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Testing the coordinator disk group using vxfentsthdw -c

Use the vxfentsthdw utility to verify disks are configured to support I/O fencing. In this procedure, the vxfentsthdw utility tests the three disks one disk at a time from each node.

 To test the coordinator disk group using vxfentsthdw -c

  1. Use the vxfentsthdw command with the -c option. For example:

    # /opt/VRTSvcs/vxfen/bin/vxfentsthdw -c vxfencoorddg

  2. Enter the nodes you are using to test the coordinator disks:

    Enter the first node of the cluster:


    Enter the second node of the cluster:


  1. Review the output of the testing process for both nodes for all disks in the coordinator disk group. Each disk should display output that resembles:

    ALL tests on the disk /dev/rhdisk75 have PASSED.

    The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node galaxy as a COORDINATOR DISK.

    ALL tests on the disk /dev/rhdisk80 have PASSED.

    The disk is now ready to be configured for I/O Fencing on node nebula as a COORDINATOR DISK.

  2. After you test all disks in the disk group, the vxfencoorddg disk group is ready for use.

Removing and replacing a failed disk

If a disk in the coordinator disk group fails verification, remove the failed disk or LUN from the vxfencoorddg disk group, replace it with another, and retest the disk group.

If you need to replace a disk in an active coordinator disk group, refer to the procedure in the troubleshooting chapter.

Adding or removing coordinator disks

 To remove and replace a failed disk

  1. Use the vxdiskadm utility to remove the failed disk from the disk group. Refer to the Veritas Volume Manager Administrator's Guide.
  2. Add a new disk to the node, initialize it, and add it to the coordinator disk group.

    Initializing disks as VxVM disks

    Configuring coordinator disks

  3. Retest the disk group.