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vxvm - Manage VERITAS SAN Volume Manager Storage Objects


vxvm [ options ] keyword operation [ arg...]


The vxvm utility performs administrative operations for the VERITAS SAN Volume Manager through the Global Configuration Service (GCS). The options generally match the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator. Operations include managing and configuring sites, volume servers, volume clients, disk groups, disks, and volumes.

If the GCS host can be derived, by default vxvm uses the global name space to find the unique object for the operation. You can specify --local to tell the vxvm command not to look for global objects. If —local is specified, vxvm will search the object bus of the local host only. Also, specifying a host name overrides any defaults and the operation is executed on that host.

  Note    You cannot specify both -local and -h. Also, if the -m option is not specified, the command assumes that it is running on the GCS host.


The command vxvm -h myhost diskgroup adddisk mydg Disk_01 Disk_02 looks for a diskgroup on host myhost. An error is returned if there are no imported disk groups called mydg on myhost.

The command vxvm diskgroup adddisk mydg Disk_01 Disk_02 tries to resolve the GCS host. If the host on which this command is being run belongs to GCS domain, vxvm knows the GCS host, and searches the GCS name space to look for a unique disk group, mydg. If there is more than one disk group with this name, the command returns an appropriate error. Once a unique disk group is found, vxvm finds out the host on which this disk group is imported and executes the command on that host.

The command vxvm -m mygcshost diskgroup adddisk mydg Disk_01 Disk_02 is similar to above command. The only difference is that the host on which the command is being run, need not belong to the GCS domain.

The command vxvm -local diskgroup adddisk mydg Disk_01 Disk_02 looks for a disk group named mydg on the host on which the command is being run. If there are no imported disk groups on the local host, it returns error. Note that, the command will fail if the disk group is shared, and the command is executed on a slave.

Each vxvm function includes at least a keyword and an operation. In cases where the operation is unique, the keyword can be omitted.

Some operations require disks in the argument list. By default, a disk can be specified by its name, such as disk01, or by its disk oid such as oid=1234567890123456789.

The option -m gcs_host is optional if running the command on the GCS host. Otherwise, it must be specified.

GCS authenticates all users and passwords before each operation. Hence, vxvm always asks for the user's GCS password. To avoid entering a password each time, usernames and passwords can be stored in the file: /etc/vx/svm/gcspasswd. The utility looks in the file for the user's password. If no entry is found, the user must enter a password.

By default all vxvm commands are executed synchronously. That is, the command does not return until the operation is completed. If the administrator wants to submit the operation in background, most commands support the -b (background) option. If the operation is submitted in background, vxvm returns a unique task id in the form hostname_number. A user can use this id to check the status of the submitted task or abort/pause the tasks submitted. The hostname in hostname_number represents the host on which the task is submitted.


Each vxvm keyword is described in this manual page with its own SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, and other standard manual page sections. vxvm has the following keywords:














The options -n and -g identify objects under the scope specified and help to eliminate ambiguities when objects of the same type have the same name. Thus, any object can be uniquely identified by its name and the scope options.

-n vcname

Specify a volume client.

-g dg_name

Specify a disk group.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.


Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

alias volcmd='vxvm -T volume'. For create volume:

vxvm -g dg1 volume create vol1 100m

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

volcmd -g dg1 create vol1 100m

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:


vxvm always returns either success, failure or warning.

Return codes are:

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

CLIERR_SUCCESS (0x00) - Command executed successfully

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

CLIERR_WARNING (0x01) - Command was executed but generated some warnings

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

CLIERR_ERROR (0x02) - Command failed to execute

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

A message is also displayed in the stderr. This message contains the error code returned by the providers (or other components involved). The error displays in standard UMI format.


The verb help provides context sensitive help for all vxvm commands.

vxvm help [verb] [object]

Provides an alias to a VxVM command. For example:

vxvm help displays information for the following objects and keywords:


disk group operations


disk operations


domain operations


file system operations


communications availability operations


storage pool operations


snappoint operations


snapshot related operations


task operations


template operations


User template operations


volume operations

Help alternatives

volume operations

vxvm help displays a list of all supported keywords, as follows:

Supported keywords:


disk group operations


disk operations


domain operations


communications availability operations


filesystem operations


Storage pool operations


snappoint operations


snapshot related operations


task operations


template operations


User template operations


volume operations


volume server operations

vxvm help domain or vxvm domain displays a list of all supported operations on the domain object. Similar help is available on all objects. The only difference between vxvm help domain and vxvm domain is that the former returns zero, while the latter returns an error code. The output format is as follows.


create a new domain


change the name of a domain


delete the specified domain

vxvm help diskgroup create displays the complete usage syntax for the diskgroup create operation. Similar help is available for all verb-object combinations. The output format is as follows:

Usage vxvm -m gcs_host diskgroup create dg_name

vsset=vsset_name dgtype=type [dm=][disktype:]disk [[dm=] [disktype:]disk ...]...

vxvm -h target_host diskgroup create dg_name dgtype=type [dm=][disktype:]disk [[dm=] [disktype:]disk ...]...


vxvm disk - Define SANVM disks, and manage VERITAS SANVM disks in disk groups, or under VxVM control.


vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node]

[-g dg_name] [--override] [--verify] disk disconnect [disktype:]value

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk evacuate [disktype:]value [volume=vol_name] [storage-spec...][attribute...]

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [--force]

disk initialize [disktype:]value [attr=value]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk list disk_name

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk offline [disktype:]value

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk online [disktype:]value

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node]

[-g dg_name] [--override] [--verify] disk recover [disktype:]value [newdisk=disktype:]value]

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk rename [disktype:]value new_dm_name

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk resize [disktype:]value new_length

vxvm [-D domain_name] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

disk setproperty disk_name {spare | reserve | nohotuse=on | off} {comment=comment}


All disk operations must be executed on the volume manager or volume server, or master host. GCS can determine the host (node) that could access the specified disks.


The options -g, -h, and -D identify objects under the scope specified.


Execute the command in background.

-D domain_name

Specifies the domain name.

-g dg_name

The disk group owning this disk.


Tells vxvm not to search in GCS name space. Operation is then executed on the local host (or volume server, or CVM Master) only

-h target_node

Specifies the node on which the operation is to be executed. This overrides default behavior of object searching.


Performs the disk task and ignore any storage-specific guidelines.


Forces the operation.


Sends the disk to the free disk pool. If not specified, fdp is false by default.


Verifies that the specified disk task can be performed without violating any storage-specific guidelines, but does not perform the task.



Removes disks from a disk group. The disk's properties are cleared of disk group derived information. A new disk object is created to represent the disk media only disk. Any subdisk relationships with the original disk are moved to the disconnected disk.

It is not possible to remove the last disk containing a valid disk group configuration or log copy from its disk group. Disk media records are kept, although in a removed state, and the subdisk records still point to them. The subdisks, and any plexes that refer to them, remain unusable until the disk is re-added using the "recover" operation. If volumes become unusable because all plexes on the disconnected become unusable, they are disabled


Move subdisks off the specified disks to the specified destination disks. If no target disks are specified, any non-volatile, non-reserved disks can be used as destination disks. Subdisks that are part of unmirrored striped plexes are moved by moving the entire plex to a new location. Note: This operation assumes that there is sufficient space in the disk group for the operation to complete. If the process runs out of space, some of the volumes on the disk may not be evacuated.


Initializes a disk. If the disk is not set up, the disk is sliced and initialized. (See warnings in the disk add operation about being careful with uninitialized disks.). This command can be run from any host that can access the disk. If the host already belongs to a site, disk will be stamped with site GUID of that host. If a disk has site GUID and a host belonging to a different site tries to initialize that disk, the operation will fail.

Attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


The offset from the beginning of the partition containing the private region to the beginning of the private region. The default is zero for both simple and sliced types.

  Note    Do not use this option unless it is absolutely necessary. Most information for disks can be determined from the disk header stored at the beginning of the private region. The private region offset cannot be determined from the disk. As a result, specifying a private region offset adds an undesirable dependence between a disk access record and a specific physical disk.


The length of the private region. If this is not specified, then a default is chosen. The maximum possible size of the private region is 524288 blocks.


The offset within the device for the start of the usable region. The default is 1. Use this attribute to skip over a region reserved by the operating system. If an offset is specified, then the default disk length is adjusted accordingly.


