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Example: Configuring LMX Parameters

If you see the message "no minors available" on one node, you can increase the value for the contexts kernel parameter. For example, you can configure the system for contexts=16384, which allows a total of 8192 Oracle processes. The error message may contain the term "minors," but you must use the term "contexts" when changing the value of the parameter.

To change the LMX tunable parameter contexts, use the chdev command, unload the driver, and reload the driver. Change the parameter on each cluster system. For example, to change the contexts parameter to 16384, do the following:

  1. List the current value of the tunable LMX parameters:

    # lsattr -El vcsmm

    contexts 8192 N/A True

    ports 4096 N/A True

    buffers 4096 N/A True

    The current value for contexts is 8192 (the default).

  2. Enter:

    # chdev -I vcsmm -P -a contexts=16384

  3. Unload and reload the driver after making the change:

    # /etc/methods/vcsmmext -stop

    # /etc/methods/vcsmmext -start

  4. Perform the commands on each cluster system to change the parameter.