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Optional attributes




If value is 1, the DiskGroup online script starts all volumes belonging to that disk group after importing the group. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Default: 1 



If value is 1, the DiskGroup offline script stops all volumes belonging to that disk group before deporting the group. 

Type and dimension: string-scalar 

Default: 1 



Do not use. For internal use only. 



If the value is 1, and SCSI-3 fencing is utilized, the agent monitors the SCSI reservation on the disk group. If the reservation is missing, the monitor agent function takes the resource offline. 

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 

Default: 0 



Number of threads used within the agent process for managing resources. This number does not include threads used for other internal purposes. 

Symantec strongly recommends that you set the value of the NumThreads attribute to 1. Setting this attribute to a higher value may result in agent function timeouts due to serialization of underlying commands. 

Default: 1 



If the DiskGroup resource is in a disabled state, uses I/O fencing, and has PanicSystemOnDGLoss set to 1, the system panics in the first monitor cycle. 

If the DiskGroup resource is in an enabled state, uses I/O fencing, has PanicSystemOnDGLoss set to 1, and fulfills the FaultOnMonitorTimeout attribute's time out number, the system panics. 

  Note   System administrators may want to set a high value for FaultOnMonitorTimeout to increase system tolerance.

Type and dimension: boolean-scalar 

Default: 1