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hagrp - perform VCS service group operations


hagrp -add group

hagrp -delete group

hagrp -link parent_group child_group dependency

hagrp -unlink parent_group child_group

hagrp -clear group [-sys system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -clearadminwait [-fault] group -sys system

hagrp -flush group -sys system [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -online [-force] [-nopre] group -sys system [-checkpartial system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -online [-force] group -any [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -offline [-force] [-ifprobed] group -sys system [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -offline [-force] [-ifprobed] group -any [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -switch group -to system [-clus cluster | -localclus [-nopre]]

hagrp -switch group -any [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -freeze group -persistent

hagrp -freeze group [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -unfreeze group -persistent

hagrp -unfreeze group [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -enable group [-sys system]

hagrp -disable group [-sys system]

hagrp -autoenable group -sys system

hagrp -enableresources group

hagrp -disableresources group

hagrp -ignore -group -clus cluster

hagrp -display [group(s)] [-attribute attribute(s)] [-sys system(s)] [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -state [group(s)] [-sys system(s)] [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -list [conditional(s)] [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -value group attr [system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]

hagrp -dep [group(s)]

hagrp -resources group

hagrp -wait group attribute value [-clus cluster] [-sys system] [-time timeout]

hagrp -help [-modify | -link | -list]

hagrp -modify modify_options




A service group is an instance of a computer service that is made highly available with VCS. A group comprises one or more resources of various resource types, such as disks, volumes, or databases. Use the hagrp command to view information about and manage each group. See NOTES for how to specify "-" and "%" characters in the command line.


-add group
Add a service group to the cluster.
-delete group
Delete a service group. The group must have no resources. To delete resources, use the hares command.
-link parent_group child_group dependency
Specify dependencies between service groups. The variable dependency is one of the following:
online global [ firm | soft ]
When VCS starts, the child group must be online on some system in the cluster before the parent group can come online. With the dependency set to firm, if the child group faults, the parent group must go offline until the child group fails over to another system, at which time the parent can return online. If VCS cannot bring the child group online in the cluster, the parent group remains offline. With the dependency set to soft, if the child group faults and fails over, the parent group continues online. If VCS cannot bring the child group online in the cluster, the parent group remains online.
online local [ firm | soft ]
When VCS starts, the child group must be online on the same system in the cluster before the parent group can go online. With the dependency set to firm, if the child group faults, the parent group must go offline. If the child fails over, the parent group comes back online on the same system as the child. If VCS cannot bring the child group online in the cluster, the parent group remains offline. With the dependency set to soft, if the child group faults, the parent group continues to run on the local system until the child fails over to another system in the cluster, at which time the parent group will fail over to the same system as the child. If VCS cannot bring the child group online in the cluster, the parent group remains online.
online remote [ firm | soft ]
When VCS starts, the child must be online on any other system in the cluster before the parent can go online. With the dependency set to firm, if the child group faults, the parent group goes offline. When the child group fails over to another system in the cluster, the parent group comes back online on a system other than the system on which the child is online. If VCS cannot bring the child group online in the cluster, the parent group remains offline. With the dependency set to soft, if the child group faults, the parent group continues to remain online unless VCS attempts to fail over the child group to the system on which the parent group is running; in this case, the parent group is taken offline, to be brought online elsewhere. If the child group cannot be brought online anywhere in the cluster, the parent stays online.
offline local
The child group must be offline on the same system before the parent group can go online.

A group dependency tree may be at most five levels deep, and each parent can have only one child. Parallel parent groups dependent on parallel child groups are not supported in online global or online remote dependencies. The configuration of parallel parent groups that are dependent on a failover child group is not supported in online local dependencies.