The length of the public region. If not specified, the length of the public region is computed from available system-specific disk size information. If no such information is available, a public region length must be specified. The default public region length is adjusted to account for the private region or for any specified public or private region offsets.


The size to reserve for each copy of the configuration stored on the disk. The default size is based on the size of the private area and the number of configuration copies requested and leaves some space for uses other than the configuration copies.


The size to reserve in the private region for each log region. This size limits the number of kernel-initiated detach operations that can be logged against the disk group. The default is 15% of the size of the configuration copies. The log sizes should be kept as 15% of the configuration copy size.


The number of configuration copies to store on the disk. The default is 1. This can be set to 0 to store no configurations on the disk. Configuration copy is enabled and disabled automatically and maintains a level of redundancy in configuration copies that allows the configuration to be recovered from the loss of multiple disks.


The number of log regions to allocate on the disk. The default is 1. Log regions store information about all transactions that change the configuration.


The partition number to use for the public partition. Use this only with the sliced type.


The partition number to use for the private partition. Use only with the sliced type.

The size (length) attributes can be specified in standard volume manager units (m - MB, g - GB, t - TB, p - PB, b - blocks)

disk initialize can be run from any host that can access the disk. If the host already belongs to a site, disk will be stamped with site GUID of that host. If a disk has site GUID and a host belonging to a different site tries to initialize that disk, the operation will fail.


List all the disks.


Declare a disk device to be in an offline state. This disables checking of the disk when searching for particular disk IDs, or when searching for the set of disks in a particular disk group. This operation cannot be applied to disks that are members of an imported disk group. You should take a disk offline if it is not currently accessible, and if accessing the disk has a negative impact on the system. For example, disk drivers on a some operating systems can cause system panics or hangs if an attempt is made to access disks that are not accessible. In other operating systems, attempts to access inaccessible drives may take several seconds or minutes before returning a failure.


Onlines an offline disk - clear the offline state for a disk device. This re-enables checking of the disk when searching for disk IDs, or for members of a disk group. This can be used for disks that are already in the online state, provided that they are not in imported disk groups. All internal information for an already online state disk is regenerated from the disk's private region.


Recover a disk and restart volumes using this disk. If the disk is in the disconnected state, a dm to da mapping is reestablished. A new da may be specified in the newda parameter. If not specified, the daname will be taken from the last_da_name stored in the dm. vxrestore is called as part of this operation. (If the da is not initialized, this operation will slice the disk automatically. See warnings in the disk adddisk operation about being careful with uninitialized disks.)


Change a disk media name. Its disk group must be imported. Performs the disk group task and ignores any storage-specific guidelines.


Resize a dynamic LUN. This command can only grow a device if the device is not a physical disk but a LUN on some smart array, that can resize the LUN online. So, typically this should be called on very small subset of storages (T3, EMC, 3PAR, SAN appliance).


Assigns flags to a disk. Recognized flags are:

spare={on | off}

Set (on) or clear (off) the disk spare flag. If the spare flag is set for a disk, then that disk is designated for use by the hot-relocation facility. A dm record with the spare flag set is used only for hot-relocation. The disk is not used for creating a subdisk unless forced to.

reserve={on | off}

Set (on) or clear(off) the disk reservation flag. If the reserve flag is set for a disk, then a subdisk is not created on this disk unless the disk is specified when creating the subdisk.

nohotuse={on | off}

Set (on) or clear (off) the disk nohotuse flag. If the nohotuse flag is set for a disk, then that disk is excluded from use by the hot-relocation facility.


Set the comment string for the disk to the given string. The comment string cannot be longer than 40 characters and cannot contain a newline character.

diskgroup KEYWORD

vxvm diskgroup- Perform VERITAS SANVM operations on disk groups

diskgroup SYNOPSIS

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[--override[ [--verify] [--force] [--local] [--lungroup] diskgroup adddisk dg_name [dmseed=dmseed_name] [comment=comment] [dm=][disktype:]value [[dm=][disktype:]][value...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-D domain_name]

[--override [--verify] [--force] [--lungroup] diskgroup create dg_name [dgtype={san | private | shared}] [organize=pool_set] [comment="comment"] [dmseed=dmseed_name] [dm=][disktype:]disk_name [[dm=][disktype:]disk_name]

vxvm -h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[--override [--verify] [--force] [--lungroup] diskgroup create dg_name [dgtype={san | private | shared}] [organize=pool_set] [comment="comment"] [dmseed=dmseed_name] [dm=][disktype:]disk_name [[dm=][disktype:]disk_name]

vxvm [-g linked-to-disk-group]

diskgroup createlink link_name [source=linked-from-disk-group] [monitor= off |interval] [detachmode={dg | volume | link}] [recoverymode=consistent | none] [cache=cache_object] [op_granularity=dglink | none] [recovery_threshold=percentage]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[--local] diskgroup delete dg_name


diskgroup deletelink link_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup offline dg_name [newname=new_dg_name] [newhost=new_host_name]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

diskgroup freeze dg_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [--novols] [--clearhost]

[-D domain_name] [--noreonline] [--clearreserve] [--temp] [--force] diskgroup online dg_name [dgtype={san | private | shared]} [newname=new_dg_name] [groupreserve=newkey] [ejectkey=key]

vxvm [-h target_node] [--novols] [--clearhost]

[--noreonline] [--clearreserve] [--temp] [--force] diskgroup online dg_name [dgtype={san | private | shared]} [newname=new_dg_name] [groupreserve=newkey] [ejectkey=key]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [{--verify | --override}] [--local] [-D domain_name]

diskgroup join source_dg_name target_dg_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

diskgroup migrate dg_name new_vs


diskgroup modifylink link_name [source=linked-from-disk-group] [monitor=off |interval] [detachmode={dg | volume | link}] [recoverymode=consistent | none] [cache=cache_object] [op_granularity=dglink | none] [recovery_threshold=percentage]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

diskgroup organize dg_name storage_pool_set

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup recover dg_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

diskgroup reimport dg_name {san | private | shared}

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup rename old_dg_name new_dg_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[--fdp] [--lungroup][-D domain_name] diskgroup rmdisk -g dg_name [disktype:]value [[disktype:]value...]


diskgroup restorelink link_name...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup setproperty dg_name [activation=off | on | rw | ew | sw | sr] [comment=comment]


diskgroup snaplink link_name...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup split source_dg_name new_dg_name object [object...]

vxvm [--stop_failed_volumes]

diskgroup startlink link_name...


diskgroup stoplink link_name...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup unfreeze dg_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup unrelocate dg_name dm_name [exact={yes | no}] ][newdm=new_name]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup upgrade dg_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local]

[-D domain_name] diskgroup verify dg_name


The diskgroup keyword performs operations on disk groups. Operations include volume creation, adding or removing disks from a disk group, setting and getting attributes, and disk group deport and import.

GCS stores local/shared/distributed (SAN) disk group information and is notified of all disk group transactions. VxVM sends event notification whenever something changes on a disk group. The GCS database updating will be after effect, meaning the database can be updated after getting event from VM provider.

Most distributed disk group operations are run on the Volume server. If the vxvm command is run on a volume client (by using -h node_name, the command will automatically be shipped to volume server for execution. The applications running on volume client can work with SAN volumes as if they are working on private volumes.

Shared disk group operations are forwarded to master node: If the CLI is being run on the master, the operation can be performed locally. Otherwise, the operation is forwarded to the CVM master.

diskgroup OPTIONS

-h target_node

Specify the node on which the operation is to be executed. This overrides default behavior of object searching.


Execute the command in background.


Tells vxvm not to search in GCS name space. Operation should be executed on local host (or VS/CVM Master) only.


Used to support Active/Passive Arrays. You can specify some or all the disks in one or more LUNGROUPs. This results in all the LUNs in the LUN group on the specified disk being added to, or removed from the disk group for each operation.


Performs the disk group task and ignores any storage-specific guidelines.


Verifies that the specified disk group task can be performed without violating any storage-specific guidelines, but does not perform the task.


Force the operation.


Place the disk to the free disk pool. If not specified, fdp is false by default.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.

diskgroup OPERATIONS


Add disks to a disk group. Disks can be specified by name. This operation initializes the disk if necessary. You can specify dmname for each disk using dm=disk argument. Disk names must be specified at the end of argument list.

If attribute dmseed is provided, all the dm names generated will have this as a base.


