WebSphere MQ agent attributes

Refer to the required and optional attributes while configuring the agent for WebSphere MQ Queue Manager.

Table: Required attributes shows the required attributes for configuring a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager.

Table: Required attributes

Required attributes



Decides whether the monitor function must monitor the command server process. This attribute is applicable for WebSphere version 6.0 and later.

If this attribute is set to 1, the agent for WebSphere MQ monitors the command server process, amqpcsea. If this process faults, the agent for WebSphere MQ restarts the process.

If you set this attribute to 0, the agent for WebSphere MQ does not monitor the amqpcsea process.

Type and dimension: Boolean-scalar

Default: 0

Example: 1


UNIX user name of the owner of the WebSphere MQ directories and executables. The agent functions use this name to execute all WebSphere MQ commands. This user name also owns the WebSphere MQ processes.

This user name does not have to be unique within a cluster. The login shell for this user must be Bourne, Korn, or C-shell.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Default: mqm

Example: mqusr1


Version of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager. Valid values are 5.3, 6.0, and 7.0.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Default: 6.0

Example: 7.0


Name of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager that the cluster server manages.

You must uniquely define this attribute for each Queue Manager within the cluster. This attribute also uniquely identifies the processes running for a specific WebSphere MQ Queue Manager.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Default: ""

Example: venus.queue.manager


The logging detail performed by the agent for the resource. Valid values are:

ERROR: Only logs error messages.

WARN : Logs above plus warning messages.

INFO: Logs above plus informational messages.

TRACE: Logs above plus trace messages. TRACE is very verbose and should only be used during initial configuration or for troubleshooting and diagnostic functions.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Default: INFO

Example: TRACE

Table: Optional attributes shows the optional attributes for configuring a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager.

Table: Optional attributes

Optional attribute



The complete path of the file name to source to set the environment prior to executing WebSphere MQ programs. Symantec recommends storing the file on the shared disk. This ensures that the same file is available on each failover node. Specifying this attribute is optional. The shell environments supported are ksh, sh, and csh.

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Default: ""

Example: /MQ/setEnv.sh


Absolute path name of an external, user-supplied monitor executable. For information about setting this attribute:

Type and dimension: string-scalar

Default: ""

Example 1: /ibm/mq/myMonitor.sh

Example 2: /ibm/mq/myMonitor.sh arg1 arg2


Used to enable second-level monitoring. Second-level monitoring is a deeper, more thorough state check of the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager. The numeric value specifies how often the monitoring routines must run. 0 means never run the second-level monitoring routines, 1 means run routines every monitor interval, 2 means run routines every second monitor interval, and so on.


Exercise caution while setting SecondLevelMonitor to large numbers. For example, if the MonitorInterval is set to 60 seconds and the SecondLevelMonitor is set to 100, then the runmqsc command is executed every 100 minutes, which may not be as often as intended. For maximum flexibility, no upper limit is defined for SecondLevelMonitor.


The SecondLevelMonitor attribute is applicable to VCS versions earlier than VCS 5.1 SP1 with WebSphereMQ agent versions earlier than From VCS version 5.1 SP1 with WebSphere MQ agent version onwards, the SecondLevelMonitor attribute of the WebSphereMQ agent is deprecated. Instead, a resource type level attribute LevelTwoMonitorFreq should be used to specify the frequency of in-depth monitoring.

Type and dimension: integer-scalar

Default: 0

Example: 1


Specifies the frequency at which the agent for this resource type must perform second-level or detailed monitoring. You can also override the value of this attribute at the resource level.

The value indicates the number of monitor cycles after which the agent will monitor the WebSphere MQ queue manager in detail. For example, the value 5 indicates that the agent will monitor the WebSphere MQ queue manager in detail after every five online monitor intervals.


This attribute is applicable to VCS version 5.1 SP1 with WebSphere MQ agent version or later. If the VCS version is earlier than VCS 5.1 SP1 and the WebSphere MQ agent version is earlier than, the SecondLevelMonitor attribute should be used.

If you upgraded the VCS version to VCS 5.1 SP1 and the WebSphereMQ agent version to (or later), and if you had enabled detail monitoring in the previous version, then do the following:

  • Set the value of the LevelTwoMonitorFreq attribute to the same value as that of the SecondLevelMonitor attribute.

Type and dimension: integer-scalar

Default: 0


Decides whether the monitor and clean function must monitor and clean the MQ listener process.

If this attribute is set to 1, the agent for WebSphere MQ monitors and cleans the MQ listener process (runmqlsr), as part of mandatory processes.

If you set this attribute to 0 (default value), the agent for WebSphere MQ does not monitor the runmqlsr process.


If you enable MonitorListener, you should not configure separate resource for listener process as this process is already monitored and cleaned as part of WebSphereMQ resource.

Type and dimension: boolean-scaler

Default: 0

Example: 1


When more than one copy of WebSphere MQ is installed on a system, each Queue Manager is associated with a particular installation. Specify the location of the WebSphere MQ installation to which this Queue Manager is associated.

For WebSphere MQ versions earlier than 7.1, the default installation path is /opt/mqm or /usr/mqm for AIX platforms .

Specify a custom installation path for WebSphere MQ 7.1 or later.

If you change the installation that is associated with a Queue Manager, ensure that you update this attribute to specify the newly-associated installation path.

Example: /opt/customLocation

Default: " "


For information about the additional attributes of the agent for WebSphereMQ when IMF is enabled: See Attributes that enable IMF.

More Information

Executing a customized monitoring program