-unlink parent_group child_group
Remove dependency between two service groups. Note that the dependency is not specified.
-clear group [-sys system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Clear all faulted, non-persistent resources in the specified group by changing their state from faulted to offline. If no system is specified, all resources are cleared on all systems in the group's SystemList. A message is printed if no faulted, non-persistent resources exist. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command clears non-persistent faulted resources for the specified system or the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only global service groups can be cleared from another cluster.
-clearadminwait [-fault] group -sys system
Clear the ADMIN_WAIT state of all resources in the specified group on the specified system. If the resources continue in the ADMIN_WAIT state, use the -fault option to clear the ADMIN_WAIT state. The state is set to ONLINE | UNABLE_TO_OFFLINE or FAULTED, depending on the reasons the ResAdminWait trigger had been called. Note that the online, offline, switch, and flush operations cannot be performed on resources in the ADMIN_WAIT state. Also, when resources are in the ADMIN_WAIT state, the hastop command requires the -force option.
-flush group -sys system [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Flush a service group and enable corrective action. All resources in the group that are waiting to go online automatically transition to not waiting. Resources waiting to go offline remain in that state. Failovers and switches in progress are cancelled. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command flushes global service groups for corrective action on the specified system, local or remote. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only global service groups can be flushed from another cluster.
-online [-force] [-nopre] group -sys system [-checkpartial system] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Start a service group by bringing its resources online on a specified system. Resources that have their AutoStart attribute set to zero (the default is one) are not started by this command unless resources that have AutoStart set to one depend on the resources. The -nopre option can be used within a user-defined Preonline event trigger script to bring a service group online without the executing the Preonline trigger again. The -checkpartial option is used by the Preonline trigger during failover. When a service group configured with Preonline=1 on one system (system 1) fails over to another system (system 2), only those resources online on system 1 prior to failover are brought online on system 2. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command onlines the specified global service group on the specified system in the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. The -force option can be used to online a global group on a cluster when no authority for the group yet exists or when another cluster having the authority for the group is faulted. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only global service groups can be brought online from another cluster.
-online [-force] group -any [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The -any option can be used to start a service group by bringing its resources online on the best possible system in a cluster, based on the value of the group's FailOverPolicy attribute. A parallel service group is brought online on multiple systems in a cluster if so configured. Resources that have their AutoStart attribute set to zero (the default is one) are not started by this command unless resources that have AutoStart set to one depend on the resources. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command onlines the specified global service group on any system in the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. The -force option can be used to online a global group on a cluster when no authority for the group yet exists or when another cluster having the authority for the group is faulted. Only global service groups can be brought online from another cluster.
-offline [-force] [-ifprobed] group -sys system [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Stop a service group by taking its resources offline on the specified system. The -force option is required to offline the ClusterService group. Note: it is not recommended to offline the GlobalService group when the Global Cluster option is in use. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command offlines the specified global service group on specified system in the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only global service groups can be taken offline from another cluster.
-offline [-force] [-ifprobed] group -any [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The -any option can be used to stop a service group by taking its resources offline on any system within a cluster. The -force option is required to offline the ClusterService group. Note: Symantec recommends that you do not offline the GlobalService group when you use global clusters. If you use global clusters, the command offlines the specified global service group on any system in the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. The -force option can be used to offline a global group on a cluster when another cluster having the authority for the group is faulted. Only global service groups can be taken offline from another cluster.
-switch group -to system [-clus cluster | -localclus [-nopre]]
