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Editing /etc/llthosts and /etc/gabtab files on existing nodes

Before running the uninstallsfrac, modify the configuration files on the remaining nodes to remove references to the removed node.

Editing /etc/llthost

On the each of the existing nodes, using vi or another editor, edit the file /etc/llthosts. Remove lines corresponding to the removed nodes. For example, if saturn is the node being removed from the cluster, remove the line "2 saturn" from the file:

0 galaxy

1 nebula

2 saturn

It should now resemble:

0 galaxy

1 nebula

Editing /etc/gabtab

In the file /etc/gabtab, change the command contained in the file to reflect the number of systems after the node is removed:

/sbin/gabconfig -c -nN

where N is the number of nodes remaining. For example, with two nodes remaining, the file resembles:

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2