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Starting the VEA client

Only users with appropriate privileges can run VEA. VEA can administer the local machine or a remote machine. However, VxVM and the VEA server must be installed on the machine to be administered. The VxVM vxconfigd daemon and the VEA server must be running on the machine to be administered.

After installing VxVM and VEA and starting the server, start the VEA client in one of the following ways.

Solaris operating system

To administer the Solaris machine, use the following command:

# /opt/VRTSob/bin/vea

Windows operating system

To administer a remote Solaris machine from a Windows machine, select Start > Programs > Veritas > Veritas Enterprise Administrator.

Modifying connection access (optional)

To allow users other than root to access VEA, set up a group called vrtsadm in /etc/group, and add the users to this group. For example, adding the following entry:


will allow the two users, root and ed, to access VEA.

To specify a group other than vrtsadm, you should add the group to /etc/group, modify the Security key and restart the ISIS server daemon, as in the following example.

  1. Add a new group:

    # groupadd -g gid veagrp

  2. Edit /etc/group to add users to the group.
  3. Modify the Security key in the registry:

    # /opt/VRTSob/bin/vxregctl /etc/vx/isis/Registry setvalue \

    Software/Veritas/VxSvc/Current/Version/Security AccessGroups \

    REG_SZ veagrp

  4. Restart the VEA server.

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl restart