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Configuring networking and Oracle listeners

Most configurations require an Oracle listener (Oracle Network Services Listener) for client access. The listener "listens" for incoming connections to the database.

Create a listener for each server. You can configure the listener to use the base (host) address of the server or a virtual address. A virtual address is typically used if you want to configure a NIC failover arrangement using VCS, or if the instances are running on different nodes.

You can create the listener.ora configuration manually or use the NETCA utility from Oracle. In most cases, the default listener.ora is sufficient, with the host address updated to reflect the proper host name.

After verifying the listeners start and stop on each node, update the database startup scripts (pfile) to use the remote listeners. Configure the database to register with every listener not created on the local node (the local node is automatically configured). Use the Remote_Listeners parameter in the startup pfile.