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Adding Sun T3+ and T3 arrays as JBODS of type A/P

This release does not include the array support library (ASL) to support Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ arrays. Any existing version of the ASL is removed when VxVM is upgraded to 5.0. Any T3 and T3+ arrays must be configured in autotrespass mode, and treated as JBODs of type A/P.

If an array is of type A/A-A, A/P or A/PF, and a suitable ASL is not available, the array must be claimed as an JBOD of type A/P. This is to prevent path delays and I/O failures arising. As JBODs are assumed to be type A/A by default, and neither T3 nor T3+ arrays are of this type, you must create appropriate JBOD entries for such arrays.

 To configure an A/A-A, A/P or AP/F array as a JBOD

  1. Stop all applications, such as databases, from accessing VxVM volumes that are configured on the array, and unmount all VxFS file systems and checkpoints that are configured on the array.
  2. Configure the T3 or T3+ array in autotrespass mode.
  3. Add the array as a JBOD of type A/P:

    # vxddladm addjbod vid=SUN pid=T300 policy=ap

  4. If you have not already done so, upgrade the Storage Foundation or VxVM software to 5.0. Device discovery will be performed during the upgrade, and the array will be claimed as an A/P JBOD.

    If you have already upgraded your system to 5.0, run the following command to perform device discovery:

    # vxdctl enable

  5. Verify that the array has been added with the policy set to APdisk:

    # vxddladm listjbod

    VID   PID     Opcode Page Code Page Offset SNO length Policy


    SUN   T300    18     -1        36          12         APdisk

  6. Check that the correct devices are listed for the array:

    # vxdisk list

    DEVICE     TYPE          DISK    GROUP    STATUS

    APdisk_0   auto:cdsdisk  -       -        online invalid

    APdisk_1   auto:cdsdisk  -       -        online invalid

    APdisk_2   auto:cdsdisk  -       -        online invalid