Creates a new disk group. You can specify dmname for each disk using dm=disk argument. Disk names should be specified at the end of argument list.

Attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


organize takes a pool set name and creates data and clone pools according to the pool set specification. This allows the creation of data and clone pools in one shot with templates associated and policies set as specified in the pool set definition. ISP ships with standard pool set definitions.


Creates a new linked disk group.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Defines the linked-from disk group

monitor=off | interval

Defines the interval for monitoring.

detachmode=dg | volume | link

detachmode identifies the mode for consistency in response to failures. If the mode is dg, then the target group is detached in response to a write error to any linked target volume. For mode volume, then only individual volumes are detached. For mode link, all links break, but the target disk group otherwise remains imported and running.

recoverymode=consistent | none

consistent recovery mode means that a space-optimized snapshot will be created if needed to preserve a consistent image of the linked-to volume. That snapshot will be discarded when the recovery has been completed.


The cache attribute is used to get storage for that snapshot. If the cache object is not large enough, then recovery operations will fall back to regular attaches, which will result in a temporarily inconsistent linked-to-disk-group.

op_granularity=dglink | none

If this attribute is set to dglink (the default value), then only the dglink stop, start, snap, and deletesnap operations are allowed. The corresponding operations on the individual links will fail. (The force option can be used to override this.)


Destroys the disk group and its subdisks, plexes, and volumes.


Modifies a linked disk group.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Defines the linked-from disk group

monitor=off | interval

Defines the interval for monitoring.

detachmode=dg | volume | link

detachmode identifies the mode for consistency in response to failures. If the mode is dg, then the target group is detached in response to a write error to any linked target volume. For mode volume, then only individual volumes are detached. For mode link, all links break, but the target disk group otherwise remains imported and running.

recoverymode=consistent | none

consistent recovery mode means that a space-optimized snapshot will be created if needed to preserve a consistent image of the linked-to volume. That snapshot will be discarded when the recovery has been completed.


The cache attribute is used to get storage for that snapshot. If the cache object is not large enough, then recovery operations will fall back to regular attaches, which will result in a temporarily inconsistent linked-to-disk-group.

op_granularity=dglink | none

If this attribute is set to dglink (the default value), then only the dglink stop, start, snap, and deletesnap operations are allowed. The corresponding operations on the individual links will fail. (The force option can be used to override this.)


Destroys the disk group link.


Disallows configuration changes to the disk group by freezing I/O on all the volumes in the disk group.


Move all objects from the source disk group, sourcedg, to the target disk group, targetdg. GCS knows about assignment information for both source dg and target dg. It needs to combine the assignments once join is successful. So, this operation needs to be run from GCS.


Lists all distributed disk groups.


Moves a distributed disk group to a new volume server.


Offlines (deports) an imported disk group. The volumes inside the disk group are removed from the object bus. The disks remain but are cleared of information derived from the disk group. The disk group itself remains, with a deported state. newnode can be used to change the host name stamped on the disk group.


Onlines (imports) a deported distributed disk group and recovers the volumes. As a result, the object bus is populated with volumes. The operation fails if any of the needed disks are inaccessible.

Additional options:


Do not start the volumes in the disk group after import. The default is to start all volumes. If the option --novols is used, the volumes under the disk group are not recovered after import.


The imported disk group name is temporary. This means that the disk group will not be imported if the host reboots (autoimport flag is not set on disk group).


Organizes the disk group based on the specified storage pool set. This operation will return an error if there is even a single storage pool existing on the disk group.


Attempts to recover a disk group by starting any disabled volumes.


Deports and re-imports a disk group as a new type. Type could be local, shared, or SAN. This operation can cause a local disk group to be used as a SAN disk group, and vice-versa. If the type is SAN, all disks are added to the site.


Restores the link. Deletes the snapshot and reverts the identity of the linked-to-volume.


Remove a disk from a disk group. If the option --fdp is set, the disk is placed in the free disk pool.


Renames the specified disk group.


Sets various disk group parameters.

The options are:


Set the activation mode for a disk group. An activation mode is one of the following: off, on, rw, ew, sw, sr.


Sets the comment for a disk group.


Sets the specified field to the specifed value. This option is for volumes and disks.


Gets access to a snapshot of all the linked-to volumes on the site.


Split a disk group into two. This operation moves the specified objects from the source disk group to a newly created target disk group. It creates the new disk group in a deported state. GCS remembers old assignments for each volume under the source disk group and moves the assignments to the new disk group once it is created.


Starts the disk group link. Volumes that have no been indvidually stopped are restarted; but, volumes that have been explicitly stopped remain stopped.


Stops the disk group link. This effectively stops the volumes; but, the volumes are not recorded as being invidually stopped.


Restores the location of relocated subdisks to their original position. The parameter dm_name refers to the original disk media name at the time of relocation. See the vxunreloc command for further information.

Additional option:


Ignore, or not ignore, the exact offset requirements.


Allows I/O again on the disk group.


Upgrade the disk group to the latest installed version.


Checks the intent of the volumes that have been created for conformance with template rules, user-specified rules, volume group rules, and storage pool rules. Error messages are displayed if the intent has been violated.

domain KEYWORD

vxvm domain - Manage VERITAS SANVM domains.


vxvm [-m gcs_host]

domain create domain_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host]

domain rename old_domain_name new_domain_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host]

domain delete domain_name


The domain keyword manages SANVM domains in a GCS.

All site operations are executed in the GCS host. If the GCS host name is not specified in the command using -m gcs_host, vxvm assumes that the local host is the GCS host, and that the command is being run on the GCS host.

domain OPTIONS

-m host

Specify the GCS host.



Create a new domain.

Error codes returned are:

Create a new domain.

CLI_USAGE (V-57-50688-1001) - Domain name too long (maximum length is 128 characters).

Create a new domain.

CLI_EXIST (V-57-50688-1003) - Domain name already exists.

Create a new domain.


Renames a domain.

Error codes returned are:

Renames a domain.

CLI_USAGE (V-57-50688-1001) - Domain name too long (maximum length is 128 characters).

Renames a domain.

CLI_USAGE (V-57-50688-1005) - Domain is not empty.

Renames a domain.


Deletes a domain.

Error codes returned are:

Deletes a domain.

CLI_USAGE (V-57-50688-1005) - Domain is not empty.

Deletes a domain.


vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool adddisk storagepool_name dm=dmname[,dmname,...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool assotemplate storagepool_name template=template_name[, template_name,...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool assotemplateset storagepool_name templateset=templateset_name [,templateset_name,...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool create storagepool_name dm=dmname[, dmname,...] [description=description] [autogrow={1 | 2 | pool | diskgroup}] [selfsufficient={1 | 2 | 3 | pool | diskgroup | host}] [rules=storage pool rules] [pooldefinition=pooldefinition_name]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name] [-r]

pool delete storagepool_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-g dg_name] pool dissoctemplate storagepool_name template=template_name[, template_name,...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool getpolicy storagepool_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

pool organize poolset_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool rename old_pool_name new_pool_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool rmdisk storagepool_name dm=dmname[, dmname,...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-g dg_name]

pool setpolicy storagepool_name [autogrow=1 | 2 | pool | diskgroup] [selfsufficient=1 | 2 | 3 | pool | diskgroup | host]


The spool keyword performs operations on storage pools.


-g dg_name

Specify a disk group.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.

-h target_node

The host that owns the task's object. This could be the volume server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes, or the host for local volumes.


Recursive option. Removes all disks from a pool as part of the delete option.



Add disks to a storage pool.


Associate templates with storage pool.


Associate template sets with storage pool.


Creates a new storage pool.

Additional options:

autogrow=1 | 2 | pool | diskgroup

A storage pool's autogrow policy determines whether the pool can be grown to accommodate additional storage. If set to 1 or pool, the pool cannot be grown, and only storage that is currently configured in the pool can be used. If set to 2 or diskgroup, it can be grown by bringing in additional storage from the disk group outside the storage pool. The default value of autogrow is 2 (diskgroup).

selfsufficient=[{1 | pool} | 2 | diskgroup} | 3 | host}

A storage pool's selfsufficient policy determines whether the pool can use templates that are not currently associated with it. If set to 1 or pool, the pool can only use template that have been associated with it. If set to 2 or diskgroup, the pool can use templates as necessary that are associated with the disk group. If set to 3 or host, the pool can use templates if required that are configured on the host system. The default value of selfsufficient is 1 (pool).


