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About VCS service group for Oracle 10g dependencies

Review the information on how to set up VCS to automate the Oracle 10g RAC environment and how VCS manages resources within a cluster.

VCS service group dependencies are based on whether you use the VCS Oracle agent or not. The following figures illustrate the dependencies.

Configuration with the Oracle Agent (Preferred) below displays a configuration with the Oracle agent.

Configuration with the Oracle Agent (Preferred)

Configuration with the Oracle Agent (Preferred)

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

A sample file (Oracle 10g configuration with the Oracle agent) is displayed in Oracle 10g configuration with Oracle agent.

CRS and Oracle agent might attempt to start the instance at the same time if the

database mount is available. To prevent automatic database starting, you must

change the Management policy for the database (automatic, manual) to

MANUAL using SRVCTL command. The command will change AUTO_START

attribute of CRS database and instance resources.