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About service group listing tables

The following is a list of the columns and data in tables that list service group information; these tables are usually labeled Groups Listing, but may have more detailed labels at lower view levels.

A service group listing table can appear on more than one view, but columns that show parent objects of the service group are omitted if you have already visited those object levels. For example, to reach a particular view containing a service group listing table, you may have already navigated through one or more view levels by selecting parent objects such as a management server or cluster. In this case, columns that show the parent objects that you have already visited are not included. However, the navigation bar always contains this information.

Using filtering, sorting, and the navigation path

You can tailor a groups listing table according to your needs by doing one or more of the following:

 To filter service groups

  1. In the Home:Groups, Management Server:Groups, or Cluster:Groups view, in the Groups Filter task panel, do any of the following:
  2. Click Apply.

 To sort service groups

  1. In the Groups Listing table, locate the column by which you want to sort the list.
  2. Click the column heading.

    The list is sorted by the values in the selected column in ascending order. An arrow (pointing up) displays in that column heading. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort; this action also reverses the arrow.

Command line tips

You can view service group information using the command line.

 To view a list of service groups at the home level using the command line

 To view a list of service group attributes at the group level using the command line