Delete a storage pool.


Disassociate templates from storage pool.


Get storage pool policy procedures.


Create data and clone pools using pool set.


Change the name of a storage pool.


Remove disks from a storage pool.


Set storage pool policies.

Additional options:

autogrow=1 | 2 | pool | diskgroup

A storage pool's autogrow policy determines whether the pool can be grown to accommodate additional storage. If set to 1 or pool, the pool cannot be grown, and only storage that is currently configured in the pool can be used. If set to 2 or diskgroup, it can be grown by bringing in additional storage from the disk group outside the storage pool. The default value for autogrow is 2 (diskgroup).

selfsufficient=[{1 | pool} | 2 | diskgroup} | 3 | host}

A storage pool's selfsufficient policy determines whether the pool can use templates that are not currently associated with it. If set to 1 or pool, the pool can only use template that have been associated with it. If set to 2 or disk-group, the pool can use templates as necessary that are associated with the disk group. If set to 3 or host, the pool can use templates, if required, that are configured on the host system. The default value of selfsufficient is 1 (pool).

snappoint KEYWORD

vxvm snappoint - Perform VERITAS SANVM operations related to FMR3 snappoints.

snappoint SYNOPSIS

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

snappoint create volume_name [snpname=snpt_name] [snapvol=snapvol_name] [cookie=cookie] [data={yes | no}]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

snappoint delete volume_name snpt_name [cookie=cookie]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name -v volume_name

snappoint deleteall volume_name snpt_name [cookie=cookie]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name -v volume_name

snappoint rename volume_name old_snpt_name new_snpt_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

snappoint setattr volume_name snpt_name nodata


Snappoint operations are mainly used for incremental backup. NBU agent running on a volume client or CVM slave can execute this command. But, these operations are executed on a volume server or CVM master.

snappoint OPTIONS

-h target_node

Specifies the host that owns the volume. Could be volume server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes, or the host name for local volumes. This field must be specified for local volumes.

-g dg_name

Specifies a disk group. Must be specified to uniquely identify the volume.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.

snappoint OPERATIONS


Creates a new snappoint for the specified volume. This operation needs filesystem to be frozen. GCS coordinates the operation for SAN volumes.


Deletes the specified snappoint from the volume.


Deletes all snappoints from the volume.


Renames the snappoint to a new name.


Makes the snappoint nodata type.

snapshot KEYWORD

vxvm snapshot - Perform VERITAS SANVM operations related to FMR2 and FMR3 snapshots.

snapshot SYNOPSIS

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name [-b]

snapshot create [type={ breakoff | instant | sos}] volume_name | volset_name [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name [-b]

snapshot refresh snapvol_name sourcevol_name [syncing=yes | no]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] -g dg_name [-b]

snapshot prepare [type={ breakoff | instant | sos}] volume_name | volset_name [ regionsize=size] [drl={ no | sequential }] [ndcomirs=number] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] -g dg_name [-b]

snapshot reattach snapvol_name sourcevol_name [nmirror=num]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] -g dg_name [-b]

snapshot restore volume_name snapvol_name [syncing=yes | no] [destroy=yes | no] [nmirror=num]


SANVM snapshot operations are related to FMR2 and FMR3 snapshots.

snapshot OPTIONS


Execute the command in background.


Force operations not usually allowed by vxvm.

-h target_node

The host that owns the volume. Could be Volume Server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes or the host name for local volumes. This field must be specified for local volumes.

-g dg_name

Specifies a disk group. Must be specified to uniquely identify the volume.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host.

Attributes Attribute values are specified with arguments of the form attribute=value. The supported attributes for snapshot operations can be found in the vxsnap (1M) manual pages.



Creates a snapshot volume from the specified volume. If the type is breakoff (prepare called with type=breakoff), there should be a plex available in SNAPDONE state. For instant snapshot, an existing volume must be specified as a parameter. For space optimized snapshots, a cache volume must be specified.


Prepare the volume for snapshot. If the VM version is pre 4.0 only breakoff style snapshots are supported. This command adds a dco log (if FMR licence is enabled) and then do a snapstart. If the operation returns successfully, there will be an additional plex in SNAPDONE state.


Reattach plexes of snapshot volume to the specified source volume and synchronizes them from that volume. For pre 4.0 volume manager, this command is same as vxassist snapback with -o resyncfromoriginal. If all the plexes are re-attached, the snapshot volume will be destroyed.

  Note    This operation is not supported for space optimized snapshots.


Refresh a snapshot volume from the specified source volume. The snapshot volume is immediately available with the new contents. By default, synchronization of the snapshot volume is not started unless the syncing=yes attribute is specified.

  Note    The snapshot volume must be closed (for example, it must not be mounted as a file system, or be accessed by a database or other application) before running this command. However, the snapshot volume can be re-opened immediately after running the command.


Restore one or more volume from the specified snapshot volume. For pre 4.0 volume manager, this command is same as vxassist snapback with -o resyncfromreplica. destroy argument is ignored and the snapshot volume will always be destroyed.

The volume is immediately available with the new contents, and synchronization of the volume is started unconditionally.

  Note    This operation is not supported for space optimized snapshots.

By default, full synchronization is started unless the syncing=no attribute is specified. If the destroy attribute is set to yes, the snap volume is removed when the synchronization is complete, and its plexes are attached to the parent volume. By default, the destroy attribute is set to no, which preserves the snapshot volume.


vxvm task - Used to control the asynchronous operations of VxVM.


vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

task abort task_id

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

task pause task_id

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

task resume task_id

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

task throttle task_id throttle_value


The task keyword performs operations on a task. All background operations get a unique task_id that can be used to monitor and control the operation. vxvm returns a unique task id for all operations submitted using the -b background option.


-h target_node

Specify the host that owns the task's object. This could be a volume server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes, or the host name for local volumes.

-m gcs_host

GCS host name.



Temporarily prevent the task from performing any operation.


Continue the operation of a paused task.


Stop the operation of a specified task.


Throttle the speed of the task. The parameter throttle_value represents a time delay. Zero, the default, is as fast as it can go. Recommendaion: use 100 for "medium", 250 for "slow".

filesystem KEYWORD

vxvm filesystem- Perform basic operations on VxFS filesystems.

filesystem SYNOPSIS

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[-g dg_name] [-p pool_name] [--local] filesystem create volume_name [mount_point=mntpt]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[-g dg_name] [-p pool_name] [--local] filesystem delete volume_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[-g dg_name] [-p pool_name] [--local] filesystem mount volume_name [mount_point=mntpt]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [-D domain_name]

[-g dg_name] [-p pool_name] [--local] filesystem unmount [mount_point=mntpt]

filesystem OPTIONS

-g dg_name

Must be used to uniquely identify the volume.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.

-h target_node

The host that owns the volume. This could be the volume server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes, or the host for local volumes. This field must be specified for local volumes.

-p storage_pool

Storage pool on which to perform operations.


Tell vxvm not to search in GCS name space. Operation should be executed on local host (or VS/CVM Master) only.

filesystem OPERATIONS

filesystem create

Creates a file system on the specified volume. The volume could be a private volume or a SAN volume mounted on a volume file system.

filesystem delete

Deletes a file system created on the specified volume. The volume could be a private volume or a SAN volume mounted on a volume client.

filesystem mount

Mount a specified file system at the specified mount point.

filesystem unmount

Unmount a specified file system.

template KEYWORD

vxvm template- Perform VERITAS SANVM operations on templates.

template SYNOPSIS

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] activate template template_name [template_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] deactivate template template_name [template_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] [-d file_name] [-r] [-i] install capability capability_name [capability_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-d file_name] [-r] install pooldefinition pooldefinition_name [pooldefinition_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-d file_name] [-r] install poolset poolset_name [poolset_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] [-d file_name] [-r] [-i] install template template_name [template_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] [-d file_name] [-r] [-i] install templateset templateset_name [templateset_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

rename capability old_capability_name new_capability_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

rename template old_template_name new_template_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] [-r] uninstall capability capability_name [capability_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-d file_name] [-r] uninstall pooldefinition pooldefinition_name [pooldefinition_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-d file_name] [-r] uninstall poolset poolset_name [poolset_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] [-r] [-i] uninstall template template_name [template_name...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node]

[-C] [-g dg_name] [-p storage_pool_name] [-r] uninstall templateset templateset_name [templateset_name...]

template OPTIONS


Perform operation on configuration database.

