Converting from QuickLog to Multi-Volume support

The 4.1 release of the Veritas File System is the last major release to support QuickLog. The Version 6 or Version 7 disk layout does not support QuickLog. The functionality provided by the Veritas Multi-Volume Support (MVS) feature replaces most of the functionality provided by QuickLog.

The following procedure describes how to convert from QuickLog to MVS. Unlike QuickLog, which allowed logging of up to 31 VxFS file systems to one device, MVS allows intent logging of only one file system per device. Therefore, the following procedure must be performed for each file system that is logged to a QuickLog device if Version 6 or Version 7 disk layout is used.

The QuickLog device did not need to be related to the file system. For MVS, the log volume and the file system volume must be in the same disk group.

To convert Quicklog to MVS

  1. Select a QuickLog-enabled file system to convert to MVS and unmount it.

    # umount myfs
  2. Detach one of the QuickLog volumes from the QuickLog device that the file system had been using. This volume will be used as the new intent log volume for the file system.

    # qlogdetach -g diskgroup log_vol
  3. Create the volume set.

    # vxvset make myvset myfs_volume
  4. Mount the volume set.

    # mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/myvset /mnt1
  5. Upgrade the volume set's file system to Version 6 or Version 7 disk layout.

    For example:

    # vxupgrade -n 6 /mnt1
  6. Add the log volume from step 2 to the volume set.

    # vxvset addvol myvset log_vol
  7. Add the log volume to the file system. The size of the volume must be specified.

    # fsvoladm add /mnt1 log_vol 50m
  8. Move the log to the new volume.

    # fsadm -o logdev=log_vol,logsize=16m /mnt1