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Recovery from RLINK connect problems

This section describes the errors that may be encountered when connecting RLINKs. To be able to troubleshoot RLINK connect problems, it is important to understand the RLINK connection process.

Connecting the Primary and Secondary RLINKs is a two-step operation. The first step, which attaches the RLINK, is performed by issuing the vradmin startrep command. The second step, which connects the RLINKs, is performed by the kernels on the Primary and Secondary hosts.

When the vradmin startrep command is issued, VVR performs a number of checks to ensure that the operation is likely to succeed, and if it does, the command changes the state of the RLINKs from detached/stale to enabled/active. The command then returns success.

If the command is successful, the kernel on the Primary is notified that the RLINK is enabled and it begins to send messages to the Secondary requesting it to connect. Under normal circumstances, the Secondary receives this message and connects. The state of the RLINKs then changes from enabled/active to connect/active.

If the RLINK does not change to the connect/active state within a short time, there is a problem preventing the connection. This section describes a number of possible causes. An error message indicating the problem may be displayed on the console.

udp 0 0 0,0,0,0:port-number