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Installing and Configuring Oracle on the new node
  1. 1. If Oracle binaries are installed on shared storage on the existing cluster, do the following:
    1. On the new system, log in as "root" and copy the directory, /var/opt/oracle, from one of the existing system in place.

      # rcp -rp galaxy:/var/opt/oracle /var/opt

    2. On one of the existing systems, open a new window and log in as "oracle". Edit the listener.ora file and add the IP address (or the virtual IP address) for the new system. For example, where the IP address of the new system is, create a section for LISTNER_saturn that resembles:

      LISTENER_saturn =




      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)





  2. If Oracle binaries are installed locally on the existing cluster systems, you must install Oracle on the new system's local disk in the same location as it is installed on the existing systems.
    1. On the new system, as root user, create the directory, /var/opt/oracle:

      # mkdir -p /var/opt/oracle

    2. Follow the instructions in the chapter on installing Oracle9i. Key points to note:
      • To install Oracle binaries, invoke the SF Oracle RAC installsfrac program from the new node.
      • When prompted to enter the system names, specify just the name of the new system.
    3. Follow the instructions in chapter on installing Oracle9i that describes adding pathes and to apply Oracle 9i patches to the new system. Key points to note:
      • To install Oracle binaries, invoke the SF Oracle RAC installsfrac program from the new node.
      • When prompted to enter the system names, specify just the name of the new system.
    4. Edit the listener.ora file on the new system to specify the IP address (or the virtual IP address) for the new system. For example, where the new system's virtual IP address is, edit the section for LISTENER so that it resembles:

      LISTENER =








