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Sample for adding an Oracle 10g node

Changes to the sample for adding a node are highlighted in red.

include ""

include ""

include ""

include ""

include ""

cluster ora_cluster (

UserNames = { admin = dOPhOJoLPkPPnXPjOM }

Administrators = { admin }

HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT

CounterInterval = 5

UseFence = SCSI3


system galaxy (


system nebula (


system saturn (


group cvm (

SystemList = { galaxy = 0, nebula = 1, saturn = 2 }

AutoFailOver = 0

Parallel = 1

AutoStartList = { galaxy, nebula, saturn }


CFSMount ocrvote_mnt (

Critical = 0

MountPoint = "/ocrvote"

BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/ocrvotedg/ocrvotevol"


CFSMount oradata_mnt (

Critical = 0

MountPoint = "/oradata"

BlockDevice = "/dev/vx/dsk/oradatadg/oradatavol"


CVMVolDg oradata_voldg (

Critical = 0

CVMDiskGroup = oradatadg

CVMVolume = { oradatavol }

CVMActivation = sw


CVMVolDg orabin_voldg (

Critical = 0

CVMDiskGroup = orabindg

CVMVolume = { orabinvol }

CVMActivation = sw


CVMVolDg ocrvote_voldg (

Critical = 0

CVMDiskGroup = ocrvotedg

CVMVolume = { ocrvotevol }

CVMActivation = sw


CFSfsckd vxfsckd (


CVMCluster cvm_clus (

CVMClustName = ora_cluster

CVMNodeId = { galaxy = 1, nebula = 2, saturn = 3 }

CVMTransport = gab

CVMTimeout = 200


CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (

Critical = 0

CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }


PrivNIC ora_priv (

Critical = 0

Device = { qfe0 = 0, qfe1 = 1}

Address@galaxy = ""

Address@nebula = ""

Address@saturn = ""

NetMask = ""


cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd

oradata_voldg requires cvm_clus

ocrvote_voldg requires cvm_clus

ocrvote_mnt requires vxfsckd

oradata_mnt requires vxfsckd

ocrvote_mnt requires ocrvote_voldg

oradata_mnt requires oradata_voldg