Attributes for Linux

Required attributes for Linux

Required attribute



Name of the SambaServer resource. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: SG.smb_res1 

Example: "SG.smb_res1" 

Where SG is the service group to which the resource smb_res1 belongs. 


Name of the share resource. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: share1 

Example: "share1" 


List of parameters for the share attributes. These parameters are specified as name=value pairs, with each pair separated by a semicolon (;). 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Example: path=/shared; public=yes; writable=yes 

Example: "path=/shared; public=yes; writable=yes" 

Resource type definition

type SambaShare (

static str ArgList[] = { "SambaServerRes:ConfFile", "SambaServerRes:LockDir", ShareName, ShareOptions, "SambaServerRes:Ports" }

str SambaServerRes

str ShareName

str ShareOptions
