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Add VCS users

If you have enabled Symantec Product Authentication Service, you need not add VCS users now. Proceed to configure the Cluster Management Console.

See "Configure cluster connector" on page 251.

The following information is required to add VCS users:

A user name

A password for the user

User privileges (Administrator, Operator, or Guest)

Do you want to set the password for the Admin user

(default password='password')? [y,n,q] (n) y

Enter New Password:******

Enter Again:******

Do you want to add another user to the cluster? [y,n,q] (y) y

Enter the user name: [?] smith

Enter New Password:*******

Enter Again:*******

Enter the privilege for user smith (A=Administrator, O=Operator, G=Guest): [?] a

Would you like to add another user? [y,n,q] (n) n

User: admin Privilege: Administrators

User: smith Privilege: Administrators

Passwords are not displayed

Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)