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Output options summary

Commands that provide cluster object information as output usually offer the four output options described below. When available, the output options,
-list, -display, -value, and -state, are the first options in the -help output for the command. Other command options affect command operation and take action on cluster objects.

Output options


What is displayed

What objects are chosen


Lists all objects of the type, limited by the other options. Displays ancestors' names. For example, for groups, the group name, cluster name and management server names are displayed.  

Objects may be filtered. If -server <server> is given, only objects in that server are selected. If -clus <cluster> is given, only objects in that cluster are selected, etc. A list table may be empty if the filter object name (server or cluster) does not exist. 


Displays all attributes of all the objects of the type, limited by the other options. For local attributes, values for all contexts are shown. 

Objects may be filtered. If -server <server> is given only these objects in that server is selected. If -clus <clus-name> is given, only those objects in a cluster with the given name is selected, etc. 


Displays a single attribute value for a single object. If the attribute is local, the -sys option is required. 

You specify exactly one object by giving a qualified name. 


Displays a single state value. If the attribute is local, the -sys option is required. 

You specify exactly one object by giving a qualified name.