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Setting up oracle user equivalence for RSH and RCP

  1. As root user on each system, edit /etc/hosts.equiv file and add entries similar to the following:

    galaxy oracle

    nebula oracle

  2. On each system, set the password for the "oracle" user:

    [root@galaxy /]# passwd oracle

    Changing password for "oracle"

    oracle's New password:

    Re-enter oracle's new password:

  3. On each system, login as user "oracle" and change the passwd.

    [root@galaxy /]# su - oracle

    $ passwd

    Changing password for "oracle"

    oracle's New password:

    Re-enter oracle's new password:

  4. On each system, as user "oracle", verify "rsh" access:

    $ rsh galaxy date

    Mon Apr 24 10:02:45 PDT 2006

    $ rsh nebula date

    Mon Apr 24 10:02:45 PDT 2006