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Example file

This is a sample of the file.

type CVMCluster (

static int NumThreads = 1

static int OnlineRetryLimit = 2

static int OnlineTimeout = 400

static str ArgList[] = { CVMTransport, CVMClustName, CVMNodeAddr, CVMNodeId, PortConfigd, PortKmsgd, CVMTimeout }

str CVMClustName

str CVMNodeAddr{}

str CVMNodeId{}

str CVMTransport

int PortConfigd

int PortKmsgd

int CVMTimeout


type CVMVolDg (

static keylist RegList = { CVMActivation }

static str ArgList[] = { CVMDiskGroup, CVMVolume, CVMActivation }

str CVMDiskGroup

keylist CVMVolume

str CVMActivation

temp int voldg_stat


type CVMVxconfigd (

static int FaultOnMonitorTimeouts = 2

static int RestartLimit = 5

static str ArgList[] = { CVMVxconfigdArgs }

static str Operations = OnOnly

keylist CVMVxconfigdArgs
