Installation script options

Table: Available command line options shows command line options for the installation script. For an initial install or upgrade, options are not usually required. The installation script options apply to all Veritas Storage Foundation product scripts, except where otherwise noted.

See About Veritas Storage Foundation and High Availability Solutions installation scripts.

Table: Available command line options

Command Line Option


system1 system2...

Specifies the systems on which to run the installation options. A system name is required for all options. If not specified, the command prompts for a system name.

- addnode

Adds a node to a high availability cluster.

- allpkgs

Displays all filesets and patches required for the specified product. The filesets and patches are listed in correct installation order. The output can be used to create scripts for command line installs, or for installations over a network.

- comcleanup

The -comcleanup option removes the secure shell or remote shell configuration added by installer on the systems. The option is only required when installation routines that performed auto-configuration of the shell are abruptly terminated.

- configure

Configures the product after installation.

- fencing

Configures I/O fencing in a running cluster.

- hostfile full_path_to_file

Specifies the location of a file that contains a list of hostnames on which to install.

- install

The -install option is used to install products on systems.

- installallpkgs

Specifies that all filesets are installed.

- installminpkgs

Specifies that the minimum fileset set is installed.

- installrecpkgs

Specifies that the required fileset set is installed.

- keyfile ssh_key_file

Specifies a key file for secure shell (SSH) installs. This option passes -i ssh_key_file to every SSH invocation.

- license

Registers or updates product licenses on the specified systems.

- logpath log_path

Specifies a directory other than /opt/VRTS/install/logs as the location where installer log files, summary files, and response files are saved.

- makeresponsefile

Use the -makeresponsefile option only to generate response files. No actual software installation occurs when you use this option.

- minpkgs

Displays the minimal filesets and patches required for the specified product. The filesets and patches are listed in correct installation order. Optional filesets are not listed. The output can be used to create scripts for command line installs, or for installations over a network. See allpkgs option.

- nim

Produces a NIM configuration file for installing with NIM.

- nolic

Allows installation of product filesets without entering a license key. Licensed features cannot be configured, started, or used when this option is specified.

- pkginfo

Displays a list of filesets and the order of installation in a human-readable format. This option only applies to the individual product installation scripts. For example, use the -pkginfo option with the installvcs script to display VCS filesets.

- pkgpath package_path

Designates the path of a directory that contains all filesets to install. The directory is typically an NFS-mounted location and must be accessible by all specified installation systems.

- pkgset

Discovers and displays the fileset group (minimum, recommended, all) and filesets that are installed on the specified systems.

- pkgtable

Displays product's filesets in correct installation order by group.

- postcheck

Checks for different HA and file system-related processes, the availability of different ports, and the availability of cluster-related service groups.

- precheck

Performs a preinstallation check to determine if systems meet all installation requirements. Symantec recommends doing a precheck before installing a product.

- recpkgs

Displays the recommended filesets and patches required for the specified product. The filesets and patches are listed in correct installation order. Optional filesets are not listed. The output can be used to create scripts for command line installs, or for installations over a network. See allpkgs option.

- redirect

Displays progress details without showing the progress bar.

- requirements

The -requirements option displays required OS version, required filesets and patches, file system space, and other system requirements in order to install the product.

- responsefile response_file

Automates installation and configuration by using system and configuration information stored in a specified file instead of prompting for information. The response_file must be a full path name. You must edit the response file to use it for subsequent installations. Variable field definitions are defined within the file.


Starts a rolling upgrade. Using this option, the installer detects the rolling upgrade status on cluster systems automatically without the need to specify rolling upgrade phase 1 or phase 2 explicitly.

- rollingupgrade_phase1

The -rollingupgrade_phase1 option is used to perform rolling upgrade Phase-I. In the phase, the product kernel filesets get upgraded to the latest version

- rollingupgrade_phase2

The -rollingupgrade_phase2 option is used to perform rolling upgrade Phase-II. In the phase, VCS and other agent filesets upgrade to the latest version. Product kernel drivers are rolling-upgraded to the latest protocol version."

- rsh

Specify this option when you want to use RSH and RCP for communication between systems instead of the default SSH and SCP.

See About configuring secure shell or remote shell communication modes before installing products.

- serial

Specifies that the installation script performs install, uninstall, start, and stop operations on each system in a serial fashion. If this option is not specified, these operations are performed simultaneously on all systems.


Specify this option when you want to set tunable parameters after you install and configure a product. You may need to restart processes of the product for the tunable parameter values to take effect. You must use this option together with the -tunablesfile option.

- start

Starts the daemons and processes for the specified product.

- stop

Stops the daemons and processes for the specified product.

- tmppath tmp_path

Specifies a directory other than /var/tmp as the working directory for the installation scripts. This destination is where initial logging is performed and where filesets are copied on remote systems before installation.

- uninstall

The -uninstall option is used to uninstall products from systems.


Specify this option when you specify a tunables file. The tunables file should include tunable parameters.

- upgrade

Specifies that an existing version of the product exists and you plan to upgrade it.

- version

Checks and reports the installed products and their versions. Identifies the installed and missing filesets and patches where applicable for the product. Provides a summary that includes the count of the installed and any missing filesets and patches where applicable. Lists the installed patches, hotfixes, and available updates for the installed product if an Internet connection is available.