Securing communication between the wide-area connectors

Perform the following steps to configure secure communication between the wide-area connectors.

To secure communication between the wide-area connectors

  1. Verify that security is configured in both the clusters. You can use the installvcs -security command to configure security.

    For more information, see the Veritas Cluster Server Installation Guide.

  2. Establish trust between the clusters.

    For example in a VCS global cluster environment with two clusters, perform the following steps to establish trust between the clusters:

    • On each node of the first cluster, enter the following command:

      export EAT_DATA_DIR=/var/VRTSvcs/vcsauth/data/WAC;
      /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/vcsat setuptrust -b 
      IP_address_of_any_node_from_the_second_cluster:14149 -s high

      The command obtains and displays the security certificate and other details of the root broker of the second cluster.

      If the details are correct, enter y at the command prompt to establish trust.

      For example:

      The hash of above credential is
      		Do you want to trust the above?(y/n) y
    • On each node of the second cluster, enter the following command:

      export EAT_DATA_DIR=/var/VRTSvcs/vcsauth/data/WAC
      /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/vcsat setuptrust -b 
      IP_address_of_any_node_from_the_first_cluster:14149 -s high

      The command obtains and displays the security certificate and other details of the root broker of the first cluster.

      If the details are correct, enter y at the command prompt to establish trust.

      Alternatively, if you have passwordless communication set up on the cluster, you can use the installvcs -securitytrust option to set up trust with a remote cluster.

  3. On each cluster, take the wac resource offline on the node where the wac resource is online. For each cluster, run the following command:
    hares -offline wac -sys node_where_wac_is_online
  4. Update the values of the StartProgram and MonitorProcesses attributes of the wac resource:
    haconf -makerw
    hares -modify wac StartProgram \
    "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wacstart -secure"
    hares -modify wac MonitorProcesses \
    "/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/wac -secure"
    haconf -dump -makero
  5. On each cluster, bring the wac resource online. For each cluster, run the following command on any node:
    hares -online wac -sys systemname