Configuring a WebSphere MQ listener

A WebSphere MQ Queue Manager uses a Listener to listen for requests on a specific IP address. You can configure a Listener resource in the cluster using a bundled application agent. An example listener resource configuration is shown as follows. In this example, the virtual IP address is set to and the Queue Manager name is venus.veritas.

See WebSphere MQ agent attributes.

You can enable the MonitorListener attribute, if the listener is configured to start automatically when the queue manager starts.

You can enable the MonitorListener attribute, to start Listener when WebSphere MQ resource is online.

You can replace these values with the virtual IP address and Queue Manager name defined within the cluster.

Application was4WSMQ_listen
   User       = mqm
   StartProgram   = "/opt/mqm/bin/runmqlsr -t tcp 
                    -i -m venus.veritas &"
   StopProgram   = "/opt/mqm/bin/endmqlsr -m venus.veritas"
   MonitorProcesses  = {"/opt/mqm/bin/runmqlsr -t tcp
                        -i -m venus.veritas" }

For details about the WebSphere MQ listener, refer to the WebSphere MQ documentation.