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Setting up Oracle user equivalence for RSH and RCP

 To set up Oracle user equivalence for RSH and RCP

  1. Access the SF Oracle RAC configuration program even if you are currently using it and open another terminal session as root user.

    See Using the SF Oracle RAC configuration program

  2. As root user on each system, edit /etc/hosts.equiv file and add entries similar to the following:

    galaxy oracle

    nebula oracle

  3. On each system, set the password for the "oracle" user:

    [root@galaxy /]# passwd oracle

    Changing password for "oracle"

    oracle's New password:

    Re-enter oracle's new password:

  4. On each system, login as user "oracle" and change the passwd.

    [root@galaxy /]# su - oracle

    $ passwd

    Changing password for "oracle"

    oracle's New password:

    Re-enter oracle's new password:

  5. On each system, as user "oracle", verify "rsh" access:

    $ rsh galaxy date

    Mon Apr 24 10:02:45 PDT 2006

    $ rsh nebula date

    Mon Apr 24 10:02:45 PDT 2006

    You can now create the secondary groups for Oracle.

    See Setting Oracle user