Switch a service group from the system on which it is active to the specified system. This applies only to failover groups (groups that have the Parallel attribute set to zero). If you use global clusters, the command switches a global service group from a system to a specified system in the specified remote cluster cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. Only global service groups can be switched within or across clusters from another cluster. If you set the value of the PreSwitch group attribute to 1 in the global group definition of the remote cluster, the VCS engine invokes PreSwitch action for the resources that support the PreSwitch action. The engine switches a service group normally if all the actions succeed. If any of the actions fail, then the engine aborts the switch operation. See Veritas Cluster Server User Guide for more information. The -nopre option indicates that the VCS engine must switch the service group regardless of the value of the PreSwitch service group attribute.
-switch group -any [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The -any option can be used to switch a service group to the best possible system on which it is currently not online, based on the value of the group's FailOverPolicy attribute. If you use global clusters, the command switches a global service group from a system to a system in specified cluster, either local or remote. The -clus or -localclus option indicates a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. Only global service groups can be switched within or across clusters from another cluster. With the -any option, the VCS engine does not invoke the PreSwitch action of any resources even if you set the value of the PreSwitch group attribute to 1.
-freeze group -persistent
Freeze a service group (disables onlining, offlining, and failover). The -persistent flag indicates the freeze is maintained after a system is rebooted, or the engine is stopped and restarted. NOTE that the configuration must be read-write to use this option.
-freeze group [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Freeze a service group (disable onlining, offlining, and failover). If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command freezes the specified global service group in the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. Only global service groups can be frozen from another cluster.
-unfreeze group -persistent
Thaw a service group (reenables onlining, offlining, and failover). The -persistent flag indicates the freeze is maintained after a system is rebooted. NOTE that the configuration must be read-write to use this option.
-unfreeze group [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Thaw a service group (reenables onlining, offlining, and failover). If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command unfreezes the specified global service group in the specified cluster. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. Only global service groups can be unfrozen from another cluster.
-enable group [-sys system]
Enable a service group.
-disable group [-sys system]
Disable a service group. Actions such as onlining and switching are not permitted on the group.
-autoenable group -sys system
When VCS does not know the status of a given service group on a given system, it marks that service group as auto-disabled by setting the AutoDisabled attribute to 1 for that system. This can happen if VCS is not running on that system, or if all the resources in the service group on that system are not probed yet. A service group cannot be onlined or failed over if it is auto-disabled. If you want to override this behavior, you can use the autoenable option to clear the AutoDisabled flag for a service group on a system. For example, "hagrp -autoenable foo -sys bar" will clear the AutoDisabled flag for the service group foo on system bar. Caution: To bring a group online manually after VCS has autodisabled it, make sure that the group is not fully or partially active on any system that has the AutoDisabled attribute set to 1 by VCS. Specifically, verify that all resources that may be corrupted by being active on multiple systems are brought down on the designated systems. Then, clear the AutoDisabled attribute for each system: # hagrp -autoenable service_group -sys system_name
-enableresources group
Enable all resources in a service group. Agents monitor the resources in the group.
-disableresources group
Disable all resources in a service group. Agents do not monitor the resources in the group.
-ignore group -clus cluster
The -ignore option marks the selected remote group as offline on the specified remote cluster. The remote cluster specified should be in the \(oqfaulted\(cq state. This option is used in conjunction with the -status and -failover options of the haclus command. This ignores groups from the faulted cluster as seen from the local cluster. Ignored groups will not be listed in the output of the -status and -failover options of the haclus command.
-display [group(s)] [-attribute attribute(s)] [-sys system(s)] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Display the attributes and their values for a specified group (or all groups if no group is specified). If the system is specified, display the attributes and values for the specified group on the specified system. If the cluster is specified, display the attributes and values for the specified group on the specified cluster. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command displays the specified information for all systems on all clusters. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only the values of attributes of global groups can be displayed across clusters.
