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Verifying GAB port membership

Use GAB port membership as a method of determining if a specific component of the SF Oracle RAC stack is operating properly and communicating with its peers. The output below shows the common ports in use in a functional SF Oracle RAC environment before fencing is configured. Each line lists a GAB port, such as port a, a generation number determining a startup time, such as gen 4a1c0001, and a membership showing which LLT node IDs are participating, such as membership 01. In the first line of the output below, each node (0 and 1) has membership with the GAB utility that uses port a.

Port b gen ada40d01 membership 01

Port d gen 40100001 membership 01

Port f gen f1990002 membership 01

Port h gen d8850002 membership 01

Port o gen f1100002 membership 01

Port v gen 1fc60002 membership 01

Port w gen 15ba0002 membership 01

The software configures the ports in the list for these functions:




I/O fencing 

ODM (Oracle Disk Manager) 

CFS (Cluster File System) 

VCS (Veritas Cluster Server: High Availability Daemon) 

VCSMM driver 

CVM (Cluster Volume Manager) 

vxconfigd (module for CVM)