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Performing online relayout

You can use the vxassist relayout command to reconfigure the layout of a volume without taking it offline. The general form of this command is:

# vxassist [-b] [-g diskgroup] relayout volume [layout=layout] \


  Note   If specified, the -b option makes relayout of the volume a background task.

The following are valid destination layout configurations as determined by the tables in Permitted relayout transformations:


concat or span, nostripe, nomirror—concatenated

raid5—RAID-5 (not supported for shared disk groups)



For example, the following command changes a concatenated volume, vol02, in disk group, mydg, to a striped volume with the default number of columns, 2, and default stripe unit size, 64 kilobytes:

# vxassist -g mydg relayout vol02 layout=stripe

On occasions, it may be necessary to perform a relayout on a plex rather than on a volume. See Specifying a plex for relayout for more information.