-state [group(s)] [-sys system(s)] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Display the current state of the specified groups on the specified system (or all systems if no system is specified) in the specified cluster. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command lists the state of the specified system. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only the states of global groups can be displayed across clusters.
-list [conditional(s)] [-clus cluster | -localclus]
Displays a list of groups whose values match given conditional statement(s). Conditional statements can take three forms: Attribute=Value, Attribute!=Value, Attribute=~Value. Multiple conditional statements imply AND logic. If no conditional statement is specified, all groups in the cluster are listed. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command lists the specified global groups on all clusters. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. Only global groups can be displayed across clusters.
-value group attr system [-clus cluster | -localclus]
The -value option provides the value of a single group attribute. For example, "hagrp -value groupX State sysb -clus C2" displays the value of the \(oqState\(cq attribute for the group "groupX" on system "sysb" in the remote cluster C2. If no cluster is specified, the local cluster is considered. The system name must be specified for local attribute values but not for global attribute values. The -value option is used instead of the -display option when one specific attribute value is needed rather than a table of many attribute values. If the Global Cluster option is in use, the command displays the values for the attribute on all clusters. Use the -clus or -localclus option to indicate a specific cluster. The -localclus option specifies the cluster in which the command is issued. For a system whose name is not unique among clusters, specify the name of its cluster. Only a global group's attribute value can be displayed across clusters.
-dep [group(s)]
Display dependencies between groups.
-resources group
List resources for a service group.
-wait group attribute value [-clus cluster] [-sys system] [-time timeout]
The -wait option is for use in scripts to direct the hagrp command to block until the value of the attribute is changed as specified, or until the timeout expires. If a timeout is not specified, the command line interface blocks indefinitely. timeout is an integer specifying seconds. See EXAMPLES. The -wait option can be used only with changes to scalar attributes. The -sys option can be applied only when the scope of the attribute is local. The -clus option applies only when applying the -wait option in a Global Cluster environment. The scalar group level attributes on the remote cluster are limited to those capable of being displayed using the hagrp -display -clusremote_cluster command.
-help [-modify | -link | -list]
Display information about using hagrp. The -modify option provides modify specific help; the -link option provides link specific help; the -list option provides list specific help.
-modify modify_options
The -modify option lets you modify a service group's attributes. You must make the configuration read-write before modifying any attributes. Some attributes, such as ProbesPending, are internal to VCS and cannot be modified. You can modify any attribute that can be configured in main.cf. You may modify a scalar attribute's existing value. You may not use -modify to change values already defined for a vector, a keylist, or an association attribute. For vector, keylist, and association attributes, use the modify_options, which include -add, -delete, -update, or -delete -keys. Refer to the following list of permissible -modify commands. You may display the commands by using -hagrp -help -modify.
hagrp -modify group attr value [-sys system]
Use the following command only when the attribute has no value: hagrp -modify group attr value [-sys system] For vector attributes that have values defined, only the following operations are allowed: hagrp -modify group attr -add value [-sys system] hagrp -modify group attr -delete -keys [-sys system] Note: You cannot delete an individual element of a VECTOR.
Use the following command only when the attribute has no value: hagrp -modify group attr key [-sys system] For keylist attributes that have values defined, only the following operations are allowed. hagrp -modify group attr -add key [-sys system] hagrp -modify group attr -delete key [-sys system] hagrp -modify group attr -delete -keys [-sys system]
Use the following command only when the attribute has no value: hagrp -modify group attr {key value} [-sys system] For association attributes that have values defined, only the following operations are allowed. hagrp -modify group attr -add {key value} [-sys system] hagrp -modify group attr -update {key value} [-sys system] hagrp -modify group attr -delete key [-sys system] hagrp -modify group attr -delete -keys [-sys system]


To online group db_grp on system mars01, enter:

     # hagrp -online db_grp -sys mars01

From a script, to use the -wait option to direct the hagrp command to block until the service group db_grp comes ONLINE on system mars01, enter:

     # hagrp -wait db_grp State ONLINE -sys mars01


The VCS server may reject some hagrp commands. For example, VCS does not allow you to online a failover service group on a system if the group is online elsewhere in the cluster, or if the group is faulted on that system.

When using the command to specify or modify an attribute's value that begins with a dash ("-"), precede the value with a percent sign ("%"). For example, specify -y as %-y. Likewise, precede a value that starts with a percent sign with another percent sign.


hares(1M), haclus(1M), haconf(1M)


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All rights reserved.

Last updated: 07/03/2008
Copyright ©2009 Symantec Corporation
All rights reserved.