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Removing Storage Foundation 5.0 for Oracle RAC packages

The uninstallsfrac script removes packages installed by installsfrac on all systems in the cluster. The installer removes all the Storage Foundation 5.0 for Oracle RAC packages, regardless of the version of Oracle used.

 To run uninstallsfrac

  1. As root user, navigate to the directory containing the uninstallsfrac program.

    # cd /opt/VRTS/install

  2. Start uninstallsfrac:

    # ./uninstallsfrac

  3. The utility reports the cluster and systems for uninstalling. Enter y if the cluster information is correct.

    After entering the systems where the uninstalling will take place, the script checks the operating system on each system, verifies system-to-system communication, and sets up the log files.

    Using /usr/bin/ssh -x and /usr/bin/scp to communicate with remote systems.

    Initial system check completed successfully.

    The script checks for Storage Foundation 5.0 for Oracle RAC packages currently installed on the nodes. This process involves identifying system uninstall requirements and dependencies between packages to determine the safety and order of uninstalling packages.

  4. Confirm to uninstall Storage Foundation 5.0 for Oracle RAC. packages.
  5. Review the output as the script stops processes and drivers running on each node, and reports its activities.
  6. Review the output as the script indicates the progress of removing packages from the nodes by listing the steps that are completed. The total number of steps depends on the nature of the installation. For example:

    Uninstalling Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 5.0 on all systems


Uninstalling VRTSormap 5.0 on galaxy ...... Done 1 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTSormap 5.0 on nebula ...... Done 2 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTSdbckp 5.0 on galaxy ...... Done 3 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTSdbckp 5.0 on nebula ...... Done 4 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTScsocw 5.0 on galaxy ...... Done 5 of 90 steps



Uninstalling VRTSvmman 5.0 on galaxy ..... Done 87 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTSvmman 5.0 on nebula ..... Done 88 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTSvxvm 5.0 on galaxy ...... Done 89 of 90 steps

Uninstalling VRTSvxvm 5.0 on nebula ...... Done 90 of 90 steps

Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC package uninstall completed


  1. If necessary, review the summary and log files of uninstalling activities. The location of the log files and summary files are displayed.