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Configuring the Oracle resource

An Oracle resource starts and stops an Oracle instance, and monitors the process table. In addition to the required attributes for the resource, you can modify these attributes to suit your environment. See the Veritas High Availability Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide for details on the Oracle agent and ways to manage database functions from within VCS.

StartUpOpt attribute

The Oracle agent supports the StartUpOpt attribute to enable you to control how VCS starts a database instance.

ShutDownOpt attribute

Configure the ShutDownOpt attribute for the Oracle resource to control how VCS stops a database instance when the Oracle resource is taken offline. If CUSTOM is specified, a script must exist in /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/oracle with the name of the shut_custom_SID.sql, where SID is the same as the value of the SID attribute for this Oracle resource.

Other optional Oracle attributes

Review these additional Oracle attributes:

Configuring Oracle detail monitoring

These optional Oracle attributes are used to configure detail monitoring:

Configuration prerequisites include:

You can use the VCS encryption utility to encrypt database passwords before configuring the Pword attribute in the Oracle agent configuration.

  Note   The value of Pword is automatically encrypted when you use the Oracle configuration wizard or one of the VCS GUIs to configure the resource.

You can configure the optional Oracle error handling file when using detail monitoring to specify VCS response based on the type of database errors. See /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/Oracle/oraerror.dat.