About AMF tunable parameters

You can set the Asynchronous Monitoring Framework (AMF) kernel module tunable using the following command:

# amfconfig -T tunable_name=tunable_value,

Table: AMF tunable parameters lists the possible tunable parameters for the AMF kernel:

Table: AMF tunable parameters

AMF parameter



Controls log buffer size


Controls the size of process hash table


Controls the size of mount hash table


Controls the size of container hashtable


Controls the size of file hashtable


Controls the size of directory hashtable

The parameter values that you update are reflected after you reconfigure AMF driver. Note that if you unload the module, the updated values are lost. You must unconfigure the module using the amfconfig -U or equivalent command and then reconfigure using the amfconfig -c command for the updated tunables to be effective. If you want to set the tunables at module load time, you can write these amfconfig commands in the amftab file.

See the amftab(4) manual page for details.