-g dg_name

Specify the disk group on which to perform the operations.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.

-h target_node

The host that owns the task's object. This could be the volume server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes, or the host for local volumes.


Recursive option. Performs the install/uninstall operation recursively.

-d file_name

File from which to install templates and/or capabilities.

-p storage_pool

Storage pool on which to perform operations.


Do not activate the template upon installation


activate template

Activates templates in a disk group or storage pool.

deactivate template

Deactivates templates in a disk group storage pool.

install capability

Install capabilities in configuration database, disk group, or storage pool.

install pooldefinition

Install pool definitions in configuration database.

install poolset

Install pool sets in configuration database.

install template

Install templates in configuration database, disk group, or storage pool.

install template set

Install template sets in configuration database, disk group, or storage pool.

rename capability

Change name of capability.

rename template

Change name of template.

uninstall capability

Uninstall capabilities from configuration database, disk group, or storage pool.

uninstall pooldefinition

Uninstall pool definitions from configuration database.

uninstall poolset

Uninstall pool sets from configuration database

uninstall template

Uninstall template from configuration database, disk group, or storage pool.

uninstall templateset

Uninstall template sets from disk group or storage pool.

volume KEYWORD

vxvm volume - Managing VERITAS SAN Volume Manager "vxassist" and "ISP" volumes.


vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume addcolumn volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume addlog volume_name logtype=dco [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume addmirror volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume attach volume_name vc_name [mountpoint=mntpt] [driveletter=letter] [mountpath=mntpath] [persistent={yes|no}] [access_policy={RDONLY | RDWR}]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name [--pre40] [--local]

volume create volume_name volume_size [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm --dglink=link_name [--uninitialized]

volume createlink linked-to-volume [source=fIlinked-from-volume] [cache=cache-object]

vxvm --dglink=link_name [cache=cache-object] [--uninitialized]

volume createlinks linked-volume [...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume delete volume_name

vxvm --dglink=link_name

volume deletelink linked-to-volume ...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume evacuate volume_name [object={column | log | plex | subdisk} | plexnames=plex_name | columnnames=column_name | lognames=log_name] [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume evacuatecolumn volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume evacuatedisk volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume evacuatelog volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume evacuateplex volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume evacuatesubdisk volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume export volume_name vc_name [vc_name...] [exportperms={RDONLY | RDWR} ]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume grow volume_name length_change [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume maxgrow volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume maxsize volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name [I rules]

volume migrate volume_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume preprestore volume_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume rmcolumm volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm -g dg_name

volume removealllog volume_name log_type=log_type

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume rmlog volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume rmmirror volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume rename volume_name new_volume_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume restore volume_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume setproperty volume_name [rdpolicy={round | select | prefer} [plex_name ]] [comment=string] [mountpoint=mntpt] [driveletter=letter] [mountpath=mnt_path]

vxvm --dglink=link_name

volume restorelink linked-to-volume ...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume shrink volume_name length_change [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm --dglink=link_name

volume snaplink linked-to-volume ...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume start volume_name

vxvm --dglink=link_name

[--discard_link_updates] [--preserve_link_updates] volume startlink linked-to-volume ...

vxvm --dglink=link_name

volume stoplink linked-to-volume ...

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume transformreverse volume_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] [--local] -g dg_name

volume transform volume_name [storage_spec...] [attribute...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume unattach volume_name [,volume_name] vc_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-h target_node] -g dg_name

volume unexport volume_name vc_name


Volume operations include adding or removing logs and mirrors, adding or changing volume layout, setting and getting attributes, and snapshots.

volume OPTIONS

The options, -h and -g identify objects under the scope specified.

-h target_node

Identifies the host that owns the volume. This could be a volume server for SAN volumes, master server for shared volumes, or the host name for local volumes. This field must be specified for local volumes.


Execute the command in the background.


Undoes any writes made to the linked-to volume while it as stopped or detached. Any writes made to the linked-from volume while it was stopped will be applied (along with any subsequent writes). Depending on the recovery mode, a space-optimized snapshot will be created if needed to preserve a consistent image of the linked-to volume. That snapshot will be discarded when the recovery has been completed. If neither the --discard_link_updates, nor the --preserve_link_updates option is specified, then, if any writes had occurred separately on the linked-to side while the link was broken of stopped, the operation fails; otherwise, the operation proceeds as with the --discard_link_updates option.

I rules

Applies rules defined in rules to the default intent when migrating a volume to ISP.


Undoes any updates made to the linked-from volume. Any writes made to the linked-to volume will be applied. If neither the --discard_link_updates, nor the --preserve_link_updates option is specified, then, if any writes had occurred separately on the linked-to side while the link was broken of stopped, the operation fails; otherwise, the operation proceeds as with the --discard_link_updates option.


Forces operations not usually allowed by vxvm.


Tell vxvm not to search in GCS name space. Operation should be executed on local host (or VS/CVM Master) only.


Do not read the system defaults file.


Performs the volume operation and ignores and storage-specific guidelines.


Declares that the linked-from volume has not yet been initialized.


Verifies that the specified disk volume operation can be performed without violating any storage-specific guidelines, but does not perform the task.

-p pool_name

Specifies the name of the storage pool to which an operation is applied.


Used with create volume to allow the creation of multiple volumes. This option allows the allocation of storage to be balanced among the volumes that are created in the same operation.

-g dg_name

Specify a disk group. Must be specified to uniquely identify the volume.

-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.



Adds a column (stripe mirror) to the specified volume. One column is added, unless a number is specified.

Additional attributes are specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Adds a column (stripe mirror) to the specified volume. One column is added, unless a number is specified.


Specifies the number of columns to add.


(alias stwid, stripewidth, stwidth, st_width, stripe_width, stripeunitsize, stripeunitwidth). Specifies the default stripe unit size for RAID-5 and striped plexes. This attribute also resets the values for both raid5_stripeunit and stripe_stripeunit.


Controls the size of the temporary volume that is used. If not specified, the size of the temporary volume is based on the size of the volume that is being operated upon. Note: The temporary volume is a 2-way mirror that requires at least two disks, and twice as much disk space as the size of the temporary volume.


Specifies storage that may be used.


Adds a log to the specified volume. One log is added, unless a number is specified.

Additional attributes are specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


(alias: log, logs) Specifies the name of an existing log to the addlog operation. It specifies that the new log should be similar to the named log.


Specifies the number of logs to add.


Specifies the type of log to use with a volume. The supported log type is dco. Note: This attribute is not supported with the make operation.


Specifies the size of each region that is tracked by a bit in the maps within a version 20 DCO volume. The value of size must be a power of 2 and be greater than or equal to 16k (16KB). The default value is 64k (64KB).


Specifies storage that may be used.


Adds a plex or volume for a mirror to the specified volume. One log is added, unless a number is specified.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies the number of mirrors (plexes) to add or remove.


(alias: plex, plexes) Specifies the name of a plex to an add or remove mirror operation.


Specifies storage that may be used.


This operation is valid only for SAN volumes. This will create a device path for an exported volume on a volume client. For this operation to succeed, the volume must have an export entry added (addexport) for the volume client specified. driveletter and mountpath are used only for Windows volume clients.


Creates a volume with a specified name and length. The units of the volume length may be specified in VxVM standard units. This operation can be used to create multiple volumes if the -M option is specified. This allows the allocation of storage to the volumes that are created in the same operation. It allows creation of both vxassist and "ISP" volumes. It creates vxassist volumes for older VxVM versions (pre 4.0). By default this command creates "ISP" volumes. Use the --pre40 option to create vxassist volumes.

This operation supports the specification of the following options: -b, -d defaultfile, -g diskgroup, -M, -n, -o iosize, -o iodelay, -p storage_pool, -t tasklog.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies the capabilities to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation. Capabilities take optional parameters, and multiple capabilities can be specified for a volume.


