Uninstalling Storage Foundation using the pkgrm command

Use the following procedure to uninstall Storage Foundation using the pkgrm command.

If you are uninstalling Veritas Storage Foundation using the pkgrm command, the packages must be removed in a specific order, or else the uninstallation will fail. Removing the packages out of order will result in some errors, including possible core dumps, although the packages will still be removed.

To uninstall Storage Foundation

  1. Unmount all VxFS file systems and Storage Checkpoints, and close all VxVM volumes.

    Comment out or remove any Veritas File System (VxFS) entries from the file system table /etc/vfstab. Failing to remove these entries could result in system boot problems later.

  2. Unmount all mount points for VxFS file systems and Storage Checkpoints.

    # umount /mount_point
  3. Stop all applications from accessing VxVM volumes, and close all VxVM volumes.

  4. Stop various daemons, if applicable.

    # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxsvcctrl stop
  5. Remove the packages in the following order:

    # pkgrm VRTSvlic VRTSperl VRTSspt VRTSob \
    VRTSvxvm VRTSaslapm VRTSsfmh VRTSvxfs VRTSfssdk VRTSdbed \
    VRTSodm VRTSat