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Configure I/O fencing feature

The installer exits after you configure VCS, CVM, and CFS. You must start the configuration program again and do the following:

Configure I/O fencing

Select an option [1-2,b,q] 2

Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 5.0

Main Menu > Configure SFRAC > Configure I/O fencing ** INSTRUCTIONS ONLY **

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Before continuing, login to all cluster nodes and configure I/O fencing. This is a requirement for using SFRAC. Complete the following steps to configure I/O fencing:

1. Make sure that LLT, GAB, VCS and CVM are configured and running.

2. Create and deport a 'coordinator' disk group with at least three SCSI3 PGR compliant shared disks. Example:

vxdg -t init vxfencoorddg <disk1> <disk2> <disk3>

vxdg deport vxfencoorddg

3. Shutdown SFRAC stack completely on all cluster nodes.

4. Create a file /etc/vxfendg with only the coordinator disk group name in it on all cluster nodes. Example:

echo 'vxfencoorddg' > /etc/vxfendg

5. Remove file /etc/vxfenmode on all cluster nodes and copy the appropriate file:

cp /etc/vxfen.d/vxfenmode_scsi3_raw /etc/vxfenmode (For raw mode)

cp /etc/vxfen.d/vxfenmode_scsi3_dmp /etc/vxfenmode (For dmp mode)

6. Edit /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ to add UseFence=SCSI3 cluster attribute on all cluster nodes.

7. Bring up SFRAC stack on all cluster nodes.

8. Verify that I/O fencing is up. Example: vxfenadm -d

Refer to documentation for detailed help.

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Press [Return] to continue:

Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions 5.0

Main Menu > Configure SFRAC

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This step will help you configure components of SFRAC stack

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1) Configure VCS, CVM and CFS

2) Configure I/O fencing ** INSTRUCTIONS ONLY **

b) [Go to previous menu]

Select an option [1-2,b,q] b