Specifies a comment to give to a volume when it is created.

drl={true | yes | y | on} | sequential | {false | no | n | off}

Specifies whether dirty region logging (DRL), sequential DRL, or no DRL is to be enabled.

excl=yes | y | on | true | no | n | off | false

Sets or clears the EXCLUSIVE flag on the volume. A volume in exclusive open state can be opened by only one node in the cluster at a time. Multiple opens of an exclusive volume from the same node are permitted. Non-exclusive volumes can be simultaneously opened by more than one node. After a node opens an exclusive volume, every other node's open attempt fails until the last close of the volume by the first opener. Such an open failure returns a EBUSY error code. Available only if the VERITAS Volume Manager cluster feature is enabled.

fastresync={yes | y | on | true | no | n | off | false}

(alias: fmr) Enables or disables Persistent FastResync on a volume. A DCO object and DCO log volume must have been associated with the volume. Note: A license is necessary to use the FastResync feature.


Specifies the file system type for a new volume.


Sets the group ID for a new volume. The group ID can be specified numerically or with a system group name. This attribute is used only with the make operation. By default, volumes are created with group 0.


Specifies how to initialize a new volume. The default method (which can be selected explicitly with init=default) is to call vxvol start to perform a default initialization that is specific to a usage type. A new volume can be left uninitialized with init=none. Specifying init=zero clears a volume before enabling it for general use.


Specifies a plex layout type. By default, unmirrored non-striped volumes are created without any logs.


(alias: maxcolumns, max_nstripe, maxstripes) Specifies the default maximum number of columns for a striped plex (default value is 8).


(alias: maxraid5columns, max_nraidcolumn, max_nraid5stripe, max_nraidstripe, maxraidcolumns, maxraid5stripes, maxraidstripes) Specifies the default maximum number of columns for a RAID-5 volume (default value is 8).


(alias: minraid5columns, min_nraidcolumn, min_nraid5stripe, min_nraidstripe, minraidcolumns, minraid5stripes, minraidstripes) Specifies the default minimum number of columns for a RAID-5 volume (default value is 3). The policy for selecting the default number of RAID-5 columns does not allow the creation of a RAID-5 volume with fewer than this number of columns.


(alias: minstripes) Specifies the default minimum number of stripe columns for either a RAID-5 volume (if min_nraid5column is not also specified) or for a striped plex (default value is 2). The policy for selecting the default number of stripe columns does not allow the creation of a striped plex with fewer than this number of columns.


Specifies the permissions for the block and character device nodes that are created for a new volume. The mode can be specified either as an octal number or symbolically (see the chmod(1) manual page). The default mode for a volume gives read and write access only to the owner.


(alias: raid5_stwidth, raid5_st_width, raid_st_width, raid_stripeunitsize, raid5_stripeunitsize, raid5_stripeunitwidth, raid_stwid, raid_stwidth, raid_stripeunit, raid_stripeunitwidth). Specifies the stripe unit size to use when creating a new RAID-5 volume (default value is 16K).


(alias: raidloglen). Specifies the RAID-5 log length to be used. This attribute may be used with the make operation if the specified templates and/or capabilities imply that storage is to be allocated for a RAID-5 log. Note: The actual size of the log that is added may be adjusted because of constraints on minimum size and alignment.


Specifies the size of each region that is tracked by a bit in the maps within a version 20 DCO volume. The value of size must be a power of 2 and be greater than or equal to 16k (16KB). The default value is 64k (64KB).


Specifies the rules that are to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation. Please refer to the VERITAS Volume Manager Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide for more information.

spare=no | only | yes

Controls the use of spare disks when hot-relocation is performed. If set to yes, spare disks are used. If necessary, free space is also used on disks that have been marked nohotuse=off. This is the default behavior. If set to only, relocation storage is allocated using only spare disks. If set to no, spare disks are not used. Alternatively, do not mark any of your disks as spares and do not mark them as available for use by hot relocation.


(alias: stwid, stripewidth, stwidth, st_width, stripe_width, stripeunitsize, stripeunitwidth) Specifies the default stripe unit size for RAID-5 and striped plexes. This attribute also resets the values for both raid5_stripeunit and stripe_stripeunit.


Specifies storage that may be used.


Specifies the user ID for a new volume (default value is root). The user ID can be specified numerically or it can be a system login name.


Specifies the list of user templates to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation.


Specifies the usage type to use when creating a new volume (the default value is raid5 for RAID-5 volumes; otherwise fsgen is the default). The usage type can also be specified using the -U option.


Specifies a list of volume templates to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation.


Creates a new link between one volume and another.

Recognized attributes are:


Used to get storage for that snapshot. If the cache object is not large enough, then recovery operations will fall back to regular attaches, which will result in a temporarily inconsistent linked-to-volume.


Identifies the link name.


Creates new links between several volumes in the source and target disk groups.

Recognized attributes are:


Used to get storage for that snapshot. If the cache object is not large enough, then recovery operations will fall back to regular attaches, which will result in a temporarily inconsistent linked-to-volume.


Identifies the link name.


Deletes the specified volume.


Deletes a linkage.

Recognized attribute:


Identifies the link name.


Relocates column/log/mirror belonging to the volume. The names of objects can be specified using the attributes columnnames, lognames, plexnames. This operation also supports the use of the following attributes to specify storage that is to be evacuated and populated respectively. Note. If object is specified, then columnnames, lognames, plexnames cannot be used. If none of these is specified, then the entire volume is evacuated.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate columns, disks, logs, mirrors, or a volume that are being evacuated.


(alias: plex, plexes) Specifies the name of a plex to an add or remove mirror operation.


(alias: log, logs) Specifies the name of the log to be evacuated.


(alias: column, columns) Specifies the name of columns for an evacuate operation.


Relocate columns that belong to the volume. This operation supports the use of the following attributes to specify storage that is to be evacuated and populated respectively.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate columns.


Relocate disks that belong to the volume. This operation supports the use of the following attributes to specify storage that is to be evacuated and populated respectively.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate disks.


Relocate logs that belong to the volume. This operation supports the use of the following attributes to specify storage that is to be evacuated and populated respectively.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate logs.


Relocate plexes that belong to the volume. This operation supports the use of the following attributes to specify storage that is to be evacuated and populated respectively.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate plexes.


Relocate dubdisks that belong to the volume. This operation supports the use of the following attributes to specify storage that is to be evacuated and populated respectively.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate subdisks.


Exports the volume to volume client. Creates an export entry for the volume (SAN only).


Increases the length of the named volume to the specified length. If length is specified as a percentage, then it can be done in two ways. For example, to grow a volume by 10%, length can be specified as +10%, or 110%. The operation can be applied to single volumes, or to multiple volumes if the -M option is specified.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Increases the length of the named volume to the specified length. If length is specified as a percentage, then it can be done in two ways. For example, to grow a volume by 10%, length can be specified as +10%, or 110%. The operation can be applied to single volumes, or to multiple volumes if the -M option is specified.


Increases the length of the named volume to the specified length. If length is specified as a percentage, then it can be done in two ways. For example, to grow a volume by 10%, length can be specified as +10%, or 110%. The operation can be applied to single volumes, or to multiple volumes if the -M option is specified.

spare=no | only | yes

Controls the use of spare disks when hot-relocation is performed. If set to yes, spare disks are used. If necessary, free space is also used on disks that have been marked nohotuse=off. This is the default behavior. If set to only, relocation storage is allocated using only spare disks. If set to no, spare disks are not used. Alternatively, do not mark any of your disks as spares and do not mark them as available for use by hot relocation.


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate columns, disks, logs, mirrors, or a volume that is being evacuated.


Lists all the volumes.


Reports the maximum size to which a volume can grow to, given the specified attribute constraints and available storage.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:

capability=cap_name [var_name=var_value,...],cap_name...

Specifies the capabilities to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation. Capabilities take optional parameters, and multiple capabilities can be specified for a volume.

drl={true | yes | y | on} | sequential | {false | no | n | off}

Specifies whether dirty region logging (DRL), sequential DRL, or no DRL is to be enabled.


Specifies the file system type for a new volume.


Layout of the volume. The recognized layout are: concat, striped, raid5, stripedpro, and concatpro. The default is concat.


(alias: logsize) Specifies the log length to be used. Note: The actual size of the log that is added may be adjusted because of constraints on minimum size and alignment.


(alias: maxcolumns, max_nstripe, maxstripes) Specifies the default maximum number of columns for a striped plex (default value is 8).


(alias: maxraid5columns, max_nraidcolumn, max_nraid5stripe, max_nraidstripe, maxraidcolumns, maxraid5stripes, maxraidstripes) Specifies the default maximum number of columns for a RAID-5 volume (default value is 8).


