Upgrading the disk layout versions

SFCFS 5.0 supports disk layouts Versions 4, 5, 6 and 7 for locally mounted file systems and disk layouts Versions 6 and 7 for cluster mounted file systems. If you have cluster mounted file systems with disk layout versions lower than 6, then after upgrading to SFCFS 5.0, perform the following additional steps to prepare the file system for being mounted on all nodes of the cluster:

  1. Select one of the nodes of the cluster and mount the file system locally on this node by mounting the file system without the -ocluster option:

    # mount -F vxfs block_device_path /mnt1

  2. Current disk layout version on a file system can be found by running the following command:

    # fstyp -v char_device_path | grep version | \ awk '{print $2}'

  3. On the node selected in step 1, incrementally upgrade the disk layout of this file system to Version 6 or Version 7. For example, if you had a cluster mounted file system of disk layout Version 4 while running with SFCFS 4.1 on HP-UX 11i Version 2, after upgrading to SFCFS 5.0, you would need to upgrade the disk layout to version 6 or version 7 incrementally as follows:

    # vxupgrade -n 5 /mnt1

    # vxupgrade -n 6 /mnt1

    # vxupgrade -n 7 /mnt1

    If any file systems have disk layout Version 2 or 3, unmount these file systems and upgrade them to disk layout Version 6 or 7 using the vxconvert command.

  4. On the node selected in step 1, after the disk layout has been successfully upgraded, unmount the file system:

    # umount /mnt1

  5. This file system can be mounted on all nodes of the cluster using cfsmount.