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Accessing dynamic performance views

 To access dynamic performance views

  1. Confirm that the Veritas mapping library for Oracle file mapping has been enabled.

    SQL> select lib_idx idx, lib_name name, vendor_name vname, \

    path_name path from v$map_library;

  2. After storage mapping has been enabled, Oracle datafiles can be mapped using the DBMS_STORAGE_MAP package.

    The following example shows how to map a datafile using SQL:

    For more information about various features and capabilities of the DBMS_STORAGE_MAP package, see your Oracle documentation.

  3. Use SQL commands to display the mapping information that is captured in Oracle's dynamic performance views.

    To display the contents of v$map_file for a Quick I/O file:

    SQL> select file_name name, file_map_idx idx, \

    file_status status, file_type type, file_structure str, \

    file_size fsize, file_nexts nexts from v$map_file;

To display the contents of v$map_file_extent.

SQL> select * from v$map_file_extent;

To display the contents of v$map_element:

SQL> select elem_idx idx, elem_name, elem_type type, elem_size, \

elem_nsubelem nsub, elem_descr, stripe_size from \


To display the contents of v$map_subelement:

SQL> select * from v$map_subelement;

To display all the elements within the I/O stack for a specific file.

SQL> with fv as

2 (select file_map_idx, file_name from v$map_file

4 select

5 fv.file_name, lpad(' ', 4 * (level - 1)) || \

el.elem_name elem_name, el.elem_size, el.elem_type, \


6 from

7 v$map_subelement sb, v$map_element el, fv,

8 (select unique elem_idx from v$map_file_io_stack io, fv

where io.file_map_idx = fv.file_map_idx) fs

10 where el.elem_idx = sb.child_idx

11 and fs.elem_idx = el.elem_idx

12 start with sb.parent_idx in

13 (select distinct elem_idx

14 from v$map_file_extent fe, fv

15 where fv.file_map_idx = fe.file_map_idx)

16 connect by prior sb.child_idx = sb.parent_idx;