About I/O fencing configuration files

Table: I/O fencing configuration files lists the I/O fencing configuration files.

Table: I/O fencing configuration files




This file stores the start and stop environment variables for I/O fencing:

  • VXFEN_START - Defines the startup behavior for the I/O fencing module after a system reboot. Valid values include:

    1 - Indicates that I/O fencing is enabled to start up.

    0 - Indicates that I/O fencing is disabled to start up.

  • VXFEN_STOP - Defines the shutdown behavior for the I/O fencing module during a system shutdown. Valid values include:

    1 - Indicates that I/O fencing is enabled to shut down.

    0 - Indicates that I/O fencing is disabled to shut down.

The installer sets the value of these variables to 1 at the end of Storage Foundation Cluster File System configuration.


This file includes the coordinator disk group information.

This file is not applicable for server-based fencing.


This file contains the following parameters:

  • vxfen_mode

    • scsi3 - For disk-based fencing

    • customized - For server-based fencing

    • disabled - To run the I/O fencing driver but not do any fencing operations.

  • vxfen_mechanism

    This parameter is applicable only for server-based fencing. Set the value as cps.

  • scsi3_disk_policy

    • dmp - Configure the vxfen module to use DMP devices

      The disk policy is dmp by default. If you use iSCSI devices, you must set the disk policy as dmp.

    • raw - Configure the vxfen module to use the underlying raw character devices


    You must use the same SCSI-3 disk policy on all the nodes.

  • security

    This parameter is applicable only for server-based fencing.

    1 - Indicates that Symantec Product Authentication Service is used for CP server communications. This setting is the default.

    0 - Indicates that communication with the CP server is in non-secure mode.


    The CP server and the Storage Foundation Cluster File System clusters must have the same security setting.

  • List of coordination points

    This list is required only for server-based fencing configuration.

    Coordination points in a server-based fencing can include coordinator disks, CP servers, or a mix of both. If you use coordinator disks, you must create a coordinator disk group with the coordinator disk names.

    Refer to the sample file /etc/vxfen.d/vxfenmode_cps for more information on how to specify the coordination points.


When I/O fencing starts, the vxfen startup script creates this /etc/vxfentab file on each node. The startup script uses the contents of the /etc/vxfendg and /etc/vxfenmode files. Any time a system is rebooted, the fencing driver reinitializes the vxfentab file with the current list of all the coordinator points.


The /etc/vxfentab file is a generated file; do not modify this file.

For disk-based I/O fencing, the /etc/vxfentab file on each node contains a list of all paths to each coordinator disk. An example of the /etc/vxfentab file in a disk-based fencing configuration on one node resembles as follows:

  • Raw disk:

  • DMP disk:


For server-based fencing, the /etc/vxfentab file also includes the security settings information.