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CVMVolDg agent, entry points

The following table describes the entry points used by the CVMVolDg agent.

CVMVoIDg agent, entry points

Entry Point



If the system is the CVM master and the disk group is not imported, the online entry point imports the disk group and starts all the volumes in the shared disk group. It then sets the disk group activation mode to shared-write as long as the CVMActivation attribute is set to sw. The activation mode is set on both slave and master systems. 


Clears internal state. 


Monitors the specified critical volumes in the disk group. The volumes to be monitored are specified by the CVMVolume attribute. In an SF Oracle RAC environment, at least one volume in a disk group must be specified. 


Clears internal state. 


Entry Point



If the system is the CVM master and the disk group is not imported, the online entry point imports the disk group and starts all the volumes in the shared disk group. It then sets the disk group activation mode to shared-write as long as the CVMActivation attribute is set to sw. The activation mode is set on both slave and master systems. 


Clears internal state. 


Monitors the specified critical volumes in the disk group. The volumes to be monitored are specified by the CVMVolume attribute. In an SF Oracle RAC environment, at least one volume in a disk group must be specified. 


Clears internal state.