Sample VCS configuration file for single WebSphere MQ Queue Manager instance (LVM)

Figure: Dependency graph for single WebSphere MQ Queue Manager instance (LVM) shows a typical service group configured to monitor the state of a WebSphere MQ Queue Manager instance. In this example, the WebSphere MQ Queue Manager instance uses LVM volume as storage.

Figure: Dependency graph for single WebSphere MQ Queue Manager instance (LVM)

Dependency graph for single WebSphere MQ Queue Manager instance (LVM)

Review the sample configuration with a resource of type WebSphere MQ Queue Manager that is configured as follows in file.

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster Cluster_3175 (
	SecureClus = 1

system sles11sp2mq1 (

group MQ_1 (
	SystemList = { sles11sp2mq1 = 0 }
	UserAssoc = { Type = WebSphereMQ,
		 Name = "WebSphere MQ: Queue manager" }

	Application QM1_Listener_res (
		User = mqm
		StartProgram = "/opt/mqm/bin/runmqlsr -t tcp -I
  -p 1490 -m QM1 &"
		StopProgram = "/opt/mqm/bin/endmqlsr -m QM1"
		MonitorProcesses = {
			 "/opt/mqm/bin/runmqlsr -t tcp -I -p 1490 -m QM1" }

	IP IP_10-209-70-205 (
		Device @sles11sp2mq1 = eth0
		Address = ""
		NetMask = ""

	LVMLogicalVolume lvol_QM1QmgrVol_QM1Qmgrs (
		LogicalVolume = QM1QmgrVol
		VolumeGroup = QM1Qmgrs

	LVMLogicalVolume lvol_QM1TmpVol_QM1Tmp (
		LogicalVolume = QM1TmpVol
		VolumeGroup = QM1Tmp

	LVMVolumeGroup volg_QM1Qmgrs (
		VolumeGroup = QM1Qmgrs

	LVMVolumeGroup volg_QM1Tmp (
		VolumeGroup = QM1Tmp

	Mount mnt_QM1_2 (
		MountPoint = "/var/mqm/qmgrs/QM1"
		BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/QM1Qmgrs-QM1QmgrVol"
		FSType = ext3
		MountOpt = rw
		FsckOpt = "-y"

	Mount mnt_QM1_3 (
		MountPoint = "/var/mqm/log/QM1"
		BlockDevice = "/dev/mapper/QM1Tmp-QM1TmpVol"
		FSType = ext3
		MountOpt = rw
		FsckOpt = "-y"

	Proxy NICProxy_10-209-70-205 (
		TargetResName @sles11sp2mq1 = NIC_sles11sp2mq1_eth0

	VMwareDisks VMwareDisk_1 (
		ESXDetails = {
			 "" = "root=drjPgrGldJejFjg" }
		DiskPaths = {
  slesQM2Tmp.vmdk" = "0:1" }
		VMRegisterWait = 5

	VMwareDisks VMwareDisk_2 (
		ESXDetails = {
			 "" = "root=drjPgrGldJejFjg" }
		DiskPaths = {
  slesQM2Qmgrs.vmdk" = "0:2" }
		VMRegisterWait = 5

	WebSphereMQ6 QM1 (
		QueueManager = QM1
		MQVer = "7.0"

	IP_10-209-70-205 requires NICProxy_10-209-70-205
	QM1 requires mnt_QM1_2
	QM1 requires mnt_QM1_3
	QM1_Listener_res requires IP_10-209-70-205
	QM1_Listener_res requires QM1
	lvol_QM1QmgrVol_QM1Qmgrs requires volg_QM1Qmgrs
	lvol_QM1TmpVol_QM1Tmp requires volg_QM1Tmp
	mnt_QM1_2 requires lvol_QM1QmgrVol_QM1Qmgrs
	mnt_QM1_3 requires lvol_QM1TmpVol_QM1Tmp
	volg_QM1Qmgrs requires VMwareDisk_2
	volg_QM1Tmp requires VMwareDisk_1

	// resource dependency tree
	//	group MQ_1
	//	{
	//	Application QM1_Listener_res
	//	    {
	//	    IP IP_10-209-70-205
	//	        {
	//	        Proxy NICProxy_10-209-70-205
	//	        }
	//	    WebSphereMQ6 QM1
	//	        {
	//	        Mount mnt_QM1_2
	//	            {
	//	            LVMLogicalVolume lvol_QM1QmgrVol_QM1Qmgrs
	//	                {
	//	                LVMVolumeGroup volg_QM1Qmgrs
	//	                    {
	//	                    VMwareDisks VMwareDisk_2
	//	                    }
	//	                }
	//	            }
	//	        Mount mnt_QM1_3
	//	            {
	//	            LVMLogicalVolume lvol_QM1TmpVol_QM1Tmp
	//	                {
	//	                LVMVolumeGroup volg_QM1Tmp
	//	                    {
	//	                    VMwareDisks VMwareDisk_1
	//	                    }
	//	                }
	//	            }
	//	        }
	//	    }
	//	}

group VCSInfraSG (
	SystemList = { sles11sp2mq1 = 0 }
	UserAssoc = { Type = "vcs internal",
		 Name = "VCS Infrastructure service group" }
	Parallel = 1
	AutoStartList = { sles11sp2mq1 }
	OnlineRetryLimit = 5

	Process VCSNotifySinkRes (
		PathName = "/opt/VRTSvcs/portal/admin/notify_sink"

	// resource dependency tree
	//	group VCSInfraSG
	//	{
	//	Process VCSNotifySinkRes
	//	}

group sles11sp2mq1_NIC_SG (
	SystemList = { sles11sp2mq1 = 0 }
	UserAssoc = { Type = "vcs internal", Name = "NIC service group" }

	NIC NIC_sles11sp2mq1_eth0 (
		Device @sles11sp2mq1 = eth0
		Mii = 0

	Phantom Phantom_NIC_SGsles11sp2mq1 (

	// resource dependency tree
	//	group sles11sp2mq1_NIC_SG
	//	{
	//	NIC NIC_sles11sp2mq1_eth0
	//	Phantom Phantom_NIC_SGsles11sp2mq1
	//	}