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Removing the SF Oracle RAC depots

The installer provides you an option to remove Veritas Volume Manager and Veritas Volume Replicator depots. Note that uninstallation program can remove these depots only if both the boot disk is not under VxVM control and there are no open volumes.

 To remove the SF Oracle RAC depots

  1. Do one of the following to begin uninstalling:
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the uninstallsfrac program.

    # cd /opt/VRTS/install

  3. Start the uninstallsfrac program.

    # ./uninstallsfrac

    The program specifies the directory where the logs are created and begins with a copyright message.

  4. Indicate whether or not you want to remove VxVM and VVR depots from all nodes in the cluster; enter "y" only if the root disk is outside of VM control.
  5. If you invoke the uninstallation program from a remote system in the same subnet, enter the system names where you want the uninstallation to take place.

    Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to uninstall SFRAC: galaxy nebula

  6. If you invoke the uninstallation program from a node in the SF Oracle RAC cluster, review the cluster information and confirm to uninstall SF Oracle RAC.

    VCS configuration files exist on this system with the following information:

    Cluster Name: rac_cluster101

    Cluster ID Number: 101

    Systems: galaxy nebula

    Service Groups: cvm

    Do you want to uninstall SFRAC from these systems? [y,n,q] (y)

  7. Review the output as the uninstallation program checks the operating system on each system, verifies system-to-system communication, and verifies the system licensing.
  8. Review the output as the uninstallation program checks for Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC depots currently installed on the nodes.

    This process involves identifying system uninstall requirements and dependencies between depots to determine the safety and order of uninstalling depots.

  9. Confirm to uninstall SF Oracle RAC:

    All SFRAC processes that are currently running will be stopped.

    Are you sure you want to uninstall SFRAC? [y,n,q] (y)

  10. Make sure that the user VxFS file systems that are currently mounted on each node are unmounted before uninstalling SF Oracle RAC.

    All user VxFS filesystems that are currently mounted on galaxy should be unmounted before uninstalling.

    See Unmounting CFS file systems (outside of VCS control)

  11. Make sure that each node in the cluster does not have any attached volumes.
  12. Review the output as the uninstallation program stops agents and performs verifications on each node to proceed with the uninstallation.
  13. Review the output as the uninstallation program stops the SF Oracle RAC processes.
  14. Review the output as the uninstallation program uninstalls the SF Oracle RAC depots.
  15. If necessary, review the summary and log files of uninstallation activities.
  16. Reboot the nodes to completely uninstall SF Oracle RAC:

    # ./usr/sbin/shutdown -r now