Modifying the VCS configuration files on existing nodes

Modify the configuration files on the remaining nodes of the cluster to remove references to the deleted nodes.

Tasks for modifying the cluster configuration files:

For an example

To edit the /etc/llthosts file

To edit the /etc/gabtab file

Modify the VCS configuration file to remove all references to the deleted node.

Use one of the following methods to modify the configuration:

The following procedure uses the command line interface and modifies the sample VCS configuration to remove references to the deleted node. Run the steps in the procedure from one of the existing nodes in the cluster. The procedure allows you to change the VCS configuration while applications remain online on the remaining nodes.

To modify the cluster configuration using the command line interface (CLI)

  1. Back up the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ file.
    # cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
    # cp
  2. Change the cluster configuration to read-write mode:
    # haconf -makerw
  3. Remove the node from the AutoStartList attribute of the service group by specifying the remaining nodes in the desired order:
    # hagrp -modify cvm AutoStartList sys1 sys2
  4. Remove the node from the SystemList attribute of the service group:
    # hagrp -modify cvm SystemList -delete sys5

    If the system is part of the SystemList of a parent group, it must be deleted from the parent group first.

  5. Remove the node from the CVMNodeId attribute of the service group:
    # hares -modify cvm_clus CVMNodeId -delete sys5
  6. If you have the other service groups (such as the database service group or the ClusterService group) that have the removed node in their configuration, perform step 4 and step 5 for each of them.
  7. Remove the deleted node from the NodeList attribute of all CFS mount resources:

    # hares -modify CFSMount NodeList -delete sys5
  8. Remove the deleted node from the system list of any other service groups that exist on the cluster. For example, to delete the node sys5:
    # hagrp -modify appgrp SystemList -delete sys5
  9. Remove the deleted node from the cluster system list:
    # hasys -delete sys5
  10. Save the new configuration to disk:
    # haconf -dump -makero
  11. Verify that the node is removed from the VCS configuration.
    # grep -i sys5 /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/

    If the node is not removed, use the VCS commands as described in this procedure to remove the node.

More Information

Sample configuration file for removing a node from the cluster