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Recreating Oracle tempfiles

After a clone database is created and opened, the tempfiles are added if they were residing on the snapshot volumes. If the tempfiles were not residing on the same file systems as the datafiles, dbed_vmsnap does not include the underlying volumes in the snapshot. In this situation, dbed_vmclonedb issues a warning message and you can then recreate any needed tempfiles on the clone database as described in the following procedure.

 To recreate the Oracle tempfiles

  1. If the tempfiles were not residing on the same file systems as the datafiles, dbed_vmclonedb will display the WARNING and INFO messages similar to the following:

WARNING: Not all tempfiles were included in snapshot for $ORACLE_SID,

there is no snapshot volume for /clone_path/temp02.dbf.

WARNING: Could not recreate tempfiles for $ORACLE_SID due to lack of free space.

INFO: The sql script for adding tempfiles to $ORACLE_SID is at

  Note   $ORACLE_SID is the name of the clone database.

  1. A script named add_tf.$ORACLE_SID.sql is provided in the /tmp directory for the purpose of recreating Oracle tempfiles. This script contains the SQL*Plus commands to recreate the missing tempfiles.
  2. Make a copy of the /tmp/add_tf.$ORACLE_SID.sql script and open it to view the list of missing tempfiles.

    An example of the add_tf.$ORACLE_SID.sql script is shown below:

    $ cat /tmp/add_tf.$ORACLE_SID.sql

    -- Commands to add tempfiles to temporary tablespaces.

    -- Online tempfiles have complete space information.

    -- Other tempfiles may require adjustment.



    SIZE 4194304 REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1048576 MAXSIZE 33554432 ;


    '/clone_path/temp02.dbf' REUSE;

    ALTER DATABASE TEMPFILE '/clone_path2/temp02.dbf'


  3. Evaluate whether you need to recreate any temp files. If you want to recreate tempfiles, proceed to the next step.
  4. In the add_tf.$ORACLE_SID.sql file, edit the sizes and default path names of the tempfiles as needed to reside on cloned volumes configured for database storage.

      Note   Do not run the script without first editing it because path names may not exist and the specified mount points may not contain sufficient space.

  5. After you have modified the add_tf.$ORACLE_SID.sql script, execute it against your clone database.
  6. After you have successfully run the script, you may delete it.