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Administering systems in multiple clusters

Tasks for collectively administering systems in multiple clusters are available when you are viewing the following:

These tasks include:

Editing attributes of selected systems

The Edit Attributes task in either the Home:Systems or Management Server:Systems view enables you to edit attributes on selected systems in a one-to-many fashion (one action modifies many systems).

 To edit attributes

  1. In either the Home:Systems or Management Server:Systems view, in the Systems Listing table, do one of the following:
  2. In the Configuration task panel, click Edit attributes.
  3. In the Edit Attribute dialog box, specify the following attribute details and then click OK:
Freezing and unfreezing systems

The Freeze task in either the Home:Systems or the Management Server:Systems view enables you to place a system into a state in which it is active, but not monitored, not able to change state, and not able to fail over any of the service groups it contains to another system. Freezing is useful for performing maintenance tasks.

For example, you may want to freeze a system if you want to stop VCS (specifically, HAD), but do not want the service groups it contains and the corresponding applications to fail over to another cluster node.

During the time that a system is frozen, it is running, but not the applications that is hosts are not highly available. Do not unfreeze a service group until VCS has been restarted.

 To freeze or unfreeze selected systems

  1. In either the Home:Systems or Management Server:Systems view, in the Systems Listing table, do one of the following:
  2. In the Operations task panel, click either Freeze or Unfreeze.

      Note   When you freeze the selected systems, a red padlock is added to the status icon for each system. When you subsequently unfreeze them, the padlock is removed.