Reports the maximum size of a volume that can be created in a given disk group, given the specified attribute constraints and available storage.

Additional attributes can be specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:

capability=cap_name (var_name=var_value,...),cap_name...

Specifies the capabilities to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation. Capabilities take optional parameters, and multiple capabilities can be specified for a volume.

drl={true | yes | y | on} | sequential | {false | no | fBn | fBoff}

Specifies whether dirty region logging (DRL), sequential DRL, or no DRL is to be enabled.


Specifies the file system type for a new volume.


Layout of the volume. The recognized layout are: concat, striped, raid5, stripedpro, and concatpro. The default is concat.


(alias: logsize) Specifies the log length to be used. Note: The actual size of the log that is added may be adjusted because of constraints on minimum size and alignment.


(alias: maxcolumns, max_nstripe, maxstripes) Specifies the default maximum number of columns for a striped plex (default value is 8).


(alias: maxraid5columns, max_nraidcolumn, max_nraid5stripe, max_nraidstripe, maxraidcolumns, maxraid5stripes, maxraidstripes) Specifies the default maximum number of columns for a RAID-5 volume (default value is 8).


(alias: minraid5columns, min_nraidcolumn, min_nraid5stripe, min_nraidstripe, minraidcolumns, minraid5stripes, minraidstripes) Specifies the default minimum number of columns for a RAID-5 volume (default value is 3). The policy for selecting the default number of RAID-5 columns does not allow the creation of a RAID-5 volume with fewer than this number of columns.


(alias: minstripes) Specifies the default minimum number of stripe columns for either a RAID-5 volume (if min_nraid5column is not also specified) or for a striped plex (default value is 2). The policy for selecting the default number of stripe columns does not allow the creation of a striped plex with fewer than this number of columns.


Specifies the permissions for the block and character device nodes that are created for a new volume. The mode can be specified either as an octal number or symbolically (see the chmod(1) manual page). The default mode for a volume gives read and write access only to the owner.


Specifies the rules that are to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation.

spare=no | only | yes

Controls the use of spare disks when hot-relocation is performed. If set to yes, spare disks are used. If necessary, free space is also used on disks that have been marked nohotuse=off. This is the default behavior. If set to only, relocation storage is allocated using only spare disks. If set to no, spare disks are not used. Alternatively, do not mark any of your disks as spares and do not mark them as available for use by hot relocation.


(alias: stwid, stripewidth, stwidth, st_width, stripe_width, stripeunitsize, stripeunitwidth) Specifies the default stripe unit size for RAID-5 and striped plexes. This attribute also resets the values for both raid5_stripeunit and stripe_stripeunit.


Specifies storage that may be used.


Specifies the list of user templates to be used.


Specifies a list of volume templates to be used with a make, maxsize, or transform operation.


Migrate "vxassist" volume to "ISP" volume.

Recognized attribute:

I rules

Identifies the rules to be applied to the ISP default intent.

preprestore Prepare volume for restore.


Removes columns (stripe mirror) from a volume. Unless the number is specified, one column is deleted. The removal of columns supports the specification of the following attributes:

Additional attributes are specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Removes columns (stripe mirror) from a volume. Unless the number is specified, one column is deleted. The removal of columns supports the specification of the following attributes:


Specifies the number of columns to add or remove.


(alias stwid, stripewidth, stwidth, st_width, stripe_width, stripeunitsize, stripeunitwidth). Specifies the default stripe unit size for RAID-5 and striped plexes. This attribute also resets the values for both raid5_stripeunit and stripe_stripeunit.


Controls the size of the temporary volume that is used. If not specified, the size of the temporary volume is based on the size of the volume that is being operated upon. Note: The temporary volume is a 2-way mirror that requires at least two disks, and twice as much disk space as the size of the temporary volume.


Deletes all logs of a specific type from a volume. The removal of logs supports the specifications of the following attributes:


This attribute is mandatory, and specifies the type of log to use with a volume. The supported log types are raid5 and dco. Note: Use of this attribute with the make operation is not supported.


Specifies storage that is to be removed from use by a volume in the remove operation.


Deletes logs from a volume. Unless the number is specified one log is deleted. The removal of logs supports the specifications of the following attributes:


This attribute is mandatory, and specifies the type of log to use with a volume. The supported log types are raid5 and dco. Note: Use of this attribute with the make operation is not supported.


(alias: log, logs) Specifies the name of the log to be deleted.


Specifies the number of logs to be removed.


Sets the number of RAID-5 log copies or DCO plexes that must remain in a volume after a delete log operation.


Specifies storage that is to be removed from use by a volume in a remove operation on a column,log or mirror.


Deletes mirrors from a volume. Unless the number is specified one log is deleted. The removal of mirror supports the specifications of the following attributes:


Specifies the number of mirrors (plexes) to add or remove.


(alias: plex, plexes) Specifies the name of a plex to an add or remove mirror operation.


Sets the number of mirrors that must remain in a volume after a delete mirror operation.


Specifies storage that is to be removed from use by a volume in a remove operation on a column, log or mirror.


Deletes all logs of the type specified by the log-type attribute from a volume.


Renames the specified volume.


Restores volume.


Deletes the snapshot and reverts the identity of the linked-to-volume. This allows the consistency of the linked-to-volume to be tested.

Recognized attribute:


Identifies the link name.


Set volume attributes. If the read policy is "prefer," the preferred plex_name must be specified. mountpoint and driveletter are used only for SAN volume mounted on a volume client. mountpoint and driveletter are valid only for Windows volume clients.


Decreases the length of the named volume to the specified length. If length is specified as a percentage, then if can be done in two ways. For example, to shrink a volume by 10%, length can be specified as -10%, or 90%. The shrink volume operation fails if the new length is greater than the current volume length. Note: Shrinking a volume requires that it is enabled. The operation can be applied to single volumes, or to multiple volumes if the -M option is specified.

Additional attributes are specified as attr_name=attr_value. Recognized attributes are:


Decreases the length of the named volume to the specified length. If length is specified as a percentage, then if can be done in two ways. For example, to shrink a volume by 10%, length can be specified as -10%, or 90%. The shrink volume operation fails if the new length is greater than the current volume length. Note: Shrinking a volume requires that it is enabled. The operation can be applied to single volumes, or to multiple volumes if the -M option is specified.


Decreases the length of the named volume to the specified length. If length is specified as a percentage, then if can be done in two ways. For example, to shrink a volume by 10%, length can be specified as -10%, or 90%. The shrink volume operation fails if the new length is greater than the current volume length. Note: Shrinking a volume requires that it is enabled. The operation can be applied to single volumes, or to multiple volumes if the -M option is specified.

spare=no | only | yes

Controls the use of spare disks when hot-relocation is performed. If set to yes, spare disks are used. If necessary, free space is also used on disks that have been marked nohotuse=off. This is the default behavior. If set to only, relocation storage is allocated using only spare disks. If set to no, spare disks are not used. Alternatively, do not mark any of your disks as spares and do not mark them as available for use by hot relocation.


Specifies storage that may be used.


Creates a space-efficient (pre-configured) snapshot of the linked-to volume in the linked-to disk group. It rearranges the volume objects, so that the original linked-to volume can be opened as a snapshot. Replication continues to the base linked-to volume under a different identity.

Recognized attribute:


Identifies the link name.


Start a volume.


Resumes a link that was stopped by a volume stoplink command, or was detached by a failure.

Recognized attribute:


Identifies the link name.


Stops updating one or more linked volumes, and makes the linked-to volume device node usable.

Recognized attribute:


Identifies the link name.


Brings the transformed volume back to its original state


Changes the capabilities of the existing volume online without changing the size of the volume. This operation supports all the attributes and options that are supported by the create operation.


Unattaches a volume. This operation is valid only for SAN volumes. This deletes the device nodes for the already attached volumes on the volume client.


Removes an export entry from all the specified volume clients. This operation is valid only for SAN volumes.

Storage Specifications

Storage specification attributes are used to specify which storage can and cannot be allocated during VxVM operations. They are also used with the evacuate operation to specify the storage from which VxVM objects are to be removed and the storage that may be allocated to relocate these objects. Storage specification attributes have one of the following forms:


Includes a disk for allocation by ISP. If ! is specified, the disk is ignored. diskname refers to a disk media record name in a VERITAS Volume Manager disk group.


