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General guidelines for using vxfentsthdw

vxfentsthdw options describes various options the utility provides to test storage devices.

vxfentsthdw options

vxfentsthdw option


When to use


Use /bin/rsh. 

Use when remsh is used for communication. 


Non-destructive testing. Testing of the disks for SCSI-3 persistent reservations occurs in a non-destructive way; that is, there is only testing for reads, not writes. May be used with -m, -f, or -g options. 

Use during non-destructive testing. 


Testing of the return value of SCSI TEST UNIT (TUR) command under SCSI-3 reservations. A warning is printed on failure of TUR testing. 

When you want to perform TUR testing. 


Use DMP devices. 

May be used with -c or -g options. 

By default, the script picks up the OS paths for disks in the disk group. If you want the script to use the DMP path, use the -d option. 


Utility tests the coordinator disk group prompting for systems and devices, and reporting success or failure. 

For testing disks in coordinator disk group. 


Utility runs manually, in interactive mode, prompting for systems and devices, and reporting success or failure. 

May be used with -r and -t options. 

-m is the default option. 

For testing a few disks or for sampling disks in larger arrays. 

-f filename 

Utility tests system/device combinations listed in a text file.  

May be used with -r and -t options. 

For testing several disks.  

-g disk_group 

Utility tests all disk devices in a specified disk group. 

May be used with -r and -t options. 

For testing many disks and arrays of disks. Disk groups may be temporarily created for testing purposes and destroyed (ungrouped) after testing.