failed.

In addition, you can use the advanced filter at the top of the table to filter on the basis of various column names including those columns that are hidden. You must display the hidden columns to view the filter results. Select the column name and choose a value to further narrow down the results on the basis of the following operators, equals, and contains.


The predefined filter options are displayed dynamically on the basis of the advanced filter that are applied for listing.

More Information

Managing workflows