Includes a set of disks for allocation by ISP. If ! is specified, the disks are ignored. diskclass names a particular type of disk grouping (for example, ctlr to indicate groups of disks on a single controller), and instance specifies which grouping of that type (for example c1). Each type of disk class has a particular format for specifying instances of the class.


Specifies that the allocation must be constrained to include disks from the same instance of the given class. For example, a storage specification of diskparam:same indicates that all disks selected must have the same basic parameters (tracksize, cylinder size, size, and revolutions-per-minute), but does not specify which specific parameters to use.

The defined disk classes (and alternate names, or aliases, for those classes) are as follows:

ctlr (alias: c, ctrl, cntrl, controller) For Solaris and HP-UX - Specifies disks accessible through a controller group. All disks accessible through the specified controller name(c#) are selected for the operation. For AIX - Specifies disks from a particular host bus adapter (HBA) controller. The controller is identified in the form scsi# (for SCSI) or fscsi# (for Fibre Channel SCSI), where # is a decimal controller number starting at 0. For Linux - Specifies disks from a particular host bus adapter (HBA) controller. For HBA drivers that support the SCSI_IOCTL_GET_BUS_NUMBER ioctl, VxVM designates the first controller as c0, the second controller as c1, and so on. For HBA drivers that do not support this ioctl, VxVM generates a controller number by adding 256 to the major number. For example, the identifier c259 would be assigned to an IDE controller driver, which has a major number of 3.

ctype (alias: ctlrtype, ctrltype, controllertype)

Specifies disks from a particular type of controller. The controller type is usually a driver name. For example, on Sun machines, the regular SCSI controller type can be identified as ctype:esp. As a special case, the SPARCstorage Array controller type is specified as ctype:ssa.


For Solaris - Specifies a VERITAS Volume Manager disk (VM disk) by device name (disk access record name). For example, c2t1d0s2 indicates a VM disk defined on slice 2 of disk c2t1d0s2. For HP-UX - Specifies a VERITAS Volume Manager disk (VM disk) by device name (disk access record name). For example, c2t1d0 indicates a VM disk defined on disk c2t1d0. For LINUX - Specifies a VERITAS Volume Manager disk (VM disk) by device name (disk access record name). For example, sdc indicates a VM disk defined on disk sdc. device (alias: d) Specifies all VM disks on a physical disk. The physical disk is specified in the form: (AIX) hdisk##, where the number ## uniquely identifies an entire disk. (Solaris and HP-UX) c#t#d#, which indicates the controller, target ID, and disk number. (LINUX) sdb, which equates to the whole system disk. Typically, only one VM disk device is created for each physical disk. For Solaris, however, the vxdisk define operation (see vxdisk(1M)) can be used to create additional VM disk devices on selected partitions.

diskgeom (alias: geom)

Specifies disks with a particular geometry. The geometry is specified in the form cyls.heads.sectors, to indicate the number of cylinders, heads, and sectors per track, of the disk. Many modern drives have variable geometries (or geometries that do not fit the standard conventions). For such drives, the geometry parameters used are whatever the drive reports.


Specifies disks with particular parameters. The parameters are specified in the form cyls.heads.sectors.rpm, to indicate cylinders, heads, sectors per track, and the number of revolutions per minute of the drive. As with the diskgeom parameter, the instances of the diskparam disk class depend upon the values reported by the drive, and may not be accurate.

diskrpm (alias: rpm)

Specifies disks with a given rotation speed in revolutions per minute (for example, 7200).

dm (alias: disk)

Specifies a VM disk by disk name (disk media record name) in the disk group of the volume. Specifying a disk class type of dm or disk is equivalent to giving a storage specification with no disk class name.

enclr (alias: e, enclr, enclosure)

Specifies disks belonging to a particular enclosure. The enclosure name is obtained using the vxdmpadm listenclosure all command.

target (alias: t)

Specifies disks with the same SCSI target address on the same controller. The target is specified in the form c#t#. For example, t: c2t4 selects disks on target 4 of controller 2.


Specifies disks in the same removable tray (for SPARCstorage Array controllers). Trays in the SPARCstorage Array are grouped as two SCSI targets per tray (for example, targets 0 and 1 are in the same tray). Trays are specified in the form c#tray#, where c# identifies a particular SPARCstorage Array controller and tray# is the number of a tray (0 for SCSI targets 0 and 1, 1 for targets 2 and 3, or 2 for targets 4 and 5). For example, c2tray2 selects disks in tray 2 (targets 4 and 5) of controller 2. For Solaris - The diskgeom and diskparam attributes are most often used in the form diskgeom:same and diskparam:same, to indicate that all disks used for creating a volume should have similar characteristics. Storage can additionally be specified using the following expressions in conjunction with rules that may be combined by using the allof, eachof and noneof operators.


Specifies storage assigned to a volume that is to be evacuated by the evacuate operation on columns, disks, logs, mirrors or subdisks.


Specifies storage that is to be removed from use by a volume in a remove operation on a column, log or mirror.


Specifies storage that may be used to relocate columns, disks, logs, mirrors, subdisks or a volume that are being evacuated.


vxvm vs - Perform SANVM operations on volume servers.


vxvm [-m gcs_name]

vs start vs_name vsset=vsset_name

vxvm [-m gcs_name] [--force]

vs stop vs_name


Volume server operations are executed on the GCS host.


-m gcs_host

GCS host name.


Force the operation.



Enables volume server for importing distributed disk groups. The volume server becomes part of the specified volume server set and can participate in the volume server failover.

stop vs

Disables volume server and deports all distributed disk groups. All imported distributed disk groups are failed over to some other available volume server in the volume server set. If the --force option is used, the sanity checking is ignored.


vxvm vset - Managing VERITAS SANVM volume set operations.



Disables volume server and deports all distributed disk groups. All imported distributed disk groups are failed over to some other available volume server in the volume server set. If the --force option is used, the sanity checking is ignored.


-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.

-g dg_name

Name of the diskgroup to which the volume set belongs.



Create a new volume set.


Add a volume to volume set.


Create a new volume set.


Delete a volume set. .Tp 10 rmvolume Remove volume from volume set.


Change the name of volume set.


Change volume server set attributes.


vxvm vsset - Manage VERITAS SAN Volume Manager volume server sets.


vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-D domain_name]

vsset addvs vsset_name vs1 [vs2...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-D domain_name]

vsset create vsset_name [failover={yes | no}] [conncheckfreq=num] [lbpolicy={simple | capacity}] [connmodel={manual | work_flow | automatic }] vs1 [vs2...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-D domain_name]

vsset delete vsset_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-D domain_name]

vsset rmvs vsset_name vs1 [vs2...]

vxvm [-m gcs_host]

vsset rename old_vsset_name [new_vsset_name

vxvm [-m gcs_host] [-D domain_name]

vsset setproperty vsset_name [failover={yes | no}] [conncheckfreq=num] [lbpolicy={simple | capacity}] [connmodel={manual | work_flow | automatic }]


Volume server set operations are executed on the GCS host. You need to specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.


-m gcs_host

Specify the GCS host if using vxvm from a machine other than the GCS host.



Adds a volume server to a volume server set. Volume server names must be given as actual names; do not use IP address format.


Creates a new volume server set.


Deletes a volume server set.


Removes a volume server from a volume server set.


Changes the name of a volume server set.


Changes the properties of a volume server set.

hacomm KEYWORD

vxvm hacomm - Manage VERITAS SAN Volume Manager communications availability.



hacomm set [enable=i1,i2...] [disable=i1,i2...] [priority=i1-priority,i2-priority...] [autoconfig=i1-on | off,i2-on | off ...] [type=i1-ethernet | fibrechannel, i2-ethernet | fibrechannel...]

hacomm OPTIONS


Enable network interfaces for HACOMM use.


Disable network interfaces from HACOMM use.


Sets priorities for interfaces.

autoconfig=i1-on | off,i2-on | off...

Overrides the default auto-configuration for a particular network interface. If it is set to on, then it indicates that auto-configuration for that local interface is allowed. If it is set to off, then auto-configuration for that local interface is not allowed.


Sets the type information for specified interfaces to ethernet or fibrechannel. This information is then recorded in the HACOMM configuration file /etc/vx/hacomm.conf.



Sets HACOMM interface values.